I remember Dark Ritual, Counterspell, Stone Rain, Pillage, Opposition etc. were in the same Standard block, which weren't oppressive at all. If any, it made for a healthy environment where every colour had something going for them.
Speaking of reminiscing about the good old days, what are you guys' favourite deck archetypes over the course of the history of the game? The ones you had the fondest memories of?
I've been playing MTG for as long as I can remember, but the first time I had a real breakthrough was when a little enchantment called Fires of Yavimaya got spoiled. I knew instantly it had synergy with Saproling Burst and Blastoderm. This was a time when netdecking wasn't prevalent, so every player brewed his own Fires deck. Some splashed white or black or had pro blue bears and chimeric idols. One day I entered a nationals qualifier with my own Fires brew with three Shivan Wurms, two Two-Headed Dragons and a full set of Ghitu Fire. I aced that qualifier. That day I faced so many mirrors where they had no answers. It was glorious, especially when I'm twelve and beating these neckbeards twice my age.
There are a lot of other decks I had an amazing time with; Lightning Angel in Invasion Block Constructed and Time Spiral/Ravnica standard block; Naya Spectral Force/Mystic Enforcer/Boom/Bust/Flagstones in Time Spiral block constructed, which later transitioned into Fiery Justice/Mystic Enforcer/Boom/Bust/Goyf when Future Sight came out; the Swans of Bryn Aggrol/Seismic Assault/Cascade/43 land deck where I had a lot of fun with at GP Barcelona, but fizzled against mono red one match and ultimately finished 6-3 day one; my PTQ winning Grixis Hits deck, featuring the 'unfair' Mana Leak during a time where everyone and their mom played BB Elves; and my Pyromancer's Ascension list at nationals where I narrowly punted the match for top 8 and finished 9th on tiebreakers against CawBlade of all decks.
There were a few times where I thought I'd stop playing Magic forever, but you always come back at some point in life. You always do.