Random comments:
* I have to say, I'm surprised at the amount of instant land destruction in this set.
* They actually put an instant Act of Treason in red?
* All of the token focus in blue is unusual. Someone was wondering about the blue Eldrazi that boosts power, but it makes sense when blue is the color that cares most about the Scions, and it also helps artifacts, which blue has always helped.
* Still more menace in red than black. No prowess is odd, but I suppose it makes sense with so many things that care about colorless things being cast. Prowess is unusual is an evergreen mechanic that way. In any case, with blue's focus on tokens in this set, it didn't really need that mechanic here. We might still see it in Oath, though, particularly on the blue-red manland.
* Swell of Growth (+2/+2, put land on battlefield) makes the red spellland pretty good.
* No 2-or-less burn spell that can hit the face is surprising.
* Glad with Sure Strike (+3/+0 first strike for 1R) that they realize they can do better than Thunder Strike.
* Limited at least looks fairly interesting.