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Magic: the Gathering - Shadows over Innistrad |OT| Blue's Clues

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i don;'t think there will be any eldrazi cards (even emrakul) in eldritch moon

u can quote me

I don't mind 1 or 2 but keep the rest outa here and gimme more sweet spooky tribal.

Kessig forgemaster.

If a 1 power creature blocks it, it kills said creature before damage can be done to kessig, correct?

It says if it's blocked or blocks it deals 1 damage to creature
....because it's just a vanilla creature. There is nothing broken about it.

Because he puts a clock on unfair strategies and lets you have mana to be disruptive at the same time. He's not just not-broken, but he's good for the format.

Yeah, but doesn't his over-efficiency push out diversity among green creatures? I've been looking over modern deck ideas and pretty much any strategy that involves green creature beatdowns meets the "Just add Goyf" response. At least for any deck that wants to be competitive.


Yeah, but doesn't his over-efficiency push out diversity among green creatures?

When they ban something to increase diversity within the colour it turns out the colour just doesn't work as well without that card. They banned Wild Nacatl to increase diversity in green based aggro decks and it just killed the archetype. They banned Twin to increase diversity in blue tempo decks and now they aren't any
this isn't necessarily a fair argument until they ban Eldrazi though


I apologize for not mentioning Archangel of Tithes a few days ago when I saw it mentioned. (I already had a playset and didn't think to shout it out.)

Joe Molotov

Mothership April Fools is pretty lame this year, just having a joke version of the Daily Update where all the links are to silly pictures and videos.

The MTGO Monthly Personal Summary was extra informative this month, however.


I knew I should have sprung for MTGO Gold. :(


Joe Molotov

Got a Promo Avacyn and a Relentless Dead in my Prerelease pool. Decided not to stay but I bought an Intro Pack before I left and got a Sorin and a Game Trail out of it.
I thought I had a good B/R aggro deck with relentless dead, sin prodder, burn from within, devils playground, and falkenrath gorger + heir, but I still went 1-2.

I take solace in my foil anguished unmaking at least.


Pulled Sigarda and went R/B. Ended up 2-1, the loss coming off of the worst mana screw hands in awhile. One game I pulled ten lands in a row, the next I got 1 land and kept it and went seven turns before seeing a second.

Magmatic chasm is pretty nice if you don't have fliers, that and the Sac a creature each Vamp gets +1/+1 did it quite a few games.

Never really played any Madness and Delirium was usually pretty hard for mw to get. I don't think Delirium is good unless you have something built around it. I seemed to only hit it if I had reason to discard a land.


Went 3-1 at my prerelease! That's a good record for me.
Was something like the 5th best player in the store, but all the prize support goes to top 4. I'm not salty. Much.
Westvale Abbey and Sigarda were beast, and the Graf Mole is better than I thought it would be. My only loss was against a Bant deck that ran on Clues.
I should have built something similar, probably.

The guy next to me got Jace and Arlinn in the same booster and went 1-3 lel.


Rares in my pool:
Port Town
Choked Estuary (promo)
Foreboding Ruins
Second Harvest
Invocation of Saint Traft
Angel of Deliverance
Prized Amalgam

Probably the worst group of rares I have ever pulled in sealed. Everything except green was playable but was pretty clear I had to run 3 colors. Had a ton of removal though and some flyers in white and blue so it wasn't that horrible to play. Managed 5-1 when I expected to lose the first round and just go home (payout is top heavy, only 8/52 got prizes). Got 3rd and 15 packs.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Rotation time is a great time for storage and reflection. Goodbye Butcher of the Hordes, as much as I tried to force you, you really did just suck. Goodbye Siege Rhino, you deck breaking piece of garbage. Goodbye Treasure Cruise, you were simply too beautiful for this cruel, cruel world.
Just got out of the pre-release. Ended up making a red / green werewolf deck. Got super lucky and drew about ten wolves. Was awesome.

Promo ended up being Geier Reach Bandit.

Love the set already!


Just got out of the pre-release. Ended up making a red / green werewolf deck. Got super lucky and drew about ten wolves. Was awesome.

Promo ended up being Geier Reach Bandit.

Love the set already!

Well, aren't you going to get a few wolves from the common dfc cards in each pach to begin with, plus a few normal ones this doesn't seem hard to get.

Did anyone get a second DFC in there pack?


Currently 1-1 in my prerelease. My pool is a bit tat, but being my first sanctioned event in 10+ years I don't really care.


Well, aren't you going to get a few wolves from the common dfc cards in each pach to begin with, plus a few normal ones this doesn't seem hard to get.

Did anyone get a second DFC in there pack?
I only opened one flip Werewolf all night, including two prize packs. Think there is enough flipping stuff that you might not be able to make Werewolves happen.

I did also get a second DFC, the flip land, in a prize pack. Also took the spot of a common, so the pack was 2 rares and 4 uncommons.
It was a little odd opening packs last night because some packs had DFC in the last slot. As someone who's used to go straight to the back of the pack to see the rare it took me by surprise.


Ended up 3-2 and got a couple of boosters. Nothing good in them. RG werewolves seems to be the premier sealed archetype, both the 5-0 were playing it (both had Arlinn as well :/ ) and most of the 4-1 were playing that archetype too. I played UR evasion and burn.
Well, aren't you going to get a few wolves from the common dfc cards in each pach to begin with, plus a few normal ones this doesn't seem hard to get.

Did anyone get a second DFC in there pack?

Not that I am aware of. As was mentioned a few posts above, there are so many flip cards that getting all wolves might not be possible. A lot of other people I talked to only got like two, and had to make spell-heavy decks.

My uncommon / rare wolf pull including enchantments / sorcerers ended up being:

-Geier Reach Bandit
-Howlpack Resurgence
-Silverfur Partisan
-Lambholt Pacifist
-Ulrich's Kindred
-Breakneck Rider

And then a few commons like Hinterland Logger and some others that I'm forgetting. The guy across from me didn't get a single wolf card and ended up making a black / white angel deck.

Honestly now that I'm looking at my pull, the only other DFC I got that wasn't a werewolf was a common blue spirit.
Latest iterations of G/W humans aggro are fucking ferocious and seem to be running 2+ copies of Always Watching (which has performed very well in every match I've seen it), it's going for about 75 cents right now. It also runs at least 3 copies of Kytheon, whose price is already rising on MTGO.


My rares / mythics:

Altered Ego (prerelease foil)
Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
Welcome to the Fold
Forgotten Creation
Scourge Wolf
Hanweir Militia Captain
Angel of Deliverance
Eerie Interlude
Behold the Beyond

nothing too great

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
My first sealed pool has ridiculous rares but no removal and I was just exhausted. Gitrog Toad, Mindwrack Demon, 2 Westvale Abbeys.

My second was meh and I was both exhausted and in a pretty bad mood and I figured it would lead to getting salty so I starting to get salty decided to leave and get food instead of being that cranky guy at the store.


Is Mindwrack demon actually good without a dedicated Delirium strategy? I had one in my prerelease pool, but I didn't think I could make it work.


Is Mindwrack demon actually good without a dedicated Delirium strategy? I had one in my prerelease pool, but I didn't think I could make it work.
Definitely. The self-mill + instants/sorceries/critters should be enough. Just don't cast it too early.


Won a few games at pre-release with a Sigarda GW Humans/Werewolves deck.
Seems like a good set for limited off first impressions


Is Mindwrack demon actually good without a dedicated Delirium strategy? I had one in my prerelease pool, but I didn't think I could make it work.
Last game I played my opponent got one out early and hit Delirium of the ETB with no cards in the graveyard. It's a pretty good card, starts a clock early. I would play it in limited.
Naya Humans is legit in sealed. Granted, Lycanthropy is abound among them, but GW Humans is legit. I'm going to have to brew up a few decks involving it.

Exit: Okay, this makes no sense to me. I went 3-1, winning all 3 matches in a row and then losing the last one to the only other 3-0 guy. I get 5th place behind people who were knocked in the Losers Bracket at the start. I don't get the ranking system for WPN.


Not Wario
Got one of the sickest sealed pools I've ever seen. Originally, thought I'd go BR vamps, then decided playing legitimately good synergistic blue cards over all the middling br aggressive stuff while retaining the synergistic br cards would be better. Grixis Madness Graveyard shenanigans ensued. Here's the decklist I ended up with. (rares/mythics bolded)

Relentless Dead
Seagraf Skab
Ghoulcaller's Accomplice
Rancid Rats
Olivia, Mobilized for War
Stitched Mangler
Sin Prodder
Stitchwing Skaab
Accursed Witch
Mad Prophet
Lamplighter of Selfhoff
Geralf's Masterpiece (Foil)

Call the Bloodline

Epiphany at the Drownyard
Avacyn's Judgment
Just the Wind
Compelling Deterrence
Broken Concentration
Deny Existence

Macabre Waltz
Gisa's Bidding
From Under the Floorboards

4x Mountain
7x Island
7x Swamp

Some of the synergies here- and is this format in general- are absurd.

-Sin Prodder and Epiphany at the Drownyard both revealed Geralf's Masterpiece in multiple matches. Taking 5 or 4 and giving me a madness outlet and an easier way to cast a threat proved more threatening, so usually they just gave me them.
-Olivia is a ridiculous beating. Olivia into hasted Witch casting Just the Wind happened three times and each time, they couldn't recover.
-Mad Prophet and Call the Bloodline are the best enablers I had. Something that didn't really strike me till playing today is that you want a lot of mana up with most of these madness spells. (Jtw and Fiery temper being exceptions) Avacyn's Judgment, From Under the Floorboards, and even Gisa's Bidding require leaving some lands open- you can't expect to cast any of these off a Lamplighter. I didn't even care about the 1/1 vamps; I just wanted a cheap enabler. (I did cast Gisa's bidding off a returning Stitchwing Skaab at my opponents eot once and it was pretty gross)
-Removal seemed pretty sparse and weak across pools. Definitely not oath, where'd I'd expect my Olivia to get hit by a boulder salvo/obv strike/nissa's judgment/isolation zone/etc. immediately.
-Sin Prodder did a ton of work. I have to wonder whether this guy is standard playable now. If there were a deck that could operate just as effectively from the graveyard as its hand like this one could, I could see him showing up. 3/2 menace for 3 isn't a bad aggressive body either.

I know I'll never get as synergistic as pool as this again, so I'm kind of disappointed I only went 3-1 with this. I guess 3 mythics in 6 packs is ok consolation though.


Went 1-1-2 today. Feels like a fairly slow set, at least in sealed. Saw a lot of fun midrange-y stuff, lots of ways to draw out a game.


Declaration in Stone
Odric, Lunarch Marshal
Epiphany at the Drownyard
Asylum Visitor
To the Slaughter
Sin Prodder
Geier Reach Bandit
Harness the Storm

Almost no fliers or removal in the pool. No crazy bombs either. Eeehhhhhh.


Not Wario
I saw several Odrics crush people. The guy I played and lost to had it and the vampire that turns to mist, so he could make his entire team hexproof and indestructible permanently. Also had a load of flyers so as long as one was out, the team was getting in. With the vampire enchantment, he could ensure a lifelink vampire was always present to, meaning races were impossible.
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