The set symbol is probably literally Emrakul since we know Emrakul's the Eldritch Moon. (It's referring to the thing that is coming, not the existing Moon.)
This has to be broken with something somehow, right?
So if fire magic is banned on Kaladesh, how will they handle red cards? That cuts out a huge bit that red does. I hope it means they will experiment a little more with red, interacting with artifacts and such.
So if fire magic is banned on Kaladesh, how will they handle red cards? That cuts out a huge bit that red does. I hope it means they will experiment a little more with red, interacting with artifacts and such.
We're still thinking this one in the middle, right?
Hey, somewhat of a noob here who's been bitten by the Magic bug - I used to play in the 90's, but a lot's changed since then and I've been reading up so as to not be entirely lost, but there's still some things that confuse me. Mainly with the transformation cards - my friend told me I can only transform a card on my upkeep, but the cards say "at the beginning of each upkeep", which suggests to me that I should be able to intentionally not cast any spells one turn so as to transform any double-sided cards during my opponent's that right?
Your deck itself seems to be all over the place - there's a lot of 1-ofs (I'm assuming because of lack of cards?). I'd remove all the chaff removal (Sheer Drop, Gideon's Reproach) and go straight for 4x Fiery Temper 4x Lightning Axe. Since they're uncommon/commons, you shouldn't have trouble acquiring them at your LGS.
I'm debating if i should preorder a box of Eternal Masters before the spoilers start and the sellers start jacking up the prices.
I'm debating if i should preorder a box of Eternal Masters before the spoilers start and the sellers start jacking up the prices.
I'm debating if i should preorder a box of Eternal Masters before the spoilers start and the sellers start jacking up the prices.
Baby Jace is no longer the most expensive card in standard on MTGO.
What is?
Did my first TSP-TSP-PLC draft ever tonight on MTGO. Time Spiral block is probably my biggest knowledge hole, because I never even bought a single pack of any set in the block or even thought about Magic when it was out. I'm really surprised people don't have this format high on their tier lists- there is SO MUCH going on, lots of on-board tricks and unique Flash cards, and it feels great.
So glad I have four CoCo
Fucking sad I don't have three more Kalitas
So guys, I just realized I have a signed English All Hallow's Eve by Christopher Rush (I literally got it done at GP vegas and forgot about it...somehow). How likely is it that mine is one of few on the planet, and should I ship it to some Wizards of the Coast vault / Maro or something?
I have 4 Kalitas. I got them for 1000 puca points.
1000 PP is 10 dollars
1000 PP is 10 dollars
I was bragging not offering
How? Teach me your secrets, sensei.
Kalitas has been great since he was printed, people should have jumped on that train a long time ago.
Kalitas has been great since he was printed, people should have jumped on that train a long time ago.
baleenwhale asked: You wrote about a failure of BFZ not returning to what players loved about Zendikar, but what metrics did you guys use to find out that it was a mistake? Last I heard, BFZ was the best-selling set at the time of Release.
The set sold very Well, but the market Research was significantly lower than blocks before it.
He's been I think 15 for 1 at the lowest IIRC here, never even close to 2.5
So guys, I just realized I have a signed English All Hallow's Eve by Christopher Rush (I literally got it done at GP vegas and forgot about it...somehow). How likely is it that mine is one of few on the planet, and should I ship it to some Wizards of the Coast vault / Maro or something?
Well, at least they know it.
I just opened all 4 of my Kalitases. You guys just need to draft more!
(Meanwhile, I've only managed to open 1 Always Watching so far even though I've opened literally 2 to 4 copies of every mythic in the set other than Geralf's Messenger).