This is awesome. Core sets bore the shit out of me because of the lack of lore.
Now the second sets will be subject to the "not many packs opened" thing that happens to small third sets now. If they do traditional draft order we'll draft triple first set for a few months followed by double first set single second set for a few months. So there will around 5 times as many first set packs as second set packs opened.
It used to be 6-2-1.
We did an ARB/ARB/SOA draft at my LGS on release week and that shit was weird as hell. Gonna need to change something else, like set sizes, to compensate if that were the case.Yeah, that'll be more problematic given the block changes. I hope it'll change to triple of the big set, then 1 of the big 2 of the small to compensate for it.
Another upside: Now that they call PTs by the set name instead of the location, we won't ever have another "Pro Tour Magic 2015" type name!
Pro Tour Magic 2016?
I really like how this should let them accelerate their story telling. Now something equivalent to Elspeth's journey on Theros takes six months instead of a year. Lets them get back to plots left hanging so much faster.
Now the DOTP decks will also be standard legalWell, it SHOULD... I'd really like it if that were the case. We'll see.
I also wonder how DotP fits in every year. Is that now going to be considered the beginner/entry point?
I don't understand how someone can hate Standard so much. Its the only format where it actually is different year to year. The only way Modern actually changes year-to-year is if something overpowered gets unbanned.
Because you have to buy heaps of product and/or expensive singles to stay afloat. And it's boring. I like playing a game having absolutely no clue what's going to happen.
So you just don't like constructed then?
This is a net upside for you then. They'll rotate out of standard and crash in price more quickly.I love constructing decks in weird formats. It's why I love EDH so much. It's why shit like Prismatic Stairwell and 5-Color were compelling. High variance, plus getting a deck to actually do something you want to do is more rewarding, because it's harder.
Now this is interesting. It is a bit sad to see core sets go, since I liked seeing the single flavorful mechanic return and the mishmash of cards from various worlds, but the story moving at a faster pace is a definite plus for me.
It's pretty clever how "Blood"/"Sweat"/"Tears" is actually "Blood"/"Sweat" and "Tears"/"Fears", though now this means block codenames will eat into split card name territory and there are now a bunch of useless three-word phrases gathered up.
I wonder if they'll do anything crazy with M16, now that we know it's the last one. A secret agent theme, perhaps?
MaRo stated that they reserve the right to break the block rule whenever they want, so I imagine Return to Return to Ravnica will actually be four sets or some such.
MaRo stated that they reserve the right to break the block rule whenever they want, so I imagine Return to Return to Ravnica will actually be four sets or some such.
mylifeisafirehazard said: Since you live in the future, has this new block structure worked beneficially in the quality of design and development?
It has had a huge impact and very positive impact on future design. It’s made my job a little harder but I’ll suck it up. : )
adibzaini said: With the core sets gone, would that mean we won't see a reprint of cards tied to locations not in the block's storyline? Like, would Llanowar Elves now a 10 in the storm scale?
We are going to be more aggressive about reprinting cards in expert sets. Things tied to worlds that we do not revisit are harder to reprint now, yes. Note that we still have supplemental products that can reprint them. As for Llanowar Elves, I doubt we’ve seen the last of Dominaria.
darrinkatz said: Are you planning on doing anything special for the last core set ever?
It’s not time to talk about it yet, but we are aware it’s the last one.
subbak said: So why "Fears" instead of "Toil" which would complete the quote?
We kept the three-set block names because two-set blocks weren’t public yet. The small set that goes with the spring set ties into that set name.
We will have Blood (big) and Sweat (small). That’s a block. Them we will have Tears (big) and Fears (small). That’s a block.
The following year we have Lock (big) and Stock (small). That’s a block. Then we have Barrel (big) and Monkeys (small). That’s a block.
From then on our block names use a two-set naming convention - Blah & Blah.
satiwihimi said: Do you think this new block structure is sustainable for the creative team? Seems like a lot of added work for them. By the way, I love the change.
The creative team has added a bunch of new people over the last year to have enough resources to do this.
shm128iii said: Two Questions: With the new set-up, will we see a lot more "New Plane, Return to Plane" alternating, since the desire to see what's going on back on old planes was a driving motivation for this? Second, with the set code names now using the same naming convention as split cards, are you worried you'll end up running out of "X and Y" names to use unless they start sharing (i.e. A set code named "Profit and Loss", like the Orzhov split card in Dragon's Maze)?
1) We will do both but not as predictable as that.
2) I’m fine with block codenames and split card names overlapping.
dynarobotron said: Please, please promise that the abolishment of Core Sets won't mean that the first sets of every block will be reduced to Core Set-level complexity?
They will not.
artificialbrilliance said: So with the Core Sets gone, do you have any other product that will be aimed at new players?
Yes, we are developing a new line of products for that purpose.
munirestevane said: Core Sets are the primary vehicle for old set reprints. They are leaving, and new blocks will be in Standard a shorter time. Does this mean we can expect more aggressive reprints in upcoming sets?
Seriously, core set leaving is great and all, but drafting 2-1 sucks. I pretty much hated drafting Lorwyn/Shadowmoor/Rise of Eldrazi because you could get so many multiples of a common or not enough of the smaller set, completely breaking limited as a consequence. I just want drafting parity. Is it too much to ask?Now the second sets will be subject to the "not many packs opened" thing that happens to small third sets now. If they do traditional draft order we'll draft triple first set for a few months followed by double first set single second set for a few months. So there will around 5 times as many first set packs as second set packs opened.
It used to be 6-2-1.
If GTC didn't suck so much I'd say you should try it with it.Hah, just thought of a bizarre new drafting format. Every other drafter is either opening 2-1 or 1-2. The overall amount in the pool is 50-50 even with three packs each
axlrodgun said: Well the new block structure allow you to keep a tighter reign over the color philosophy creep?
I’m now on all the design teams rather than all but one. (Okay, I’m not on most supplemental design teams.)
vateke said: Does this mean we've seen the last of green hornets?
I’m sure Aaron will figure out a new way to get them in Magic. I’m on alert though.
elfboy0 said: Was the pun in the title of "Metamorphosis" intentional?
Are you asking me if the pun of something I wrote was intentional?
Welcome to Blogatog. : )
tommamus said: Will you be the lead designer on both of the large sets each year?
I led Blood but Tears is being led by Mark Gottlieb. I am on the design team and Mark and I meet once a week so we can talk issues out.
thrun4days said: At this point in standard there are 20 planeswalkers with the new block structure will this number increase or decrease ?
We’re keeping the planeswalkers per year constant which means they will go down slightly in Standard I believe.
hama0n said: The only thing I am worried about with the new block structure is design space. Does this new system mean you will run through design space twice as fast as before?
In some ways, but it also let’s us mine mechanics that wouldn’t work in other worlds. Also, we are more willing to reuse mechanics if they make sense.
blueblack-dimir said: Hi! I've seen a few people wondering about this online: Is the 2016 core set still going to be called Magic 2016? You never called it that in your article. Or is this a "no comment" kind of question?
That’s not a question to be answered today. We’ll get to it. : )
mikeomatic9000 said: Oh, Maro, you are so cheeky! From almost a full year ago: "Yes, I can. After Blood, Sweat and Tears is Lock, Stock and Barrel. Barrel may or may not have monkeys in it. : )". How hard were you laughing as you wrote that?
I have fun on my blog. That’s one of the reasons I keep doing it. : )
sigmasonicx said: So all of the three-word phrases you guys have gathered will go to waste now?
Yes, that’s the true victim of today’s announcement - my long list of three set codenamed. : )
If GTC didn't suck so much I'd say you should try it with it.
I wonder if Magic 2016 is even going to be called that. He's just calling it "core set."
I wonder if Magic 2016 is even going to be called that. He's just calling it "core set."
The switch to two 2 set blocks a year seems to affect the creative team the most. Has it been difficult for you all?
It’s very challenging. All of our processes have had to shift to accommodate. But we have been proving we can create vibrant new worlds for years now. Mark talks a lot about the Third Set Problem in his article — and in a way, creative has done a lot of the heavy lifting to make third sets feel as fresh and different as possible over the last several years. Rise of the Eldrazi had its own third-set world guide, as did Avacyn Restored, adding tons of new creative elements to help that third set feel distinct. (I think you’ll see that Khans of Tarkir block also represents a major, major creative undertaking. More on that at the Magic panel on Sunday at PAX!) Two blocks a year will be a challenge, but it’s a challenge we’re definitely prepared for.
#magic metamorphosis
More blocks = ability to move the plot along slightly more? More new planes, more revisits?
I’ll tell you this. We had some story arcs planned out over several blocks, involving multiple worlds. We still do, but now instead of those arcs taking forever, they will now take half of forever.Yes, it has allowed us to improve the pace of our storytelling, which is huge.
#so many fun things ahead
#I'm very curious to see how you guys react to it all as it begins to come out
#magic metamorphosis
I just got blown the fuck out, because I wanted to animate a mutavault to block and tap it for mana, but apparently I forgot it had summoning sickness even though it's still a land! This is the great injustice that demands to be fixed! Not this "sorry, we've blown all our load on the second try" or "we wanted to save up all the goodstuff for the climax" bla bla we're actually just wankers.
Tabak is the best.
But at the same time, I wonder if that means prices will spike while still in rotation. You will either see card value fluctuate due to how often the metagame will change now or everything will be higher than usual just due to the chance a card can be good while the meta is still being figured out.Yay, for me who doesn't even play constructed, this is great. Cards rotating out of standard means price drops sooner than later.
Wait, is this official or you're just guessing? I was wondering how drafts were going to be handled. 1-1-2 (1st set, 2nd set, super pack)? Seems pretty awkward.Wizards announces super packs that have a mix of cards from the first and second sets.
Booster packs are now 12 cards and you open 4 packs in a draft.
Can't get any worse than 3 DGM!
Nah I'm just spitballing ways to keep the balance of packs opened in draft umm... balanced? for the new release schedule.Wait, is this official or you're just guessing? I was wondering how drafts were going to be handled. 1-1-2 (1st set, 2nd set, super pack)? Seems pretty awkward.