The Technomancer
card-carrying scientician
"haha man, I guess this summer vacation isn't going to be so bad afterall"

You forgot the best burn spell red had in agesYeah, mono red takes a huge hit from Lightning Strike, Eidolon, Satyr, FSD, and Rabblemaster leaving with nothing replacing them. Maybe Abbots and Firecrafts will be cheaper now, at least. But yeah, how disappointing...
Yeah, mono red takes a huge hit from Lightning Strike, Eidolon, Satyr, FSD, and Rabblemaster leaving with nothing replacing them. Maybe Abbots and Firecrafts will be cheaper now, at least. But yeah, how disappointing...
That's one way to slow the format down and make all those bland Eldrazi playable.
Oh."Oh cool, a geopede that is plated."
Where do I get the not full art basics? (So I know what to avoid)
What a weird-ass Magic card:
Some of these cards
Instant Rampant Growth +1 mana
Instant Stone Rain +1 mana
Instant Threaten +2 mana
Emrakul is a...lady? I kind of assumed they didn't have genders.
Emrakul is a...lady? I kind of assumed they didn't have genders.
The Eldrazi are cosmic, interplanar beings that dont have gender. But the more I look into it, the more I lean toward Emrakul properly being called female rather than male, if you had to pick one. The kor and the merfolk of Zendikar both believed in a trio of gods that turned out to be based on legends of the three major Eldrazi titans. The genders of the kor and merfolk pantheons differed, but both races (if Im remembering this right) called Em, the god based on ancestral memories of dread Emrakul, female.
Some readers noted that I refered to Emrakul as she in a previous answer Yes, this is ostensibly correct.
While, of course, the Eldrazi are unfathomable monstrosities, the three legendary Eldrazi were known to residents of Zendikar as gods by other names. Emrakul was the sky goddess Emeria, Ulamog was the sea god Ula, and Kozilek was the earth god Cosi. You can read more on the mythologies here.
So yes, since Emeria was a goddess, and Ula and Cosi were gods, I see Emrakul as female and Ulamog and Kozilek as male.
Theres also a good argument to be made that Emrakul is the opposite gender of the other two on the grounds of sexual dimorphism when males and females of a species appear physically different from one another. While all three are otherworldly and grotesque, Kozilek and Ulamog are both mostly humanoid and ground-based, whereas Emrakul is decidedly non-humanoid and airborne.
I do actually think the set looks good in Limited, so I'll be drafting at least a few times
As for'll see what actually shakes up the meta.
RIP RDW, all these cards are dookie. No burn and the only Goblin is unplayable.
Also, only two manlands in this set. Interesting.
lmao WOTC
Uh, no. Khans is actually still full of really powerful cards. This reminds me of when Time Spiral came out. Ravnica block still had a lot of great cards, so people just updated their three colour decks with Time Spiral cards.SOMETHING's going to have to. Every standard staple is gone, except siege and hangarback.
But really though... Zada + Tandem Tactics seems real good... is no one going to crush my dreams and tell me it doesn't work?
I really like this card:
But really though... Zada + Tandem Tactics seems real good... is no one going to crush my dreams and tell me it doesn't work?
But really though... Zada + Tandem Tactics seems real good... is no one going to crush my dreams and tell me it doesn't work?
But really though... Zada + Tandem Tactics seems real good... is no one going to crush my dreams and tell me it doesn't work?
It works but it requires you to get a specific rare and Defiant Strike is just better.
But really though... Zada + Tandem Tactics seems real good... is no one going to crush my dreams and tell me it doesn't work?
I'm pretty sure it works as long as you only target Zada. Any pump spell is going to be good with him.
This seems awesome, up to 4 lands removed from the deck for only 4 mana, and possibly taking multiples out in play. And it hits duals/trilands.
Right, any one will. But for two mana each copy gains you life, and the copies can all target two creatures, just not that initial copy for hitting Zada, right?
Right, any one will. But for two mana each copy gains you life, and the copies can all target two creatures, just not that initial copy for hitting Zada, right?
Nah, each copy will just target one guy. Zada specifies who the copies target instead of the usual "you may choose new targets for the copy" you see on other copy effects.