As someone new to magic, i go to time a lot at sealeds and it burns me out pretty hard. I too need to learn to play faster amd not overthink some things.
So it's heartless summoning going to go from bulk rare to expensive rare now?
The eldrazi decks seem to be playing it now.
Haha finally! I love that card.So it's heartless summoning going to go from bulk rare to expensive rare now?
The eldrazi decks seem to be playing it now.
Can someone explain what happens to the blocking creatures when Breaker of Armies attacks?
say it gets blocked by 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 and a 0/6.
What's confusing you? It works like usual multi-blocker situations. Breaker's controller decides how to assign damage to the blockers. The blockers' controller has no choice but to block Breaker (unless there are multiple attacking Breakers).
well the only multi-block situation im aware of is when the attacking creature has trample, but this doesn't so I wasn't sure how the attacking damage got dealt with.
I ran that ramp list for awhile and ended up swapping out Atarka for Villainous Wealth. The deck is categorically worse now but Wealth is just so much fun to cast for 10+.
well the only multi-block situation im aware of is when the attacking creature has trample, but this doesn't so I wasn't sure how the attacking damage got dealt with.
So it's heartless summoning going to go from bulk rare to expensive rare now?
The eldrazi decks seem to be playing it now.
I've held on to Heartless Summoning, mostly for nostalgic purposes. I can't find a spot for it though. Seems a bit well, yeah, cutesy.
4 Kozilek's Channeler
lol no
The rest of the deck is strong enough to be able to work with that shitty replacement for the Exile shell. (Maindeck relics is sort of a big deal w shutting down a lot of decks.)I just don't understand how that list won. I guess casting Sower for free is nice.
This is why you don't play shitty versions of good decks.Seems like he bombed on day 2, too.
60 Baugh, Jacob [US] 24 0.5918
(there's 68 players back for day 2)
If Cavern of Souls isn't in SoI I'm gonna cut someone's sandwich into weird triangles.
If Cavern of Souls isn't in SoI I'm gonna cut someone's sandwich into weird triangles.
Considering that Blogatog had a bunch of posts about how they are no longer going to try using Standard sets to reprint in-demand Modern cards...
How's this combo for my Merfolk EDH deck? Infinite mana, infinite draws, and infinite untaps. Wake Thrasher on the field can become ridiculously powerful. A tap/untap card paired with Daring Thief can essentially boardwipe creatures with enough chump tokens.
What am I missing here? I don't get how it's supposed to work. You know you can't even choose another mode since the spell is modal and isn't actually targeting anything except the player?
It just doesnt't fit the lore, man.
Fuck yes. Shifts in my work schedule mean I can fly back home and go to the OGW prerelease with my friends, among other things
Turnabout isn't modal. You choose the permanent type and whether to tap or untap on resolution.
So, the set is known. What did the Gatewatch do, exactly? Kozilek and Ulamog are still wandering around eating Zendikar, right? Did the super friends just peace out?
The rest of the story got summarized in the Art of Zendikar book (and it will get another summary in the Fat Pack booklet). Jace and Nissa use the leylines of Zendikar to create a seal to trap the titans on Zendikar, Gideon and NPCs fight off spawn, and Chandra burns the titans to death with help from Nissa's mana (basically Channel + Fireball). Well, "death", since the spawn are explicitly stated to still be around after the titans are incinerated, which should mean that the true forms of Kozilek and Ulamog are still alive.
The spawn are on the run now, and from the bodies of Kozilek and Ulamog, greenery blooms in the middle of the wastes. Jace decides to go to Innistrad to find Sorin and Nahiri, and the rest stay behind to fight the remaining spawn.
The best part is that it's going to bite them in the ass.Huh. I ain't even mad at that. Actually sounds pretty sweet. Like, teamwork that makes sense for each of the characters.
The rest of the story got summarized in the Art of Zendikar book (and it will get another summary in the Fat Pack booklet). Jace and Nissa use the leylines of Zendikar to create a seal to trap the titans on Zendikar, Gideon and NPCs fight off spawn, and Chandra burns the titans to death with help from Nissa's mana (basically Channel + Fireball). Well, "death", since the spawn are explicitly stated to still be around after the titans are incinerated, which should mean that the true forms of Kozilek and Ulamog are still alive.
The spawn are on the run now, and from the bodies of Kozilek and Ulamog, greenery blooms in the middle of the wastes. Jace decides to go to Innistrad to find Sorin and Nahiri, and the rest stay behind to fight the remaining spawn.
I can't believe I'm saying this-
It's almost gone on TCGP, you can get it for 4-5 bux.
It's played in the Eldrazi deck's SB, and is a shifted PC uncommon, so there aren't a lot of copies.
Card's legit, been used before.I picked up a playset just because, but I really wonder how many of these random spikes for this deck are going to stay that way. The decklist is still far from solidified at this point, but I imagine after OGW, things will start to come together and then prices will stabilize a bit. Felt weird paying $5 for a playset of a random unproven common.