FTV M25No reprint of LotV.
Let her price continue to climb and climb.
FTV M25No reprint of LotV.
Let her price continue to climb and climb.
Say if you were to build a Nicol Bolas EDH deck, what would his masterplan be? I'm trying to think of ways to dominate theworldkitchen table, but it's either too convoluted or not evil enough.
Say if you were to build a Nicol Bolas EDH deck, what would his masterplan be? I'm trying to think of ways to dominate theworldkitchen table, but it's either too convoluted or not evil enough.
What's a good modern deck I can build with the current Khan fetches that's available?
Play it with Eye of the Storm for extra shenanigans.Edit:
Wtf this isn't an un-card?
What's a good modern deck I can build with the current Khan fetches that's available?
What's a good modern deck I can build with the current Khan fetches that's available?
So I went to my local store today to get a deck builders toolkit but they weren't available, but the guy heling me was very nice and asked why I needed it. He was telling me that the new toolkit should come in July and if I really wanted to play right now I could buy two Dragons of Tarkir intro packs and start of from there, so he offered me two intro packs for 22 euros, should I do that or not?
Play it with Eye of the Storm for extra shenanigans.
I finally put together a Naya Burn deck with all Khans fetchlands:What's a good modern deck I can build with the current Khan fetches that's available?
Doomsday is good! I still need a nefarious win condition. Darksteel Reactor is a bit too obvious though. "Look, here's my doomsday device! You can't stop me! *maniacal laughter" Nicol Bolas is too smart for that I'd think. Then again, he was defeated by Tetsuo.Doomsday into a combo of some sort, or Darksteel Reactor and say it's a doomsday device.
I was thinking of building a Nekusar deck, but like you said he's a bit too powerful, and it's no fun for the rest when you wheel of fortune and add a million mana and tokens with Waste Not. I was thinking of using another grixis general, never play him/her and reveal that behind the scenes it was me, Nicol Bolas!I'm a big fan of Grixis Underworld Dreams.dek. I have one put together. Nekusar is a little too on the nose for my taste; it feels like it was designed with the deck in mind. Would still be plenty fun with Nicol Bolas though.
Yeah, Bolas definitely needs minions to do his bidding, but I was more thinking of taking over creatures from others with the Promise of Power. Bribery, Treachery, Mind Control, Persuasion, they're all flavourful additions to Bolas. I also like to add Cruel Ultimatum, Wit's End and Mind Shatter to his arsenal of spells, but I don't know how that would fly. If I were to build a Nicol Bolas deck though, I wouldn't half-ass it with fancy pansy spells. I'd want to be as nefarious as possible. No politics, only self-preservation and hunger for power and knowledge. It's the Bolas way.™Maybe use cards that do evil stuff whenever people draw cards (such as Underworld Dreams), and skip drawing cards with Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar, Obstinate Familiar, any of the cards from the "Words of "cycle or even Chronatog.
Regarding other evil plans, Mindmoil would also be an interesting way of very quickly sifting through your library, and you could use a morph subtheme with saboteurs such as Riptide Entrancer, utility creatures such as Disruptive Pitmage, Chromeshell Crab or Mischievous Quanar and downright big creatures such as Quicksilver Dragon.
You should also consider adding political cards where you can have another player profit at the same time you do, such as the Hunted creature cycle from Ravnica (give your ally tokens!), or even something wacky such as Abyssal Persecutor (so people might actually fight others to protect you).
Nicol should also have pawns and agents that let him put his grand plans into motion slowly but surely, such as Johira of the Ghitu or Firemind's Foresight, and ones that are fair in their unfairness, such as Braids, Cabal Minion or Umbilicus/Blood Clock.
I might be overthinking all this, but I tend to look at EDH deckbuilding more from a standpoint of making the deck's theme work rather than making it just a goodstuff deck.
Oh god my mind was trying to repress it. This and Hive Mind. No. Just no.A general rule of thumb for me:
Am I playing Blue? If answered yes, I am also playing Eye of the Storm. Lol.
Doomsday is good! I still need a nefarious win condition. Darksteel Reactor is a bit too obvious though. "Look, here's my doomsday device! You can't stop me! *maniacal laughter" Nicol Bolas is too smart for that I'd think. Then again, he was defeated by Tetsuo.
Doomsday is good! I still need a nefarious win condition. Darksteel Reactor is a bit too obvious though. "Look, here's my doomsday device! You can't stop me! *maniacal laughter" Nicol Bolas is too smart for that I'd think. Then again, he was defeated by Tetsuo.
From a perspective of someone without any cards to work with, it isn't the worst thing you could spend your money on. In the interest of pure value it isn't a great deal, but as a start to a collection I would say its a good place to start.
That's the only modern deck I own lol. I just need me a set of Noble Hierarch and my deck is set.Infect is pretty decent and only requires green fetches. You missed the boat on inkmoths but hierarchs should be pretty cheap soon.
I finally put together a Naya Burn deck with all Khans fetchlands:
I'll probably switch a Sacred Foundry and the Mana Confluence with two Windswept Heaths to give Grim Lavamancer more targets. Even those should probably be Arid Mesas, but I'm not that picky.
Bogles is a deck built around Slippery Bogle and Gladecover Scout. The idea is that you play one of these one-drop hexproof creatures and suit them up with auras like Ethereal Armor and Daybreak Coronet to make giant monsters that the opponent can't remove or tussle with in combat. The deck has a very hard time beating Thoughtseize and Liliana of the Veil, however.
Grixis Delver becoming a thing is a very, very good thing for the format.
Grixis Delver becoming a thing is a very, very good thing for the format.
Got a link to a list? i'm curious to see a build.
Grixis Delver list
The format badly needs a blue counterspell deck around to play police force- Jund/Abjund/Golgarund/Sultund aren't really good enough.Because it makes 2 fair decks that see serious play?
When "control" is universally good in a format, it's usually because it's pretty dumb.
Miracles isn't universally good, but yeah Terminus is preeeety dumb.
F top
The format badly needs a blue counterspell deck around to play police force- Jund/Abjund/Golgarund/Sultund aren't really good enough.
The "control deck" thing is absolute bullshit. Tempo decks like Delver serve the exact same role, their threats just come down before the disruption, not after.
When "control" is universally good in a format, it's usually because it's pretty dumb.
Burn. Lotsa burn. I'd consider 4 Leylines of Sanctity for this purpose. I'm a bit miffed it isn't reprinted in MM2 and yet Daybreak fucking Coronet is.I think I can build this whole deck. It's putting up good results? What are its strengths and weaknesses?
I played Grixis Delver before it was cool!
Burn. Lotsa burn. I'd consider 4 Leylines of Sanctity for this purpose. I'm a bit miffed it isn't reprinted in MM2 and yet Daybreak fucking Coronet is.
Leyline of Sanctity is a card that will piss everyone off to open since it does nothing in draft.
Same with Coronet.
That's a good thing.There's a ton of those high-value terrible-draft rares. Splinter Twin? Jeeze, who wants that in their deck? It's utterly worthless in this draft environment.
That's a good thing.
I meant that Pestermite & Friends being out was a good thing.I'm torn. On one hand I feel like you definitely do need high-value cards and low-impact draft rares, and sometimes these things will be one in the same. On the other hand, it gives the person drafting a horrible conundrum to deal with. Do you pass Coronet and try to draft an awesome deck? Or do you take Coronet and sacrifice the pick, and pay for a portion of your entry. It just sucks that they couldn't make the pricey cards worth taking.
Tarmogoyf is probably a mediocre as fuck card if you pull it in Sealed, really.
I meant that Pestermite & Friends being out was a good thing.
I would rather open a leyline than a Surrakar Spellblade. The latter was only marginally playable in 3xROE and only because the format had Distortion Strike, which MM2 doesn't have. It isn't even an elemental! Honestly, I have no idea why it's in the set. It's much worse than Magmaw could ever hope to be.Leyline of Sanctity is a card that will piss everyone off to open since it does nothing in draft.
Same with Coronet.
I'm torn. On one hand I feel like you definitely do need high-value cards and low-impact draft rares, and sometimes these things will be one in the same. On the other hand, it gives the person drafting a horrible conundrum to deal with. Do you pass Coronet and try to draft an awesome deck? Or do you take Coronet and sacrifice the pick, and pay for a portion of your entry. It just sucks that they couldn't make the pricey cards worth taking.
The difference between draft and constructed-playables will always exist, and I don't think they ever should make cards that are either powerhouses or suck in both formats.
I mean, it's painful to have to choose, but it's also bad when picks become no-brainers.