Stop calling them Battlelands then...
Anyways Pat Cox posted a draft where he got 5 Nettle Drones
Anyways Pat Cox posted a draft where he got 5 Nettle Drones
I guess I gotta buy 4 of all fetch lands huh
I guess I gotta buy 4 of all fetch lands huh
Do you think a 2 color deck in modern could function with just fetches, tangos, and basics? Skipping shocks would have the added benefit of being aggro resistant.I would recommend any player picking up sets of Fetches and Shocks if they want to play any non-standard format.
If you play Blood Moon, yes. Blue Moon only plays two Steam Vents.Do you think a 2 color deck in modern could function with just fetches, tangos, and basics? Skipping shocks would have the added benefit of being aggro resistant.
If you play Blood Moon, yes. Blue Moon only plays two Steam Vents.
Very few modern decks plays a playset of shocklands and in Legacy you just play ABUDuals.I would recommend any player picking up sets of Fetches and Shocks if they want to play any non-standard format.
I think I can assemble Jund by July of 2019 at this rate of getting one expensive card every other month. Good for MM2015 for existing though so I don't have to be concerned by fake Tarmogoyfs.
Containment Priest wouldn't do anything.as would timestop and containment priest
Just needs a sac outlet for even more value
Containment Priest wouldn't do anything.
Time Stop would either just be a counter spell or keep him form getting tokens, but not lands.
Blogatog said:howler13 asked: Can you share any insight as to why Dwarves fell out of favor and/or what has kept them out of the game for nearly 13 years?
There was a person who was a major player on the creative team that didnt like Dwarves and kept steering worlds away from using them. That person is no longer on the creative team.
So Rosewater did a podcast this week about how Magic has changed in the last twenty years. I was trying to think of what single card you could show to someone twenty years ago to blow their minds most effectively, but I think Kozilek 2 might just be it. 😂
OH YEAH then what is annihilator 6
Em Kozi and Ula remind me of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Gods
So Rosewater did a podcast this week about how Magic has changed in the last twenty years. I was trying to think of what single card you could show to someone twenty years ago to blow their minds most effectively, but I think Kozilek 2 might just be it. 😂
Or something like Grave Titan- a well-costed monster Black creature with zero drawbacks.
I have a high concept idea for an EDH deck, one that exiles everything. Like all its effects are based around exiling, and it runs white/black to do so. Using Obzedat as the commander to utilize the effects greatly or the ghost king dude
Emrakul would be my suggestion. The card is very simple on one level (every ability is explained on the card), but so totally and utterly insane power wise compared to the start of the game. I think we've even had people in this thread come back to the game and be surprised by that card.
Planeswalkers are neat, but I think they are too complicated to grasp at first sight and have a ton of rules behind them.
A card like Lightning Strike could be interesting, too
Yeah, the rules for planeswalkers don't follow naturally from the visual design, so I think it'd be more of a head scratcher than a real WTF.
I'll never understand drunk magic, and I tried it before.
How lucky is that keating guy?
Walgreens has 40% of boosters and intros for the week. Not as good as the b1g1 from previous years, still cheaper than a box, though. Kinda hit or miss depending on stock, but they're really good with rain checks. Needs a Walgreen account / card, its free and no spam. Picked up 10 packs of Zen for 25, rain check at three other stores.
Drunk Magic isn't the goal, getting drunk is the goal and then after getting drunk playing Magic becomes goal A.
I get a 15% discount on top of that for being an employee of the local school district.