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Magic: the Gathering - Shadows over Innistrad |OT| Blue's Clues

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If Maro and co. were getting legit hate mail or like "fuck you and your shitty story" posts, then I can understand their frustration and annoyance.

It's garbage persons from reddit sending him these questions, I am confident a ton of it is pretty much exactly like that.


I have no qualms with Maro telling trolls to piss off but "please treat the Gatewatch with the respect they deserve" is just lulz worthy. That's all the public saw. I'm getting the sense that maybe the public then overreacted (as I said, I wasn't aware there was a reaction so to speak) to that and if so that legit sucks but I can at least sympathize with the feeling of "why is Maro so butthurt?" given the little context us outsiders had.

The problem with the GW members- none have personality.

When your average (i.e. not any of the particularly great ones) character in a shonen anime/manga is more interesting that your lead protagonists, you've done goofed. I can understand that TCGs just aren't the best format for telling these types of stories but even still - few if any of the MTG characters are really "noteworthy", even the ones I kind of like.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
When your average (i.e. not any of the particularly great ones) character in a shonen anime/manga is more interesting that your lead protagonists, you've done goofed. I can understand that TCGs just aren't the best format for telling these types of stories but even still - few if any of the MTG characters are really "noteworthy", even the ones I kind of like.
Its a problem they didn't really have though. Elspeth was interesting. Sarkhan's story through Khans was interesting. I get why they think the new storytelling model can be better, I guess, but their old model was actually pretty good at making interesting characters


The problem with the GW members- none have personality.

Couldn't agree more. It's a little silly that whoever becomes the fifth member, whether that is Liliana or Sorin, they're automatically more interesting characters than the four original members. Hell, of the planeswalkers we know about nearly all the most boring, boilerplate ones are in the Gatewatch. Kill these boring bitches off and give us some more engaging characters. I nominate Nissa to be the first on the chopping block.


Honestly, the story for this set is pretty decent.

  • Nahiri is pissed off and vengeful for the Eldrazi ruining Zendikar so she is ruining Sorin's shit
  • Sorin in turn is pissed off and wants revenge
  • Avacyn is going crazy (Probably because of Nahiri) and Sorin has to put her down.
  • Jace and Tamiyo are investigating the weird shit going on with the Moon and tentacles and Emrakul hints

It's certainly loads better than Battle for Zendikar block.
Today's Latest Developments. One interesting thing is that there are no delirium cards that boost toughness (other than through counters). This was to prevent situations where a creature has damage assigned to it that isn't lethal due to a delirium boost but then has delirium shut off and it dies. This also makes them less like "failed double faced cards".

As usual, my steaming card dump.

Town Gossipmonger - Love the flavor, though firebreathing in white is still odd to me.
Accursed Witch - Great concept, and I love that they were able to fit in one Curse.
Kindly Stranger - This seems pretty strong, with its ability to destroy a creature.
Geier Reach Bandit - Maaaaybe Standard playable? Even without the Werewolf lord aspect, it has decent stats.
Skin Invasion - Really interesting card. It's too bad that the Constructed creatures you'd want to use this on can tap instead of attack.
Autumnal Gloom - Another interesting design. It looks like in general, you have to jump through some hoops to get hexproof now, whether it be more mana or stuff like this.
Hermit of Natterknolls - Maaaaybe Standard playable? Definitely good enough for Limited.
Harvest Hand - Sad for this scarecrow that it turns into terrible equipment. At least there are other neat scarecrows in this set.

Cathar's Companion - I'd say this is meant to be Scooby, but it reminds me more of Scrappy Doo. Also, weird to see white still getting prowess-esque triggers like in Dragons of Tarkir.
Gryff's Boom - Gryffs are so weird looking.
Not Forgotten - Really surprised to see this effect in white, especially a variation that allows you to mess with your opponent's deck.
Open the Armory - I didn't expect to see a straight up tutor. Still, this is probably too slow (and not a 1/2 that also puts it on the battlefield) so I don't think it will see Constructed play.
Tenacity - I'm always surprised when they make a new card that uses one semi-common word for the title.
Unruly Mob - Great to see this card back with the same art.

Broken Concentration - I didn't expect them to print a new madness counter, especially one that costs the same as Cancel normally. 4 mana for madness is probably too much for this to see much play, but it still seems risky.
Deny Existence - I always loved this flavor concept, of denying something exists and that somehow working. I hope this is reprinted in Return to Theros, with an Akroan Atheist.
Fleeting Memories - I like the art and art concept with this card, depicting memories as fleeing butterflies.
Ghostly Wings - This seemed like the sort of weird design that would be from an older set, and sure enough.
Gone Missing - I love the flavor behind this.
Niblis of Dusk - Notable for being one of the few cases where I actually understand the flavor of prowess: it's taking energy from the spells you cast.
Press for Answers - Now this looks like old-school art, and I like the flavor.
Reckless Scholar - The fact that this targets a player made me suspect it was a reprint, and it was, though it's newer than I expected.

Alms of the Vein - Maaaaaybe Standard playable?
Grotesque Mutation - Wow, that's gross. Also, definitely not Emrakul.
Murderous Compulsion - Really like the art and flavor, with how the madness ties into the spell being cast at instant speed.

Dissension in the Ranks - This is the sort of card I'd like to see from red more often, doing more to interact with blockers.
Geistblast - Would have preferred for this to be monored, but I still really like it.
Insolent Neonate - I like this effect. Even if it isn't Constructed playable, I expect to like it in Limited.
Malevolent Whispers - Yes, another Act of Treason that can be cast at instant speed! I loved Turn Against in BFZ, and this provides a power boost to better ensure two of your opponent's creatures will die. I also like the flavor.
Stensia Masquerade - I just find this amusing.
Tormenting Voice - Jeez, they're really getting their mileage out of this card, huh? Disappointed that Sarkhan isn't randomly in the art, but Haunted Mansion is fine.
Ulrich's Kindred - Well, we have a card directly referencing a werewolf leader, so hopefully we get a card for him.

Crawling Sensation - You destroy your lands, you get bugs in your house.
Equestrian Skill - RIP horsemanship
Graf Mole - Moooooooole! Also, the flavor's kind of a stretch.
Loam Dryad - Alright guys, here's your one-mana mana dork. Enjoy. Regardless, I like it.
Moonlight Hunt - We were talking about how good Rabid Bite was for green, and this seems even crazier (in a werewolf deck). Instant speed, and multiple creatures can gang up on one.
Rabid Bite - Speaking of which, now that we can clearly see the art on this, it's absolutely amazing.


Honestly, the story for this set is pretty decent.

  • Nahiri is pissed off and vengeful for the Eldrazi ruining Zendikar so she is ruining Sorin's shit
  • Sorin in turn is pissed off and wants revenge
  • Avacyn is going crazy (Probably because of Nahiri) and Sorin has to put her down.
  • Jace and Tamiyo are investigating the weird shit going on with the Moon and tentacles and Emrakul hints

It's certainly loads better than Battle for Zendikar block.
Notice that all the interesting parts have nothing to do with Jacetice League.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The Superfriends
Jacetice League
Avengers of Zendikar
Daily Update announces a new beginner product, Booster Battle Packs. They each have a random pairing of two 30-card decks and two booster packs. The decks are the beginner decks you get at game stores. MSRP is $9.99, and it will be sold in mass market stores. The decks will have unique reprints, like Shivan Dragon, which will be in Standard. Oddly enough, they didn't actually say what those cards are.
The problem with the GW members- none have personality.

That's not true. Jace is smart. Chandra is hot-headed. Gideon is, uh... good? And Nissa is... definitely not Garruk?

I won't hate on the story anymore if they keep doing metaplot on par with Innistrad.
And relegate Jace to the same sort of nebulous supporting role of all the other Planeswalkers instead of pushing their god-awful Mary Sue protagonist into everything.






I LOVE the flavor of this turning into an Equipment. Plus it gives Menace!


With Bone Saw, chick is a 4/3 if equipped OR if Weapons Trainer is in play!




GODLIKE Combat trick! GODLIKE art


Seriously considering WR Human Equip Tribal


IMO Waaaaaaaay too fuckin expensive for what it does, but maybe they're thinking Emrakul kills Ulamog, etc?


Nothing related to Equipment here, this just looks exactly like fucking Stephen Colbert



Solid. Any future creature you cast with one extra mana can be vigilance,trample,haste.


Ohhhhhhh yes. It's 4 mana, but holy shit discard outlet. Gimme fiery temper.


I LOVE this card. Being that it's Equipment, it fits right into the deck to keep helping you refill your hand.




+2/+1 and vigilance is sweet. I'll think about it.



IMO Waaaaaaaay too fuckin expensive for what it does, but maybe they're thinking Emrakul kills Ulamog, etc?
It's costed pretty correctly. It usually will read "destroy 2 blocking creatures."

The closest analogs are Blood Feud (which costs 1 more and is sorcery) and Rivals' Duel (which costs 1 less, is a sorcery and has targeting restrictions).



It can be something crazy like a 4 for 1 in a big combat if there are some multiblocks, so I think it has to be that expensive.

Though I'm not totally sure if I'd want to start it, since how often do big combats with multiple blockers happen? And your opponent can play around it and kind of wreck you if they see it coming if you're depending on them eating one of your attackers with a big guy so it can then kill the other blocker.


It can be something crazy like a 4 for 1 in a big combat if there are some multiblocks, so I think it has to be that expensive.

Though I'm not totally sure if I'd want to start it, since how often do big combats with multiple blockers happen? And your opponent can play around it and kind of wreck you if they see it coming if you're depending on them eating one of your attackers with a big guy so it can then kill the other blocker.
I feel like it's similar to Turn Against. It's often a blowout game 1, then you side it out and your opponent is still forced to play around it, just in case.


Yeah, it might also be one of those things you destroy people with at the Prerelease but as people learn the format it stops working very often.
I'm going to analyze the tribes' potential for standard:

Spirits W/U
Reasons to play the tribe:
Rattlechains - This card is awesome. A potential 2-for-1, and casting your creatures with flash is very nice, especially in white/blue with some controlly instants.
Spectral Shepherd - Merely decent. Can save your creatures, or help you get more investigate triggers off of Bygone Bishop, but the body is disappointing.

Other good Spirit cards, but not tribal:
Bygone Bishop
- Good body and a nice ability that plays well with the other cheap spirits.
Uninvited Giest - Flavor win, decent creature that's hard to block.
Topplegiest - Probably only worth it if delirium isn't too hard to get. Gets points for the art.
Erdwal Illuminator - Works well with Bygone Bishop, not sure what other investigate cards would be worthy.
Deadafenza - Making your evasive beaters bigger is good

On the creature side, I'm only enthused by Rattlechains, Deadafenza, and Bygone Bishop. The other creatures probably just aren't good enough.

Vampires B/R
Reasons to play the tribe:
Falkenrath Gorger - A payoff card for all the madness enablers that vampires have access to.
Olivia's Bloodsworn - Decent, but not great. Giving haste might not be enough to make this card worth it.
Stensia Masquerade - I like this because it can force the opponent to make unprofitable blocks or your creatures get bigger. Probably only great if you can get it out with madness.
Indulgent Aristrocrat - Probably not good enough ability to overcome its poor body.

Other Non-tribal Vampires:
Olivia, Mobilized For War - Makes creatures vampires but doesn't give any payoff for having vampires. Still a great body and ability though.
Asylum Vistor
- Another great body and ability.
Heir of Flakenrath - Madness enabler that is also decent on its own.
Elusive Tormentor - Madness enabler, but this one is hard to evaluate. Probable too slow.
Incorrigible Youths - Good if madness is easy to get, bad otherwise.
Call the Bloodline - More madness, but probably only good if you're taking advantage of madness.

This tribe will probably be pretty good. Falkenrath Gorger will be the 1 drop; Heir of Falkenrath, Asylum Vistor, maybe Call the Bloodline for 2 drops; Drana, Olivia, Masquerade for 3 drops; Kalitas for 4 drops. Maybe fit in Incorrigible Youths. Tormenting Voice will be the card draw, and burn and black stuff for removal. I want to make this but stupid Kalitas is stupid expensive.
Okay, my thoughts on a few of the cards after digesting the set a bit more. These are cards that elicited some of the strongest reactions from me, not necessarily the "best" or "worst:"

Kindly Stranger//Demon-Possessed Witch - Almost all of the DFCs in this set are home runs. Most of the Delirium payoffs are very good - this is one of the best. I love that it's got two of the set's feature mechanics on it.

Kessig Forgemaster//Flameheart Werewolf - This is a strictly better version of Ashmouth Hound, which has been in my Peasant Cube from its inception, and I'm super stoked that it exists. I love that it has a weird form of evasion on its front face, which increases the odds that you can actually connect with it without needing to cast a spell on your turn to push it through.

Skin Invasion//Skin Shredder - I really want this to be as good as it looks. With the right kind of setup, it's a 1-mana removal spell that leaves behind a 3/4 on your side - the upside is crazy, and the flavor is A+ on point.

Autumnal Gloom//Ancient of the Equinox - This card intrigues me. It's literally a 3-mana do-nothing unless you have Delirium, in which case it's a very efficient beater. It seems like one of those cards you would expect to come late and only get picked up by that guy trying to force Delirium - but is there going to be enough payoff to want to be that guy?

Harvest Hand//Scrounged Scythe - This is one of those cards that feels weak, but each time I look at tweaking some cost on the card it starts to look absurd. I think I would have like to see an equip of (1) - that would have made me excited to pick it. Amusingly, this card is very unexciting for Delirium Guy.

Neglected Heirloom//Ashmouth Blade - I want to slap this on an Heir of Falkenrath so bad...

Bound by Moonsilver - I really want to try this in my Cube. One of the reasons I never played Prison Term was because of how your opponent can just start playing creatures on his first main and free up the previously imprisoned creatures to attack. This has a very relevant downside, but it lets you evaluate the events of the entire turn before moving it. I'm a huge fan.

Chaplain's Blessing - I guess every set has to have a shitty card, but damn.

Dauntless Cathar and Nearheath Chaplain - White doesn't get Madness...or does it? These cards are a really clever design to help glue the draft format together.

Militant Inquisitor, Strength of Arms - This is the second set in a row where we've gotten weird equipment-matters cards. At least this set has (some) reasonable equipment, but it still feels really weird when it's not a full-on draft archetype.

Open the Armory - This is my early front-runner for "foils are going to be stupidly expensive five years from now."

Inspiring Captain - I won't list them all, but have you noticed how many "mini-Overrun" cards there are in this set?

Erdwal Illuminator - LSV mentioned this on Limited Resources, and it's making me re-evaluate these kinds of cards. How many times can you actually sac a clue in a game of Magic? How many times are you really going to have extra mana laying around? If the games become super grindy, then doubling up on clues is really good. But I would imagine that most games aren't going to see a player sacrificing more than 2-3 clues. Fortunately, a 1/3 flier for 2 is just barely playable, so I think this guy is still good - I'm just using him as a proxy for planting the thought of "why would I want to have a giant pile of clues?" More later.

Stitchwing Skaab - There are a couple of cards in blue and black that do this - the cost just seems incredibly high. I think you'll be happy enough to have some of these (this seems to be the best one), and pitching lands in a long game is fine, but I wonder how often the ability really matters.

Murderous Compulsion - This card seems stupidly strong to me, especially if you have an instant-speed Madness enabler so you can activate it in combat. In general, the removal in this set seems way stronger than it has been in the past.

Pale Rider of Trostad - Love the art, hate the card. Why is Skulk on a creature where it's whole schtick is that you're getting a large body for the mana?

Rancid Rats - Skulk is superfluous here. Nobody was going to block a 1/1 deathtouch anyway...

Dissension in the Ranks - This card seems nuts. Even if you don't get a free 2-for-1, the odds are that damage on the creatures will be enough to make them die during the combat damage step. I really like this thing.

Geistblast - This card speaks to me. I wish it was a little more aggressively costed, but they clearly had respect for its power.

Insolent Neonate - I'm struggling to figure out what this card is supposed to do. It seems like a complete waste. Maybe this is the worst card in the set?

Briarbridge Patrol - This seems like a classic "best case scenario mentality" card. Sure, there are some cute synergies with rares like Tamiyo's Journal (pro tip - you can search for this guy with Tamiyo's Journal, cast him, and still get to put a creature you already had in your hand into play). And if you can get a ton of clues, maybe you can spend a whole turn sacrificing clues to put a creature into play (achievement unlocked). But I'm really not convinced that the Blue-Green Investigate deck is really a thing.

Confront the Unknown - There is this thing, which feels like a way to steal a game more than anything else. I really really don't know what to do about this.

Crawling Sensation - It's a good thing this says "may," because it seems like a really good way to deck yourself otherwise. This one has me curious. It seems kind of sweet, but also seems way too slow to be worth putting into your deck.

Pack Guardian - Now this card seems legit awesome. And if we're talking BCSM, you can get an extra token with Crawling Sensation! C-c-c-c-ombo! /s

Skeleton Key - This card's just bad, right?


I got 2 Thing in the Ice and 1 foil Thing in the Ice. Obviously the simulator doesn't take collation into account.
Its a problem they didn't really have though. Elspeth was interesting. Sarkhan's story through Khans was interesting. I get why they think the new storytelling model can be better, I guess, but their old model was actually pretty good at making interesting characters

I think a lot of the problem with the GW is similar to the problem a lot of superhero movies have: their appearance in BFZ is an origin story, and an origin story (unless there's some very strong underlying narrative logic to make it worthwhile on its own) is usually fucking boring. They had to take four characters who don't have a ton of personality, file off their edges a bit for marketing reasons, then make them all hang out and be friends for a set, all of which is cheesy and irritating, in order to set things up.

I suspect that their future utilization will be much more like SOI, though. This set actually shows why this narrative construct is a good idea, IMO: you can use Jace (who requires no setup or background) to provide an entry point to the story and to connect the block plotline with the larger metaplot, but actually focus the storytelling and story beats around more interesting or dynamic characters (Sorin, Nahiri, Tamiyo.) If they can keep the Gatewatch as a concept to explain why these lead characters keep meeting up but delve into local stories like this in each plane I think it'll work out very well.

Militant Inquisitor, Strength of Arms - This is the second set in a row where we've gotten weird equipment-matters cards. At least this set has (some) reasonable equipment, but it still feels really weird when it's not a full-on draft archetype.

I'm telling you, Kaladesh Fall 2016.
Pale Rider of Trostad - Love the art, hate the card. Why is Skulk on a creature where it's whole schtick is that you're getting a large body for the mana?
The skulk is to make sure it's still relevant later in the game, where a 3/3 wouldn't be as impressive.

Insolent Neonate - I'm struggling to figure out what this card is supposed to do. It seems like a complete waste. Maybe this is the worst card in the set?
Probably irrational, but I like this card. I feel like in Limited, this is the most reliable way to enable madness in red on your opponent's turn.
Finally have my EDH deck in a fairly good spot, traded for 1 of each khan's fetch today for starters. All that's left now is Admonition Angel, the new Avacyn, Sword of Fire and Ice, Oblation, new Nahiri, Enlightened Master, the Zendikar Fetches and a Plateau but some of that is gonna take some time.

Sword of Feast and Famine on an Aurelia is really ridiculous, the sword on Akroma Angel of Fury is hilarious.

Deck: Aurelia's Angels

1 Wrath of God
1 Windswept Heath
1 Angel of Serenity
1 Vandalblast
1 Archangel of Tithes
1 Firemane Avenger
1 Sunforger
1 Sol Ring
1 Swords to Plowshares
1 Emeria Shepherd
1 Mastery of the Unseen
1 Slayers' Stronghold
1 Mind Stone
1 Skullclamp
1 Aurelia's Fury
1 Sword of Feast and Famine
1 Quarantine Field
1 Ghostly Prison
1 Land Tax
1 Reverberate
1 Legion's Initiative
1 Temple of Triumph
1 True Conviction
1 Akroma, Angel of Wrath
1 Everflowing Chalice
1 Homeward Path
1 Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
1 Sensei's Divining Top
1 Path to Exile
1 Grasp of Fate
1 Terminus
1 Blighted Gorge
1 Earthquake
1 Outpost Siege
1 Platinum Angel
1 Boros Signet
1 Angel of Jubilation
1 Dreamstone Hedron
1 Forgotten Cave
1 Luminarch Ascension
1 Avacyn, Angel of Hope
1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
1 Aura of Silence
1 Hedron Archive
1 Lightning Greaves
1 Ajani Vengeant
1 Wild Ricochet
1 Chaos Warp
1 Gideon Jura
1 Spinerock Knoll
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
1 Flooded Strand
1 Strip Mine
1 Mistveil Plains
1 Ghost Quarter
1 Wooded Foothills
1 Temple of the False God
1 Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion
1 Windbrisk Heights
1 Secluded Steppe
1 Command Tower
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Sublime Archangel
1 Twilight Shepherd
1 Entreat the Angels
1 Angel of the Dire Hour
1 Lightning Helix
1 Battlefield Forge
1 Karmic Guide
1 Guardian Seraph
1 Emeria Angel
1 Assemble the Legion
1 Terrain Generator
1 Basalt Monolith
1 Quicksilver Amulet
1 Anya, Merciless Angel
1 Sunblast Angel
1 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
1 Wear // Tear
1 Drifting Meadow
1 Iona, Shield of Emeria
1 Boros Garrison
1 Boros Charm
1 Defy Death
1 Akroma, Angel of Fury
4 Mountain
8 Plains
1 Call the Gatewatch
1 Aurelia, the Warleader
1 Bloodstained Mire

Deckstatistik anzeigen


Finally have my EDH deck in a fairly good spot, traded for 1 of each khan's fetch today for starters. All that's left now is Admonition Angel, the new Avacyn, Sword of Fire and Ice, Oblation, new Nahiri, Enlightened Master, the Zendikar Fetches and a Plateau but some of that is gonna take some time.

Sword of Feast and Famine on an Aurelia is really ridiculous, the sword on Akroma Angel of Fury is hilarious.


That's a really cool deck, I love me some Angels.
The mild enchantment theme fits w/ the Rav3 rumor for Spring 2017.

That rumor is so ridiculous though. R&D was worried Egypt block -- the winner of Rosewater's Twitter poll, mind -- would be received too much like Kamigawa (???), so they decided to still do it (???) but to isolate it completely from the ongoing storyline (how is this a solution to the stated problem?) even though they've explicitly told us that every set is tied into the ongoing storyline now (???). Also the spring 2017 set Barrel has a final name already even though final set names aren't locked in that far in advance (???) because the summer set Laughs hasn't even been turned over to development yet? It just seems like such bog-standard 4chan BS.

If anything, I'd look at the enchantment stuff as a prelude to Theros 2. Or there are a few other elements of this set that could hint at possible options (spirits for Kamigawa, race-class tokens for a setting that could care about class tribal like Arthurian fantasy, etc.)


R&D being worried about Spring Sales and putting two heavy hitter planes in the first 2 spring slots is what rings true to me.
My LGS is having their Spring sale with all cards being Buy 1 Get 1 Free. I unfortunately got there too late and the play set of Dark Depths were sold. (*#&$(%*&#

They pretty much cleared out most of their inventory today.


Not Wario
Pale Rider is straight out of a Norshteyn short. Seb really put in work this set.

Set looks pretty solid for limited. I'm not seeing the possibilities of original INN limited, but hopefully there's some viable less obvious archetypes.

Not really looking that powerful for constructed. Obviously a pretty noticeable step up from BFZ and step down from Oath- which is good- but it seems like they kind of blew all the exciting new constructed playables right off the bat. Fortunately, losing all the power from Khans will open up some room for it to shine.


My LGS is having their Spring sale with all cards being Buy 1 Get 1 Free. I unfortunately got there too late and the play set of Dark Depths were sold. (*#&$(%*&#

They pretty much cleared out most of their inventory today.

edit: Noah Bradley's fanboying out about the artist who did Mad Prophet in SoI- https://twitter.com/noahbradley/status/713500801491017728

Noah Bradley ‏@noahbradley 3h3 hours ago

What the hell? Iain McCaig did a @wizards_magic card? That's amazing, and I'm not sure how I didn't know this.

http://www.magicspoiler.com/mtg-spoiler/mad-prophet-3/ …
5 retweets 21 likes

Noah Bradley

For the Magic fans that might not realize: Iain McCaig, besides being a generally incredible artist, was a concept artist on Star Wars.

That is to say: Darth Maul was his baby.
3 retweets 13 likes

View other replies
Noah Bradley ‏@noahbradley 3h3 hours ago

Oh and his video on visual storytelling was life-changing for me: http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/store/product/157/Visual-Storytelling-with-Iain-McCaig-Vol.1 …
R&D being worried about Spring Sales and putting two heavy hitter planes in the first 2 spring slots is what rings true to me.

I think R&D knows at this point that the returns on Ravnica 3 are gonna be a lot smaller than they were for Ravnica 2 and will consequently hold off a little longer than they would otherwise. It was 7 years from RAV to RTR, Spring 2017 would be four and a half, which is pretty fast, especially with another gold block in the middle of that.
Another thing to note is that Ravnica 3 would almost certainly have an odd block structure, such as large-large. MaRo has already confirmed that every block announced at least up to Barrel (Spring 2017) is large-small.
Another thing to note is that Ravnica 3 would almost certainly have an odd block structure, such as large-large. MaRo has already confirmed that every block announced at least up to Barrel (Spring 2017) is large-small.

Oh, if Laughs is actually confirmed to be a small set that pretty much seals it.
Oh, if Laughs is actually confirmed to be a small set that pretty much seals it.

Managed to find where he explicitly says it.
subbak asked: So why "Fears" instead of "Toil" which would complete the quote?

We kept the three-set block names because two-set blocks weren’t public yet. The small set that goes with the spring set ties into that set name.

We will have Blood (big) and Sweat (small). That’s a block. Them we will have Tears (big) and Fears (small). That’s a block.

The following year we have Lock (big) and Stock (small). That’s a block. Then we have Barrel (big) and Monkeys (small). That’s a block.

From then on our block names use a two-set naming convention - Blah & Blah.

Monkeys was changed to Laughs for an unknown reason. My wild guess is that Kaladesh will have monkeys, resulting in the term "Monkey deck" being confusing.

EDIT: Further confirmation, expanding out to Soup and Salad.
w1r3d0n3 asked: Can you tell us all the code names (in order) for all the upcoming sets? I can't seem to be able to find it anywhere.

Here are the codenames that are public:

- Blood (now known as Battle for Zendikar)
- Sweat (small set from Battle for Zendikar block)
- Tears (large set of following block)
- Fears (small set in Tears block)
- Lock (large set released in a little over a year)
- Stock (small set in Lock block)
- Barrel (large set block following Lock)
- Laughs (small set in Barrel block)
- Ham (large set released in just over two years)
- Eggs (small set of Ham block)
- Soup (large set of block following Ham block)
- Salad (small block of Soup block)
Monkeys was changed to Laughs for an unknown reason. My wild guess is that Kaladesh will have monkeys, resulting in the term "Monkey deck" being confusing.

It's either because it overlapped with a codename for another WotC product or because someone worried it could be used offensively.
So, my mom found her old deck(she used to play cards with the kids she had to work with, they were diabled and loved the game) so anyway she didn't need it and she gave it to me.

Here's what it consists of:

My deck consists of:

X11 Mountain cards
x11 Forest Cards
x1 Oxidda Scrapmelter
x1 Copperline Gorge
x1 Veridian Revel
x1Whitesun's Passage
x1Trigon of Infestation
x1 shatter
x2 Arc Trail
x2 Sylvok replica
x2 Molder Beast
x2 Turn to Slag
x2 vulshok Replica
x1 Acid Web Spider
x2 Volshock heartstroker
x1 Tumble Magnet
x1 Darkslick Drake
x1 Copper Myr
x3 Iron Myr
x1 Barbed Battlegear
x1Withstand Death
x1 Vedelkan Certarch
x1 Horizon Spellbomb
x2 untamed might
x1 fireball
x1 Blade Tribe Berserkers
x1 Prodigal Pyromancer
x1Wall of Tanglecord
x1 Flameborn hellion
x1 Foil Hoard Smelter Dragon
x1 Cudgel troll
x1 Kemba's Bodyguard
x2 Barrage Ogre

Pointers? Suggestions? Best ways to get more cards? I don't really have the money at the moment to invest in more cards but I don't mind asking so I can be an informed buyer.
So, my mom found her old deck(she used to play cards with the kids she had to work with, they were diabled and loved the game) so anyway she didn't need it and she gave it to me.

Here's what it consists of:

My deck consists of:


Pointers? Suggestions? Best ways to get more cards? I don't really have the money at the moment to invest in more cards but I don't mind asking so I can be an informed buyer.

The best way to get particular cards is to order them individually from a site like Channel Fireball or Star City Games. Now, if you don't have anything particular in mind, then I recommend building up your collection just through playing Limited. For example, go to the Shadows over Innistrad prerelease next week.
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