Yeah, it's unreal in attrition matchups. Oddly, though, it's dead in ones that aren't. Playing UWR Delver against Elves, for example, leaves the card stranded in your hand all game long.More vids of LSV playing UR Delver, damn Cruise is a crazy card.
More vids of LSV playing UR Delver, damn Cruise is a crazy card.
I'd like to see more matchups than the mirror and burn.
Its not actually a foregone conclusion the future will be "alternate" in Dragons of Tarkir
I'd like to see more matchups than the mirror and burn.
It's pretty much a foregone conclusion. The pulled teaser for the second set specifically mentions Sarkhan going back in time and saving Ugin's life. The Planeswalkers' Guide mentions the Temur shamans having visions of an alternate Tarkir where the dragons never died out. They are pounding the drum pretty hard.
Even "Dig through Time" has a dragon in the art
How about
Flametongue Whelp 2RR
Flying, Haste
When Flametongue Whelp ETB, it deals 4 damage to target creature or player.
R: +1/+0 until end of turn. You may draw a card. If you do, then discard a card.
Protection from white.
Is that OK guys?
Can we just have an actual utility dragon, please?
Something like
Flametongue Whelp 2RR
When Flametongue Whelp ETB, it deals 4 damage to target creature.
R: +1/+0 until end of turn.
Dies to doom blade.
i think cruise works so much better in burn decks. Burn just destroys delverYeah, it's unreal in attrition matchups. Oddly, though, it's dead in ones that aren't. Playing UWR Delver against Elves, for example, leaves the card stranded in your hand all game long.
How aboutThat's a weird example of a utility creature.
Went 4-0 with my Boros Midrange for WNM. Curving out from Seeker to Rabblemaster to Chandra to Wingmate Rocs was pretty nice lol. I'm liking how this deck is shaping up to be.
2-0 Jeskai Ascendancy combo
2-1 R/W Tokens
2-1 G/B Devotion
2-0 Temur Aggro
1xNyx-Fleece Ram
4xSeeker of the Way
1xHushwing Gryff
1xAshcloud Phoenix
1xWingmate Roc
4xMagma Jet
4xLightning Strike
4xStoke the Flames
2xChained to the Rocks
2xBanishing Lights
1xTormenting Voice
4xBattlefield Forge
4xTemple of Triumph
4xWind-Scarred Crag
My 5 slots are Wingmate Rocs, Stormbreaths, and Sarkhan. I got one of each going but I'm leaning on playing more Wingmates as the life gains from attacking with Brimaz and Rabble tokens are pretty nice.
I've been happy with Nyx-Fleece. Top decking it sucks but dropping it so early gives me such a nice life gaining advantage. I may bump it to 2 copies.
I'm not sure about Hushwing yet so testing a 1 of. It did win me a game though as it flew over everything and my opponent wanted to save his kill spell for something more threatening.
I like 2 Chandra's in the mb. It lets me push damage through and is one of the few ways for me to "draw" cards with the 0 ability.
I have plenty of mountains to hit Chains with, so I may bump up the count. One of the bonuses of just running R/W and not R/W/x.
On the other end, I lack playing all the scrylands, so Tormenting Voice is in there.
A Mana Confluence or 2 may be added. With a few heavy cmc cards, I'm not sure if I should bump my lands to 25. I figure with just two colors, 24 lands was ok to run.
2xMagma Spray
2xGlare Heresy
1xDeflecting Palm
2xAnger of the Gods
2xDevouring Light
1xHarness by Force
2xEnd Hosilities
Looks good. What are your thoughts on Ashcloud? I am running it as a 1-of in my Jeskai tempo but have yet to get a chance to test it.
Okay, so I may be going back on Dig Through Time and Cruise being sort of busted in Modern. I haven't played against anything not running one or both of them in the past week. And they fucking win games.
To be honest, I more dread seeing Dig Through Time. Yeah, it's drawing one less card, but it's drawing two cards that you want. It's almost impossible to whiff on it.
Yo, charge your phone, brah!
It's not harsh. It's too lenient.
No, he's a thief. He cheats people out of earnings. No different than a guy who steals binders.Yeah, I mean, I don't disagree with you... But still.. Just sucks all around for everyone, I guess.
No, he's a thief. He cheats people out of earnings. No different than a guy who steals binders.
It's still combat damage; so the Fog Bank will survive.Question: Player A has Soltari Guerrillas, Player B has Fog Bank. Player A attacks and gets through and redirects it to Player B's Fog Bank. Is the damage still considerd Combat Damage? Foggy dead?
What did he do again? I thought the guy who did the shuffling stacking thing was named Humphrey. Is he the double Explore guy or the Brainstorm draw four guy or someone else entirely?
Did he have to return his cash prices?
Did he have to return his cash prices?
I don't know how prevalent this is now, but I remember young players separating their lands and nonlands into two piles, then stack the deck with two nonlands and one land, then shuffle a few times and present the deck. They didn't know better and probably got burned by mana issues in the past. I don't think they should be suspended. It's like people who don't know the maximum hand count is 7. But, yeah, sleight of hand stuff should be cause for a severe punishment.I'm with Kirblar - premeditated cheats deserve lifetime bans, especially when coming from people who should be mature adults (if I catch a 16-year-old stacking his deck at a GP, I'd opt to just ban him for a few years and give him a chance to grow up).