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Magic: the Gathering - Shadows over Innistrad |OT| Blue's Clues

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Alright I said 'fuck it' and picked up two Nahiri for about $9 a piece. I figure I've spent more on packs in the past and got absolute shit, so why not roll the dice on this one? If she spikes unexpectedly I win, if she doesn't, I end up with a card to use in janky brews and commander decks.
It's crazy that you need black for card draw atm. I was messing around with a jeskai manabase when it hit me there's just no good card draw in any of the colour combinations outside of goggle shenanigans.


Nahiri's gonna be pretty niche I think. Madness not being in white (yet) is limiting, given her design.

You're probably right, and I'm probably looking at Kiora instead of Chandra Flamecaller here, but if I didn't take the shot I'd regret it. I'm hoping her jump will happen either at the PT or with EDM. It's only $20. I've gambled more and lost with less likely cards in the past.


Do you have a list? I love me some goblins.

Base list is from mtg goldfish modern 8 whack.

4x reckless Bushwacker
4x goblin guide
4x mong fanatic
4x mong war Marshall
4x Legion loyalist
4x goblin Bushwacker
3x goblin piled driver
1x goblin chieftain

4x lightning bolt
4x goblin grenade

19 Mountain

I have 5 more spots in my list. Probably throw in 4 foundry street denizens. I also saw a r/g list that used burning tree emissary but I don't think that is the direction I want to go.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I preordered Avacyn on SCG (it was the cheapest at the time, at $20) and I noticed the cards they sent me were all had quite a bit of wear on the edges. I'm guessing they decided they didn't like I got a decent deal on the cards -_-


I preordered Avacyn on SCG (it was the cheapest at the time, at $20) and I noticed the cards they sent me were all had quite a bit of wear on the edges. I'm guessing they decided they didn't like I got a decent deal on the cards -_-

I found their customer service is second to none and they'd probably replace them if you opened a grievance with them.


Junior Member
I'll say that there's a good chance you're right and the Hexmage has no need to be there. But it's still something I wanna try. There's benefits to both approaches.

My thinking: Spending a Hexmage to remove one counter is no different than spending a spell to do it in terms of cost/card advantage, so that aspect doesn't bother me. The upside of it removing 2-4 counters is great. The plan isn't to flip Thing and win on turn 4. If you're playing Grixis you're already slowing the game down and playing a little lengthier already.

There is also the issues that vampire hexmage is a terrible modern card so when you don't have your combo out hexmage is useless. I just don't see why you don't put thing in a grixis deck with protection via discard and cheep counters (similar to how esper mentor works in legacy)


There is also the issues that vampire hexmage is a terrible modern card so when you don't have your combo out hexmage is useless. I just don't see why you don't put thing in a grixis deck with protection via discard and cheep counters (similar to how esper mentor works in legacy)

I definitely said in another post that it's possible that's the path worth taking. But there's something about the Hexmage angle that excites me. Plus Hexmage can neuter opposing planeswalkers, Aether Vials, anything with Ravager counters. It's narrow and probably not good, but it's got some utility.
bought a box+fat pack combo from amazon and got some decent pulls:

2x westvale abbey
thing in the ice

couple other too but those are the ones i'm most happiest about
had a tough matchup against UW Abbey Control, Secure the waste is a hell of a card.

Had to fight through multiple silk wraps, stasis snares, negates, ref mages, gideons, secure the wastes all the while living in fear of Abbey flipping into Omendahl. Stabilized at 2 life. After having played 2 languish and chandras. Lamb to the slaughter was great from the sideboard.
lamb, lamb, GDD lamb kept the board clean another time.

Here's what I've been running, for some reason a bunch of 3-ofs


shard mana is so consistent it's scary. And Silumgar's command is a great card.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
There is also the issues that vampire hexmage is a terrible modern card so when you don't have your combo out hexmage is useless. I just don't see why you don't put thing in a grixis deck with protection via discard and cheep counters (similar to how esper mentor works in legacy)

No, it's a modern playable without a home. Yet.


My LGS randomly wasn't open Sunday when I was planning to trade in/buy 2 more Avacyns. :(

Hoping it doesn't pull a Jace and stay this high forever.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Kozilek will love Theros, there's plenty to such there.

At least I'm not the only child here.

Also, who was I talking zombies with? I ended up double ordering Diregraf Colossus' like a jackass, so if you're willing to pay shipping, they're all yours. (also mindwrack demon and Thalia's Lt, but I have to trade those).

Speaking of which, anybody got any Prized Amalgams they don't want?
Chaining Jaces while casting kolaghan's commands from your GY is hilarious.

Unsure about fiery temper, it's nice when getting to discard it with Jace but that's such a fringe occurrence it's barely worth the inclusion.

Ohh. Probably because I can speak German I pronounce the a differently which doesn't give a direct link to fart.

unless he says it like faaart


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
I want to like XMAGE, but holy shit do their servers suck. I finish approximately 10% of all drafts I start. I've been having really good drafts too, so to see games randomly end when I'm starting to get into the swing of things is really making me cranky.

but Uberfahrt made me laugh.


I want to like XMAGE, but holy shit do their servers suck. I finish approximately 10% of all drafts I start. I've been having really good drafts too, so to see games randomly end when I'm starting to get into the swing of things is really making me cranky.

but Uberfahrt made me laugh.

People on there are incredibly slow too. You'd think cockatrice games would take longer since you have to manually do everything but people on xmage who refuse to use hotkeys make games take much longer than they should.


Base list is from mtg goldfish modern 8 whack.

4x reckless Bushwacker
4x goblin guide
4x mong fanatic
4x mong war Marshall
4x Legion loyalist
4x goblin Bushwacker
3x goblin piled driver
1x goblin chieftain

4x lightning bolt
4x goblin grenade

19 Mountain

I have 5 more spots in my list. Probably throw in 4 foundry street denizens. I also saw a r/g list that used burning tree emissary but I don't think that is the direction I want to go.

Thanks, looks fun and I loooooove goblins, so I might end up building something similar.


Guys, come to the dark side.

Download MTGO.

I played on there until mid-late 2014 when the prizes started going to shit. It's too expensive to own copies of cards both online and in person when there's little incentive to do so. If "going infinite" in constructed was still reasonably possible then I'd definitely come back though.


I just draft. The prizes are actually pretty good for flashback drafts: 200 play points for 1st, 100 for 2nd, 50 for 3rd-4th and you get to keep the cards!

I'm so going to marathon that week of Time Spiral block flashback draft. Tarmogoyf, Horizon Canopy, Grove of the Burnwillows aw yiss.


Alright after some testing here is the crazy ass deck I mentioned yesterday

After finding strategies online that want to use Assault Formation with Goldnight Castigator (still a great combo btw) I went further and thought UGb Assault with high toughness "walls" (and Thing in the Ice) would be a great time.


This is the result of some testing against some of the top tier decks that have been popping up online, and with a lot of consistency.

If you don't get any of your creatures messed with (backing up removal hate with Negate, Invasive Surgery in the SB for all dem sorceries), you can effectively swing and win games.

= 0 power creatures are unblockable. Thing in the Ice can attack.

I use Engulf the Shores as board wipe (essentially) and since it's instant, I can set it up on Turn 4 to have a blowout turn 5 (with Shape the Sands essentially a +5/+5 for one G).

I might install more counter magic just to protect the combo, but I've swung for 20 damage in one single turn without the opponent knowing what the fuck just happened.


Super secret tech no one wants you to know about: Kiora's -2 is an INSANE delirium enabler.

On my deck: My wife suggested I call it "big butts". I cannot lie.


But what do you do if you never draw Assault Formation?

^ Literally the problem with every Assault Formation deck ^

Still struggling with this as well. The idea was to block as much as possible and stall until you get it. I'm also looking at using Painful Truths since it can be cast for 3 cards in this deck.

4 Engulfs while only running 8 islands doesn't seem great to me.

You actually only want 3 islands out at any given time. I'll need to do the math on how many times I'll draw islands, so I might need to edit the count.
So far liking Grixis control much more than Esper, DiS sorcery speed does hurt and there's just much more value in grixis than esper
The best thing about esper so far has been the gideon emblem pushing avacyn and ojutai out of languish reach


I think one of the coolest interactions with Engulf the Shore is how Prowess triggers on Jhessian Thief and makes her a 2/4 and saves her from the waves

Imagine how in her art she's literally getting away from the tsunami
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