Today's Latest Developments. One interesting thing is that there are no delirium cards that boost toughness (other than through counters). This was to prevent situations where a creature has damage assigned to it that isn't lethal due to a delirium boost but then has delirium shut off and it dies. This also makes them less like "failed double faced cards".
As usual, my steaming card dump.
Town Gossipmonger - Love the flavor, though firebreathing in white is still odd to me.
Accursed Witch - Great concept, and I love that they were able to fit in one Curse.
Kindly Stranger - This seems pretty strong, with its ability to destroy a creature.
Geier Reach Bandit - Maaaaybe Standard playable? Even without the Werewolf lord aspect, it has decent stats.
Skin Invasion - Really interesting card. It's too bad that the Constructed creatures you'd want to use this on can tap instead of attack.
Autumnal Gloom - Another interesting design. It looks like in general, you have to jump through some hoops to get hexproof now, whether it be more mana or stuff like this.
Hermit of Natterknolls - Maaaaybe Standard playable? Definitely good enough for Limited.
Harvest Hand - Sad for this scarecrow that it turns into terrible equipment. At least there are other neat scarecrows in this set.
Cathar's Companion - I'd say this is meant to be Scooby, but it reminds me more of Scrappy Doo. Also, weird to see white still getting prowess-esque triggers like in Dragons of Tarkir.
Gryff's Boom - Gryffs are so weird looking.
Not Forgotten - Really surprised to see this effect in white, especially a variation that allows you to mess with your opponent's deck.
Open the Armory - I didn't expect to see a straight up tutor. Still, this is probably too slow (and not a 1/2 that also puts it on the battlefield) so I don't think it will see Constructed play.
Tenacity - I'm always surprised when they make a new card that uses one semi-common word for the title.
Unruly Mob - Great to see this card back with the same art.
Broken Concentration - I didn't expect them to print a new madness counter, especially one that costs the same as Cancel normally. 4 mana for madness is probably too much for this to see much play, but it still seems risky.
Deny Existence - I always loved this flavor concept, of denying something exists and that somehow working. I hope this is reprinted in Return to Theros, with an Akroan Atheist.
Fleeting Memories - I like the art and art concept with this card, depicting memories as fleeing butterflies.
Ghostly Wings - This seemed like the sort of weird design that would be from an older set, and
sure enough.
Gone Missing - I love the flavor behind this.
Niblis of Dusk - Notable for being one of the few cases where I actually understand the flavor of prowess: it's taking energy from the spells you cast.
Press for Answers - Now this looks like old-school art, and I like the flavor.
Reckless Scholar - The fact that this targets a player made me suspect it was a reprint,
and it was, though it's newer than I expected.
Alms of the Vein - Maaaaaybe Standard playable?
Grotesque Mutation - Wow, that's gross. Also, definitely not Emrakul.
Murderous Compulsion - Really like the art and flavor, with how the madness ties into the spell being cast at instant speed.
Dissension in the Ranks - This is the sort of card I'd like to see from red more often, doing more to interact with blockers.
Geistblast - Would have preferred for this to be monored, but I still really like it.
Insolent Neonate - I like this effect. Even if it isn't Constructed playable, I expect to like it in Limited.
Malevolent Whispers - Yes, another Act of Treason that can be cast at instant speed! I loved Turn Against in BFZ, and this provides a power boost to better ensure two of your opponent's creatures will die. I also like the flavor.
Stensia Masquerade - I just find this amusing.
Tormenting Voice - Jeez, they're really getting their mileage out of this card, huh? Disappointed that Sarkhan isn't randomly in the art, but Haunted Mansion is fine.
Ulrich's Kindred - Well, we have a card directly referencing a werewolf leader, so hopefully we get a card for him.
Crawling Sensation - You destroy your lands, you get bugs in your house.
Equestrian Skill - RIP horsemanship
Graf Mole - Moooooooole! Also, the flavor's kind of a stretch.
Loam Dryad - Alright guys, here's your one-mana mana dork. Enjoy. Regardless, I like it.
Moonlight Hunt - We were talking about how good Rabid Bite was for green, and this seems even crazier (in a werewolf deck). Instant speed, and multiple creatures can gang up on one.
Rabid Bite - Speaking of which, now that we can clearly see the art on this, it's absolutely amazing.