So I guess Ajani just sucks way worse than Gideon.
It's weird that they're both in standard.
Throttle and Flaten were in the same block and are the same card, just different costs. For commons, it's all about how they are in the context of limited. There were larger creatures at common in BFZ, thus the removal was a bit better.
These cards aren't meant to be constructed playable
Forked Bolt at instant speed but at one colorless more? Couldn't they have added some energy generation onto it?
I find them pretty boring tbh
now these are whales
Yeah, but this one is straight up strictly worse than Gideon's Reproach, which is just kind of weird.
This could be very good.
This could be very good.
With Ajani being on the art, I have to wonder if this means that we're getting a Tamiyo, Field Researcher Esque Ajani in the next set. Naya Ajani where he joins the Gatewatch as their mentor or something.
This could be very good.
I think it's much more likely that AER just has Tezzeret and Ajani is our setup for Amonkhet where he gets a card, but it's not impossible.
I'd agree, but the fact that this plot point( Ajani's not on Theros anymore) Is part of this set and not AER makes me feel like he's going to be in AER. When was the last time that a Planeswalker not in main focus of the story appeared in art for the set but not in the block? Only one I can think of is Ugin in BFZ, where he had been printed the block before and Bolas in FRF, but both of those are built around R&D's decisions for the world.
Jace is a main part of OGW's story though, it's not like Ugin where he shows up for Maximum 10 cards worth of art/flavor text, Jace only didn't get a card because he was the face of the next set. Considering how they've said "Ajani doesn't relate well to players", he's not going to be the face of Amonkhet.oath of jace
Have we had a cost reduction ability like that before?
Jace is a main part of OGW's story though, it's not like Ugin where he shows up for Maximum 10 cards worth of art/flavor text, Jace only didn't get a card because he was the face of the next set. Considering how they've said "Ajani doesn't relate well to players", he's not going to be the face of Amonkhet.
Does Khalni Hydra count?
Considering how they've said "Ajani doesn't relate well to players"
This is pretty majorly overstating it. They've said he was the least popular of the Lorwyn 5 and that they see less humanoid characters being related to less well, but nothing suggesting he's so unpopular they need to bury any sight of him.
Anyway, after Kaladesh they'll have done a full circuit of the Gatewatch as face characters and they're clearly going to have a non-Gatewatch character as the face of AER so I don't think it's particularly implausible. (It might just be Bolas tho.)
I think I'll make a prediction and say that Bolas is the ONLY planeswalker in Amonkhet, to show the plane before anyone gets there and starts some shit.
donated-warroir-9 asked: I really hope that kaladesh doesn't become like innistrad and get everything pretty close to perfect except for forgetting the glaringly obvious card. Please don't let the R/U artifact matters legend become the new legendary werewolf.
Kaladesh is not a gold set which means there are limited slots for multicolor cards. We have a Blue/Red character who is focused on artifacts. That character is Saheeli Rai. So no, Kaladesh does not have a legendary Blue/Red creature that mechanically cares about artifacts.
I'd love if they did a new Bolas in set 1, and had something like the four horsemen as his planeswalker lackies in set 2 (though I could be equating ancient Egyptian setting to Marvel's Apocalypse here, so maybe I'm reaching (also, they wouldn't have no Gatewatch representation, especially with Ajani coming to set this up)).
they're just floating whales...Way more boring than skywhales.
There is zero chance that there isn't a Gatewatch planeswalker in the Amonkhet set.