Angry Grimace
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Biggest problem with Zombies is just how many Exile effects are running around.
wall of shame from last thread
Flipping Jace sucks now without fetchlands. He's often just Merfolk Looter with corner case upside.
Angry Grimace literally has more than twice as many posts as kirblar.
am I missing something? There's like 200 posts missing to be even close to literally.
Yeah, that's the biggest problem with Boros (and why I switched to Mardu). You could add some more card draw artifacts like Mask of Memory, Staff of Nin and Mind's Eye. I also see a giant hole with Austere Command's name in it
edit: It's quite expensive, but you could always add the Land Tax + Scroll Rack engine to draw.
Risen Executioner is going up again. Ebay BINs for playsets are at 24-25, TCGP still has some under 5 bucks.
Nah. Just Zombies/Innistrad stuff.Someone write an article about it?
Risen Executioner is going up again. Ebay BINs for playsets are at 24-25, TCGP still has some under 5 bucks.
I don't want to add too many equipments to the deck after sword of fire and ice it's gonna be 4 already not counting any tutors, don't wanna make it a voltron list, I might put into the deck. Scroll Rack is in consideration but not the highest priority right now.
Is austere command any good?
Austere Command is the best wrath variant. It does everything, clear the small creatures while leaving your angels alive while also destroying all artifacts or enchantments, clears the while board, etc.
It's crazy good, you should really try it.
It's not that it's literally impossible to design a cube where there are cheap mana rocks and green aggro is good, it's that absent very specific design goals and execution the biggest effect cheap mana rocks have is to make green shittier.
The types of decks that want mana rocks by and large usually don't want Green cards and vice versa (not to say they can't work in harmony but each subset have unique space to them as well). Green is better at going from 1 > 3 > 5 > etc. whereas the cheapest mana rock you'd find in an unpowered Cube go more from 2 > 4. A Mind Stone is not a replacement for a Llanowar Elf. A Coalition Relic is not a replacement for a Birds of Paradise. Elves don't want to go in decks with lots of board sweepers (Wrath, Wildfire). Elves don't work well with cards that care about artifacts. Artifact mana is susceptible to being disrupted in ways land ramp isn't/can't (there are far few good LD effects than artifact destruction). Mana Rocks don't work well with the 5321535 cards in Green that want you to have a high creature count or care about the type of creatures you have (Green Sun's Zenith, Survival of the Fittest, Fauna Shaman, Natural Order, Gaea's Cradle, any anthem affect, any Equipment, etc.). "Mana rocks make Green suck" is basically an idea propagated by Tom Lapille and then others started parroting it. Do you want to be on the side of a Magic related argument that Tom Lapille is on? I think not!
Seriously though, Green being a good color and mana rocks aren't mutually exclusive in a Cube. If there's an issue, there is a design flaw elsewhere. Having an OBSCENE number of mana rocks for a Cube of a particular size can be problematic but having none or playing very, very few shitty ones I think is actively bad for a Standard Cube. Too many different types of decks become worse or nonviable to prop up a color that is likely only suffering because you didn't design it well in your Cube to start with.
is legit. A lot of the other mill cards in the set are too slow (Startled Awake is atrocious, Fleeting Memories requires to much support and mana to be worthwhile) but that combo can kill on turn six as long as it stays on the board for a couple turns. Another fun fact? Creation is a horror so Thing in the Ice doesn't bounce it when it flips. I'm running these plus Jace and a large mix of draw and permission. It's definitely more consistent and powerful than the old Tutelage shell.
Creatures: 22
3 Sigarda, Heron’s Grace
4 Thalia’s Lieutenant
4 Hanwier Militia Captain
4 Tireless Tracker
3 Bygone Bishop
4 Thraben Inspector
Spells: 12
4 Angelic Purge
4 Traverse the Ulvenwald
3 Eerie Interlude
1 Second Harvest
Enchantments: 5
3 Bound by Moonsilver
2 Ulvenwald Mysteries
Lands: 21
[haven't decided]
I've seen that mentioned but it has to live a full turn against decks that probably mainboard removal that's useless against most of tutelage decks.
gives you instant value instead and works as a better alternate win con.
I'm thinking a UR control deck that can gear into tutelage post board or verse vica
Jace and TitI usually eat a removal spell before Creation hits. I'm still toying around with it and the competition on MTGO right now consists entirely of other janky brews but it feels very powerful.
Jace and TitI usually eat a removal spell before Creation hits. I'm still toying around with it and the competition on MTGO right now consists entirely of other janky brews but it feels very powerful.
Risen Executioner is going up again. Ebay BINs for playsets are at 24-25, TCGP still has some under 5 bucks.
Bridge from Below isn't banned anywaysHow to fix modern:
unban everything but hypergenesis, skullclamp and bridge from below, allow all sets from masques onward, voilà, an actually good format.
Can't wait to Gush my shocklands.
Bridge from Below isn't banned anyways
No? I guess dread's return and Golgari troll are then. Point still stand.
Just Dread Return. I think Cabal Therapy is legal in that proposed format too.No? I guess dread's return and Golgari troll are then. Point still stand.