I am about to start MTGO. Help me out here. Anything I need to know?
- I will have a monthly budget of around 20$
- I am fine with the idea of budget decks and pauper
- I do not know anything about drafting, and I do not think I will focus on it at all
- Something from my young days, but hey: I actually want to..open some boosters every now and then? is it a sin?
Opening packs on MTGO is basically lighting money on fire. There are 3 cards in Battle for Zendikar that are worth more than the value of the pack, for example. Commons and Uncommons of current sets are essentially valueless once they have been out for a week.
And yeah, play pauper. You can buy into just about any deck for around 50 dollars, and there are lots of overlap in money cards, and if you are willing to forgo Pyroblast and Hydroblast (I believe the 2 most expensive cards in the format), it gets even cheaper.