BTW, WotC's new CEO has been moonlighting as a YA author under the name Christian Page.
You left out the most important part:BTW, WotC's new CEO has been moonlighting as a YA author under the name Christian Page.
The series revolves around the efforts of 4 children with access to a fantastic collection of powers to stop an evil that threatens to consume the world.
You left out the most important part:
Writing has actually been a passion of mine since I was 12 and read my first Shannara book (by Terry Brooks).
My favorite part was actually
Just experienced Lantern and Ensnaring Bridge for the first time on Cockatrice. Fuck that deck.
Just experienced Lantern and Ensnaring Bridge for the first time on Cockatrice. Fuck that deck.
It's somehow less fun to play against than Miracles, thank god it isn't more popular
Ensnaring Bridge is quite the chokepoint monetarily, me thinks?
Most people don't actually enjoy playing Prison decks, I'm guessing
So glad it's a dying breed of player (at least compared to way way back when).
I still haven't forgiven a friend for playing a Stasis deck way back in the day. I don't even think the deck had a win condition other than "deck your opponent one card at a time."
Get rid of DQ over Fist Fight, and the middle across is basically a lock to win
Vampires making top 8 is the only one on the bottom row across that isn't going to happen
I still haven't forgiven a friend for playing a Stasis deck way back in the day. I don't even think the deck had a win condition other than "deck your opponent one card at a time."
The story feels....weird.
Nahiri turned accusatory quite quickly, and Sorin alternated seemingly randomly between 'elderly mentor' and 'gives-no-fucks, don't-tell-me-what-to-do' vampire.
Also...why didn't he just agree to go over and check on the Eldrazi with Nahiri? Either in the 'now', or after he had recovered?
Especially if the Eldrazi were a big enough threat that he'd previously agreed to come to Nahiri's aid, and she just stated that they had already gotten free once...
Feels like a pretty reaching scenario/retcon to explain Nahiri's 'anger' as not being totally Capital-E evil.
It should be no surprise that this is written by a guy.apparently Nahiri is a fucking delusional psychopath because she goes ridiculously quickly from "hey wazzup Sorin" to "FUCK YOU SORIN IMMA KILL YOU"
apparently Nahiri is a fucking delusional psychopath because she goes ridiculously quickly from "hey wazzup Sorin" to "FUCK YOU SORIN IMMA KILL YOU"
It should be no surprise that this is written by a guy.
I guess the implication is that sleeping with the Eldrazi for millennia fucked her up a bit? She definitely seems unhinged and the last time she was in a story she seemed kinda out of it.
Nahiri possibly being tainted by the madness Emrakul causes is good. It gives what's currently going on a frame of reference from the past.
That'd just be cheesy. Ob Nixilis is already the bad for evil's worth. Liliana is the baddie that does it because it's cool to be edgy. Bolas is evil because he's above it all. Nahiri should be a baddie that's fucking pissed, RW style, restore balance by trashing that guys place.
Going off of Nahiri's 'abandonment issues', she's righteosly pissed, not necessarily evil.
Innistrad isn't her plane, and hers was devastated (and thats not even including the more personal issue of what happened after the recent story cuts off with her in Sorin's custody). Eye for an eye. That being said, it does feel somewhat....less than benevolent, for no real clear purpose other than to fuck someone else's shit up because yours got wrecked.
I am curious to see if her invocation of Emrakul transferrance is purposeful insofar as its her design, or if its Emrakul branching out on her own.
Depends on if she may have been sequestered away in the helvault or not, one supposes.
Even as a villain, she can't be pissed forever. It would be a fairly one-note motivation and would quickly become stale. I believe they intend to use Nahiri as a temporary villain. It's possible that once all of this is settled she will join the Gatewatch, seeking redemption for her actions.
I still think original Sorin is the best Sorin. All these W/B Sorins are meh and have terrible art to boot.I don't care about how Sorin acts in the official fan fiction. His cards are always sweet so as long as that's the case, I'm happy to see him being printed.
Is Kalitas mainboard really worth in a deck with so little kill options?