Spoiler season boys
they gonna make madness cards that draw cards? Card looks like a limited powerhouse.
Guess they color shifted Arrogant Wurm to red- wonder if a 4 power 3 mana creature is playable these days
There will be a new Liliana in Innistrad, right? Right?
OT title suggestions? First one's probably better for Eldritch Moon.
Magic: the Gathering - Shadows over Innistrad |OT| It's only a paper moon
Magic: the Gathering - Shadows over Innistrad |OT| Sorin Doo, Where Are You?
Magic: the Gathering - Shadows over Innistrad |OT| Werewolves and angry exes
Magic: the Gathering - Shadows over Innistrad |OT| This is blasphemy! This is...
If it wasn't clear already Nahiri is not messing around:
Yep. (In the block, anyway.) So far we have three of the slots definitely spoken for: Jace in SOI, Liliana in EDM, and Arlinn Kord in one or the other. Given what we've seen so far it would be very, very surprising if another one isn't Nahiri, so that leaves one slot for either Sorin (if he shows up) or Tibalt/???.
Incorrigible Youths looks good, and I like the understated name and flavor text. Geralf's Masterpiece is an interesting design. I would say graveyard returning in blue is odd, but we already had Skaab Ruinator, which this appears to be a reference to.Spoiler season boys
they gonna make madness cards that draw cards? Card looks like a limited powerhouse.
I hope we get clean art for this before spoiler season. I'd like to use it in the OT OP. Also, I guess Sorin is on Innistrad after all.If it wasn't clear already Nahiri is not messing around:
This seems quite good, and having both returning to hand and graveyard recursion on death is interesting. Plus, direct reference to Endless Ranks of the Dead, even with the same artist, though I like the old enchantment art more.
It's finally Risen Executioner's time to shine
Wont stop people from claiming we dont have enough info lol
If it wasn't clear already Nahiri is not messing around:
Remember when the new slivers looked like phyrexians?
Cards are unlocked by solving Escape the Room puzzlesThis weekend, Shadows over Innistrad has arrived at GP Melbourne, GP Detroit, and GP Bologna!
Unravel the madness with fellow Magic players at the GP and solve online puzzles to unlock more card previews throughout the weekend. Players at the GP will work together to reveal story and cards! While players at the GP solve the trials and mysteries of Stitcher Geralf’s Lab, Markov Manor and the Thraben Cathedral, follow the conversation with our live social media coverage.
You and Magic fans around the globe have the chance to uncover the clues and unlock more preview cards - if you don’t go mad first!
That ominous cube you see there at GP Melbourne is an Escape Room! Plenty of more surprises are inside. As well as at the other Escape Rooms.
Yeah. There are three.
I am one of the best OT title makers in the gameCome on, this is perfect. Flavorful, clever and catchy. Everything else is too in-jokey. A vote for Ashodin is a vote for America and therefore, the world.
Jace - Blue
Liliana - Black
Arlinn - Green / ?
Nahiri - White / Red?
All the colors seem to be covered, so the last slot could be anyone. Sorin makes the most sense, but not getting another Tibalt would be a bummer.
Assuming Arlinn is G/R, it won't be Tibalt.
Tamiyo being missing sounds like it might be a hook for the next block.
Pick up Sea Gate Wreckage now btw.
I don't think it is, 2/2 for 2 isn't good enough, even with the insane value attrition rate/.Relentless dead is really good, modern playable good. Will modern zombies be possible I wonder?
I suspect that Arlinn's human side will be green/white, if only because there isn't a planeswalker specifically for that color combination and Nahiri will almost certainly be red/white now. The werewolf side could be monogreen, though.
If there isn't a card that says "destroy target creature. That creature's controller investigates." then fuck this set.
Too bad they've already used "Murder".
Homicide edit: already mentioned.Too bad they've already used "Murder".
Remember when the new slivers looked like phyrexians?
Too bad they've already used "Murder".
It's an aggressive card that encourages you to be leaving a whole mess of Mana untapped each turn. I don't think it's playableI don't think it is, 2/2 for 2 isn't good enough, even with the insane value attrition rate/.
Murder Investigation did go on a deserving card happilyI don't think it is, 2/2 for 2 isn't good enough, even with the insane value attrition rate/.
No, because I never thought the new slivers looked like Phyrexians. I think you mean "remember when the green Eldrazi looked like Slivers?"