As I recall, isn't the variety in Legacy an illusion created by the fact that not many people play it in the first place? So more support could potentially lead to less variety.
I don't think so and ive played the format quite a bit. There's a lot of overlaps in lists, but besides pillars, there's a lot of different T1 decks around. Burn is super cheap but rarely is considered better than T2, while miracle is one of the costliest decks around but still the most played in general and considered widely the "best" deck in legacy.
That Sea stompy lists is amazingly positioned and has positive MUs vs most top deck. If you have experience in the format, you can see that at a first glance, it's just such a beautiful constructed list.
As for pillars, legacy T1 nowadays is divided in (pure aggro don't exist as a concept becuase you need to interact in some way):
Tempo :
- delver decks ( BUG, UWR, RUG, RBU, with grixis (RBU) considered the best right now)
Control :
- life from the loam decks(loam, lands)
- control lists (miracle, blade lists)
Combo :
- elves! (glimpse combo)
- storm combo (AnT)
- SnT combo (Sneak and show i hate this deck )
Midrange :
- chalice stompy decks (sea stompy, eldrazi)
- prison (D&T white weenie)
As of now, D&T, lands and stompy lists are underplayed but definitely good decks that can win against anything (obviously you have stupidly bad MUs, like Miracle lose hard to stompy chalice lists and Turbo Eldrazis, Stompy lists and Turbo Eldrazis lose hard to land lists, while Lands is a dog to fast combo etc...). Goblin is also having a resurgence for reasons i don't understand?!? (Krenko's a good card advantage engine for maindecks but ... seriously).
Thanks god SnT basically disappeared. Also i'm pretty sure online legacy is relatively cheap if not as cheap as online modern (aside from ports and wastes which i think still are over 100$) and if anything you see even more brews in leagues there. Sylvan plug for example got famous as an anti-blue deck from online leagues where it regularly went 4-0 against DTT and TC decks (at least as long as those were legal).
I could say that the diversity of the format is an illusion because you have to build your deck around certain cards no matter what, like you have to run forces, chalices, spheres or go heavy on discard. If you don't, you're either combo, or your deck lose against too many things. If you think about Modern and its thousands of strong linear strategies that got banned or still exist, you understand why this is. You either have strong universal answers in your list against unfair things, or sometimes unfair things will kill you. In exchange for having to submit to those deckbuilding constraints, and accepting blue is by far the best color (even if it's getting a bit better with eldrazis that i think will make chalice decks considerably stronger), you play the most interactive magic there is , without the swinginess of the 1-ofs of vintage (which i still like but let's be frank, 1-ofs make the format too variant).