Pummeler? That sounds fragile as hell. Although there's a pump spell that gives hexproof, right? I don't think I should be playing U/R control since I haven't played Standard in like three years, but looking at the list Santiako provided... that looks right up my alley. It's literally everything I ever wanted from U/R and it's competitive to boot!
Can you post a list for reference?
So there's two types of GR- one is the type that made the top 8:
This is more midrangey with tireless tracker. Better quality cards, can grind a bit better, but not as explosive as the other type, which is the pummeler deck. Example list from a 5-0:
It's more "all in", but it really should be noted just how lethal this thing is. I had a pummeler with 4 energy out and an opponent at 20 thanks to them spot removing my earlier threats. I drop servant of the conduit to get energy, they let the servant hit the field, then cast Kozilek's return with the energy on the stack. I cast rampage on the pummeler, activate it going down to 1 energy so it turns into a 10/6 and survives the return, then use the remaining 1 energy plus the 2 energy from the servant etb trigger after the return resolves to go up to 20/12 and kill my opponent from full on turn 4. (Admittedly it was probably a very poor judgment call to let me untap with pummeler in play) You're also not wholly reliant on the pummeler; Rhonas and cubs can get the job done just fine.
When the removal of choice for most of the format is magma spray and harnessed lightning, these GR decks present incredibly durable threats. I'm even considering running suns in the sideboard as there's a decent chance you can use it as a plague wind due to the higher toughness after getting some energy sunk in your creatures.
Re:UR control- this is the 5-0 competitive league run I had last week with it: (played against zombies, 2 mirror matches, mardu, and marvel, so it was a fairly representative meta run)
I've been testing some changes since then, namely cutting a land for an illumination and banking on the large number of cyclers and anticipates to prevent early drought as midgame flooding is one of the ways you lose the game. Commit // Memory is a bit of a pet card, but I'm not entirely convinced it's worth the slot. It is the only maindeck way to get an Ulamog, Marvel or God off the field once resolved, though, and manuevering yourself into a situation where you can flashback memory at the end of your opps turn with gearhulk when down on hand size is very powerful.
Also trying Kefnet for the control matchup. Still mixed on that one but it has promise.