djohn230 asked: Your response to the question about Tamiyo joining the Gatewatch seemed kind of harsh. I don't really understand why using the term "Jacetice league" is disrespectful.
Let me give a little context because I agree that it came across harsher than I intended. I get a lot of questions. I read as many as I can and I try to answer as many as I can. You all don’t see what I don’t answer, only what I do.
Yesterday, I got a bunch of mean spirited questions about the story all clumped together. I work closely with the creative team and I know how hard they work to create the story.
So I took the most benign question, because I didn’t want to publish the meaner ones, and posted my single response to the clump of questions. As you guys only saw the most benign question, I agree that my response felt a bit disconnected.
Here’s my issue. I have no problem with criticism. I have no problem with people not liking something. All I ask on my blog (note not the Internet, just on my blog) is for people to be polite (I would like people to be polite across the Internet, but that is beyond my control). If you honestly dislike something, including any aspect of the story, I don’t mind you saying so, but please do it in a way that isn’t demeaning of the work.
For example, if you are referring to the Gatewatch, please call them the Gatewatch. If you’re referring to a character or mechanic or place, please use the actual name.
There is a way to address serious feedback that does not require people to trash the things they are asking about. The people that make Magic work really hard to create something awesome for you all to enjoy, so I’m simply asking (once again here on my blog) for you to do so with some civility.
We’re not perfect. We’ll make mistakes or choices you disagree with. I want to hear those disagreements. I want to hear how you believe we can improve and do better but I do not want you needlessly insulting my coworkers and their work.
Thank you.