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Magic: the Gathering - Shadows over Innistrad |OT| Blue's Clues

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April B&R Changes:

Announcement Date: April 4, 2016

Effective Date: April 8, 2016

Magic Online Effective Date: April 13, 2016


Eye of Ugin is banned.

Ancestral Vision is unbanned.

Sword of the Meek is unbanned.


Lodestone Golem is restricted.

Some unexpected but welcome changes in there, a double unbanning is awesome :O


April B&R Changes:

Announcement Date: April 4, 2016

Effective Date: April 8, 2016

Magic Online Effective Date: April 13, 2016


Eye of Ugin is banned.

Ancestral Vision is unbanned.

Sword of the Meek is unbanned.


Lodestone Golem is restricted.

Some unexpected but welcome changes in there, a double unbanning is awesome :O

About fucking time Visions and Sword of the Meek were unbanned. Should have happened years ago.

Edit: Also the right choice to hit Eldrazi, since because also fuck Tron.


I agree with the changes! Visions is a great card and Thopter Fondry could make a splash without being too obnoxious since it doesn't have Depths.


Thopter sword is legal in modern now? Oh boy. I guess they wanted a strong control deck viable.+

Lodestone restricted in vintage mean they clearly don't give a shit about that format. The format was already ripe with 4xGush and 4x DarkPetitions.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I like these changes, hopefully another BEST DECK EVAR doesn't float to the top and continue ruining the format.

Like Thopter Sword

thopter sword is fucken dumb and its pretty dumb to unban it


I agree with the changes! Visions is a great card and Thopter Fondry could make a splash without being too obnoxious since it doesn't have Depths.
I remember the time when Thopter Foundry and Dark Depths were in the same deck. Oh the glory days.


According to our Local mass card dealer the value of SoI is pretty abysmal. OGW was actually fairly great to open. I usually went away with extra value from drafting.

Sold my last 3 TKS today, gonna be very sad if they're gonna spike again.

Oh and this card is a frickin overperformer, first pick every time.

Even contemplating putting it into my Zur EDH to sac a necro to if in a jiffy.

I may open up BFZ or OGW as prize packs instead then if the value isn't there. I'm sure I'll open plenty of SOI from drafting anyways. Yeah and that enchantment seems really good. White seems pretty strong in this set so far.


Am I glad I got a Visions for my French Commander deck.

Does that mean the dream in Modern is to cast Visions and Boom // Bust off Goblin Dark-Dwellers?


Grixis Control pieces about to skyrocket? That was the best control deck prior to eldrazi and now it just got a lot of options.


"I hope Visions is in X SET " is sure to be a familiar refrain going forward.

Here, I'll start it off:

Man, I hope Visions is in Eternal Masters.


Prices are going to be really dodgy for a while when there isn't a pro tour to show people what is actually good


Bitterblossom saw nearly zero play and it stuck at it's postban spike. An hour ago was the last time we'll see $23 AV and $5 Sword even if they get reprinted lol.


Holy crap I have 5 Visions. 4 from back when TSP was released and one from Duel Deck Anthology I bought last month for 8 bucks (I like the DDA version because it has the colour identifier - aesthetic OCD).


Man, the speculators move fast. Not even an hour after the B&R announcement and TCG is pretty much sold out of Ancestral Visions...

This is a reason why this game sucks now. Too many kids playing it like stocks and "investment." Kitchen table Magic (Cube mostly) is where the fun is at for me. And it doesn't cost much to build. Cards shouldn't cost dozens of dollars, even Richard Garfield agrees it's not healthy.


Man, the speculators move fast. Not even an hour after the B&R announcement and TCG is pretty much sold out of Ancestral Visions...
Yes, "speculators"

Completely impossible that every single magic player who didn't have a set immediately rushed TCGP, Ebay, and Amzon when the announcement hit.

Must have been those evil, evil speculators.

The game has always worked like this w/ the card market. It's just public-facing now because of the internet. This is nothing new.


Well, back to 4 Etched main and 3 Grudge side for the foreseeable future. Don't really care about missing out on picking up pieces since control always felt weak in modern and I doubt some unbannings will do much to change it.

Too many different decks attacking from different angles to think you can be a card short for the first 4 turns not to mention how bad of a topdeck it can be if you need answers for opposing pressure.

Sword will be better but is still broken up by artifact removal which is everywhere already and will be even worse in the upcoming months.
Sooooo humans anyone?

Good to see that Eldrazi Temple was allowed to live. Ancestral Visions unban was expected, but Sword of the Meek is a real surprise. I'm not too familiar with how its deck actually plays out, but if it relies on Thopter Foundry, and the most it does by turn 3 is pump out three tokens and gain 3 life, and Kolaghan's Command still sees a lot of play, then it shouldn't get too out of control, right?

Making Magic - OK, it turns out we still haven't actually seen the new beginner product. MaRo's making an article about them next month. Presumably, the basic dual lands are going to be reprinted into Standard every year by the beginner products.

The other interesting thing is that they have a group of artists camp out for about a month twice every year, where they spend the entire time just coming up with designs, many of which end up in the world guide for a block. The Gitrog was one of the random designs that came out of that camp.
Periodic reminder (since I had to be reminded of this too) that the card is "Ancestral Vision" with no S.

Lodestone restricted in vintage mean they clearly don't give a shit about that format. The format was already ripe with 4xGush and 4x DarkPetitions.

Not arguing, just wondering what you're basing the conclusion on. I thought Menendian did a decent job of arguing on his last podcast that neither Petition nor Gush decks are really in a dominant position or winning an insane amount.

(Also not sure what people are thinking the metagame is going to be composed of if they nuke Storm decks, Gush decks, and Workshop decks all at once.)

It's because they're in the "ban everything but necro" phase re: Workshop.

When Necro costs a thousand dollars it really limits your options, pretty much.

It's so weird to unban two key pieces of control shells at the same time. AV makes a lot of sense, but why unban SotM in the same announcement?

Because control sucks in Modern and I don't think by default AV and SotM enable the same strategies so they both might help improve diversity a bit (and neither one is risky at all.)

now unban bloodbraid elf :3

lol no
The other interesting thing is that they have a group of artists camp out for about a month twice every year, where they spend the entire time just coming up with designs, many of which end up in the world guide for a block. The Gitrog was one of the random designs that came out of that camp.

Yeah, when I met Peter Mohrbacher a couple years back that's mostly what we talked about. He was one of the concept guys for Theros.
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