I am playing in my first SCG Open in Kansas City this weekend. Going in blind with Atarka Red, so who knows how that will go. I am pretty excited![]()
There are almost certainly multiple arts, you can't get enough into circulation or in draft otherwise.If it's anything like Snow-Covered lands in Coldsnap, then you have to draft them normally. However, it's possible that like other basic lands, there will be multiple printings with different art, so the same card will actually appear in four or five different common slots.
As for EDH, the expectation is that any number of Wastes will be allowed in a deck, like any other basic land, except you can put it in any deck, including one with no color identity.
I already knew what it did, I just thought it was funny lol alt-f4 closes your windowWhoops, it's just ALT-4. I dunno why I said F4.
...I take it by your response ALT-F4 does something deleterious
I thought that was the joke. I never expected to see this exchange of posts or meet anyone on Gaf that was in the dark about Alt-F4, lol
Yeah, I thought he was making the joke, too, so I played in as though I pressed it.
: shrug :
Get an email alert that Sealed Leagues are running again in the closed beta. Kreygasm
It's Magic Origins. Kappa
So the person I was going to buy the Expedition from bailed on me. Which sucks. But it got me thinking: Why do I still have my Revised duals? I'm thinking about selling out of those and buying into Expeditions. Any thoughts on why I should or shouldn't?
My thinking: I get high-value versions of cards that see lots of play in a format I like. Also I never play Legacy so they just sit around.
4blackout asked: When/If: A new type of mana (like snow mana).
So the person I was going to buy the Expedition from bailed on me. Which sucks. But it got me thinking: Why do I still have my Revised duals? I'm thinking about selling out of those and buying into Expeditions. Any thoughts on why I should or shouldn't?
My thinking: I get high-value versions of cards that see lots of play in a format I like. Also I never play Legacy so they just sit around.
Yeah, I thought he was making the joke, too, so I played in as though I pressed it.
: shrug :
On one hand, your Duals are in the Holiday slump/Pre-Tax Return period so they're probably at or near their 12 Month low. On the other hand Expeditions are probably pretty close to, or at, their floor so it's not a bad time to get in on them. It's really up to you. Do you get much use out of your Duals? If not, then it might be a good to move into some Expeditions over the next month.
That said, take my opinion with the knowledge that I've been pretty clear about my aversion to Legacy/Vintage cards since I think there's no significant growth potential left there and your money is probably better off in things like certain Judge foils and Expeditions.
So the person I was going to buy the Expedition from bailed on me. Which sucks. But it got me thinking: Why do I still have my Revised duals? I'm thinking about selling out of those and buying into Expeditions. Any thoughts on why I should or shouldn't?
My thinking: I get high-value versions of cards that see lots of play in a format I like. Also I never play Legacy so they just sit around.
On one hand, your Duals are in the Holiday slump/Pre-Tax Return period so they're probably at or near their 12 Month low. On the other hand Expeditions are probably pretty close to, or at, their floor so it's not a bad time to get in on them. It's really up to you. Do you get much use out of your Duals? If not, then it might be a good to move into some Expeditions over the next month.
That said, take my opinion with the knowledge that I've been pretty clear about my aversion to Legacy/Vintage cards since I think there's no significant growth potential left there and your money is probably better off in things like certain Judge foils and Expeditions.
I traded away a set of FOWs several times. I regretted it every time.
Just look at the art. Based Terese Nielsen
WMC Playmat. Looks like this is probably where the leak came from.
WMC Playmat. Looks like this is probably where the leak came from.
Increased play may certainly change this outcome and they should rise between now and when they are printed again, but if, for example, they are also in Oath
Why is Chandra's head on fire? Is she literally the Human Torch?
Why is Chandra's head on fire? Is she literally the Human Torch?
They're not.
I'm not sure why you think there's future reprint potential for these cards. Even though these lands will all assuredly be printed again in the future, this particular pimped iteration won't be. As long as Misty Rainforest is a desirable card in general, a unique and splashy version of it is going to be extra desirable.
Increased play may certainly change this outcome and they should rise between now and when they are printed again, but if, for example, they are also in Oath, now is not the time to buy them.
Finally, dual lands are played extensively in commander, legacy, and vintage.
Given legacy's lack of play, I would also advise that there is a risk that Wizards merges it into Modern legal...making original dual lands spike significantly in price.
I just think selling a card that will never, ever be printed again and is the most powerful land that will likely ever be printed is generally a bad idea. It can go wrong in so many ways.
There's a 0.0% that ABU Duals will ever be in Modern. There literally aren't enough of them in existence.Revised dual lands will basically always stay at their current levels, or rise with inflation. Expeditions can be printed any number of times across any number of sets in the future, and thus on a value basis may decrease in value overall, over time. Increased play may certainly change this outcome and they should rise between now and when they are printed again, but if, for example, they are also in Oath, now is not the time to buy them.
Finally, dual lands are played extensively in commander, legacy, and vintage. Given legacy's lack of play, I would also advise that there is a risk that Wizards merges it into Modern legal...making original dual lands spike significantly in price.
Basically, if I have dual lands up to 4 of each, I never ever sell them or trade them away. They are evergreen.
I just think selling a card that will never, ever be printed again and is the most powerful land that will likely ever be printed is generally a bad idea. It can go wrong in so many ways.
Either Nissa's cape or Jace's (and Gideon's hair) are blowing the wrong way lol![]()
WMC Playmat. Looks like this is probably where the leak came from.
The water on Oracle of Dust is definitely quite nice, but what really made that one a standout piece for me was the composition -- the way you first see that it's just sitting there serenely and meditatively, and then only afterwards notice that it's just casually resting its hand on a dead body, one of several strewn about the area, really helps it communicate alien menace in the way you'd want the Eldrazi to do.
Either Nissa's cape or Jace's (and Gideon's hair) are blowing the wrong way lol
Modern was made specifically to work around the dual lands being on the reserve list. There is a higher possibility of ScarJo crashing through my bedroom window and kicking me in the throat than WotC ever merging modern and legacy. What is far, far, far more likely is that legacy continues to lose official support to the point where it's not played at the prices for those cards plummet to the ceiling. Once they're not usable they quickly become cardboard again. Collectors for that type of stuff expect some eventually turnaround. If the format dies completely - and signs are starting to show that either WotC will have to do away with the reserve list or the format is toast - don't expect to even remotely make your money back on an investment into legacy staples.
Kozilek leading Ulamog is probably significant. Perhaps Ulamog, being weakened, is subject to Kozilek's mindbending influence now?
Which leads to an interesting question: are the Eldrazi not allied with each other, and instead contesting for "territory" to transmute into their preferred waste material?
Might also explain that red-ish aura around Ulamog.