What if I had multiple mutavaults?Huh? Didn't you know that's the way things work in paper magic as well? When the land becomes a creature, it becomes subject to the "A creature that you didn't control at the beginning of your latest turn can't attack or use abilities that use the tap symbol" (paraphrased). It's not that lands can tap for mana while summonning sick, but rather that creatures cannot, therefore your Muta-man is forced by the Silent Arbiters to go get some medicine and try again later.
If you knew and were being sarcastic, then the joke flew straight over my head.
Paper magic is a fluid process. Online, what frequently happens is that your opponent is dicking around, so you change tabs and do something else, and then you go back and have no clue what you were about to do. Like say you're in a situation where you play a mountain, tap out for a Koth and your opponent takes five minutes to respond to let Koth resolve. You want to animate a mountain and, shit, which mountain did I just play? (Chances are all basics have the same art in limited.)
I had a similar situation just recently. In an M15 draft, I played a Goblin Kaboomist turn two. On turn three I could have enchanted the mine token with Ensoul Artifact, but decided to wait a turn for the surprise factor. So on turn four I get another token and... uh, fuck, 50/50 chance to target the one that doesn't have summoning sickness. Suffice to say I chose poorly (mental note: the top token is the one that entered last). Paper magic doesn't care. You can simply say to your opponent you want to target the token that came into play last turn.