I was pretty disappointed by Kaladesh from most angles. Flavor-wise, I thought the art aesthetic was mostly just a shallow reference to India and steampunk (in a way that did not satisfyingly combine them) and storywise/cardwise, the set was comically focused on what the Gatewatch was doing. "Oh hey, here's Jace on a card!"
Limited speaking, it a middle-of-the-road set. It did not come off well to me following the excellent EMN-EMN-SOI format (which was actually extremely well received by most pros). Vehicles were a silly design (there should have been defensive vehicles and less Renegade Freighters), Energy rarely was a worthwhile build-around in draft (since lots of cards created energy, but almost all of the good payoffs were rare or multicolored). Fabricate I thought was the stand-out mechanic - all of the cards sans 1 (the 7 drop) with Fabricate were worthwhile pickups and it had a lot of "play" to it because the choice between the counters and the dudes was generally speaking a meaningful game decision, and played well with some of the counters and artifact synergies. I'm less familiar with AAK as a format, but generally speaking Improvise felt hard to turn on and build around and Revolt cards often felt difficult to evaluate when they would get passed to you.
Constructed speaking, I don't think Kaladesh or AR added almost anything fun to the game. Vehicles are like pushed equipment in that they suck when pushed because by design they're hard to interact with if they're any good at all. Energy's contribution to the game revolves far too heavily around Aetherworks Marvel, which is a developmentally-broken card. Tower and Whirler Virtuoso are the only other outlets that ended up being good, and more often than not its not worth it to not include Marvel in those decks. Improvise and Fabricate haven't really showed up in constructed outside of my own stupid brews, but I wish they were good there.