But Sorin was around when the Helvault was destroyed. Him leaving, despite knowing Nahiri was locked away in it makes no sense.
Maybe he didn't anticipate her living for all that time.
But Sorin was around when the Helvault was destroyed. Him leaving, despite knowing Nahiri was locked away in it makes no sense.
There's no confirmation he knew the Helvault was destroyed. In fact, he probably didn't. He fought Tibalt and then he learns Avacyn is back and he leaves. He isn't aware of the 'how' from what the summaries show.But Sorin was around when the Helvault was destroyed. Him leaving, despite knowing Nahiri was locked away in it makes no sense.
Familienoberhauptvogel said:Don't wanna pre buy her (ed. note: Archangel Avacyn) at 15 but also don't wanna pay more later.
charlequin said:I'd say there's a lot more room to make fair Madness cards than fair (as opposed to too good or too awful) Threshold cards. You definitely have more knobs to turn.
OnPoint said:Oh good, the new Jar of Eyeballs. Glad we got that out of the way early.
Firemind said:yeah, definitely trying too hard
ultron87 said:The charge counter even happens as part of the resolution of the ability, so you can't remove it with Power Conduit (or other things) in response to cast a 0 cost spell. Boooo, lol.
phazedplasma said:hopefully we'll get a Rootwalla reprint in SOI
OnPoint said:I wonder if this means we'll get the black angel in the two-color angel cycle, too, or if it'll just be a two-color Avacyn haha
Joe Molotov said:Emrakul 2.0, 20/20, no casting cost, can only be put into play by alternate means.
divisionbyzorro said:TFW you learn something (very minor) from the MTGO beta and can't say anything.![]()
Angry Grimace said:I bet you she's just straight GR. Werewolves are GR on Innistrad, it seems pretty simple to me.
Keru_Shiri said:Wow, Bygone Bishop seems beastly in Limited.
shrapnelmagnet said:I hope there's a card like:
True Detective (Mana Cost)
Investigate, investigate, investigate.
Ashodin said:Man that black discard outlet, phew gimme a towel
Ashodin said:Shadows over Innistrad |OT| Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing
Shadows over Innistrad |OT| There's nothing to fear but madness itself
Shadows over Innistrad |OT| Blue's Clues
Shadows over Innistrad |OT| Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned
Shadows over Innistrad |OT| Where Have All The Good Angels Gone?
A Serious Man said:Declaration in Stone is going to be a staple, no doubt about that.
WanderingWind said:All the Planeswalkers' gear is garbage.
- Tamiyo's Journal
- Pyromancer's Goggles
- Godsend
- The Chain Veil
charlequin said:EDIT: SUCK IT Avacyn Nahiri TRUTHERS
The Technomancer said:Probably constructed playable too right?
Giant Panda said:That card is ridiculous. I foresee that card causing nearly as many groans as Siege Rhino.
Infinite Stars said:That new Avacyn is just so bonkers. I'm totally going to get a playset because it just seems absurd.
Angry Grimace said:She is Serra Angel with flash and like 5 different different upsides she's busted
charlequin said:Assuming it's all real and everything, that suggests that Tamiyo is both alive and still around, which leaves us with a challenge: which one of
won't get a PW card?
charlequin said:A Nahiri with equipment abilities would be another good hint that Kaladesh is coming up next.
Ashodin said:I just think Sorin's pissed vampires be gettin killed so he'll have an ability that saves them.
Crocodile said:Sigarda has brand new art int he article, the other PowerPuff Girls have their old art. That suggests, though not confirms, that only Sigarda is getting a new card.
Collecting predictions of the set from the previous OT and early pages of this thread:
Welp. Hope you got yours breh. GLHF at $50 per Angel. I just want ONE more for my deck imo.
There's no confirmation he knew the Helvault was destroyed. In fact, he probably didn't. He fought Tibalt and then he learns Avacyn is back and he leaves. He isn't aware of the 'how' from what the summaries show.
I'd actually voice my opinion here and say every single one of them will get a planeswalker card. Liliana and Tamiyo specifically in EDM. It's one of the first times we'll have six planeswalkers in one block.
Ding ding ding! Won't be seeing Gisela and Bruna until EDM if they get cards there.
We might get a Ludevic card. There seems to be a BFF situation forming between him and Geralf.EDIT: In terms of legends in EDM... Thalia, two (or three) angels, Ulrich (or Tovolar), Edgar Markov (I wish), Emrakul? Anyone I'm forgetting?
Yeah, at the time I was figuring three PWs in SOI, once we found out it was four I was pretty certain Tamiyo would get a card.
Usually Rosewater says "Maybe" but on this one he said "Patience," so it's hard to interpret that as anything but a yes.
EDIT: In terms of legends in EDM... Thalia, two (or three) angels, Ulrich (or Tovolar), Edgar Markov (I wish), Emrakul? Anyone I'm forgetting?
New Thalia would probably push Mono-White Humans into Tier 1 standard
Well mono-white humans finished 2nd at the only Standard tournament we've had in this format, so I'd say it's already there.
I'd actually voice my opinion here and say every single one of them will get a planeswalker card. Liliana and Tamiyo specifically in EDM. It's one of the first times we'll have six planeswalkers in one block.
Some other people predicted Tamiyo would be out because of her being mono-blue, but I'd wager she's BG now. After all, Kiora fucking sucks
Eh it's week 1. It's pretty strong yes, but the metagame needs to evolve. I'd say mono-black or mid-range BW right now has the chance to keep Mono-White down. Even GW tokens dies horribly to Languish, and my deck mainboards 4.
There's a bit of hoop-jumping done already to get things on Innistrad back to fucked up after Avacyn Restored, so I'm going to go ahead and say they had no idea Nahiri was in there or that Sorin would care about the Helvault back then. Sorin's inclusion on Innistrad during Dark Ascension never felt like it mattered during the story back then anyway. It was like they included him just because he was from there.True, but the way the event was described it is bloody odd that he missed it.
Is one of those the RG werewolf legend? I'd be floored if they didn't. I'll also take a stab at Thalia being decently standard playable, but not eternal playable like the first one.EDIT: In terms of legends in EDM... Thalia, two (or three) angels, Ulrich (or Tovolar), Edgar Markov (I wish), Emrakul? Anyone I'm forgetting?
She's so UW it hurts, but Investigate being a UG mechanic gives me pause (doesn't make sense in UG thematically but whatever), so I feel there's a chance she could be, just like in the game, Bant colored (especially since Narset is the de facto UW 'walker now). I wouldn't mind her being 1WUG and being semi-powerful, even if Bant Company is pretty damn good already. I'm sick of unplayable mythics and/or planeswalkers. So make it count.I reckon either U or U/W, she was pretty calculating in the excerpt about dissecting werewolves. If she is not monocolor, she will either have some sort of corruption story and go U/(R or B), or have more backstory added that adds another color to her story, like Nahiri
Is one of those the RG werewolf legend? I'd be floored if they didn't.
We still could use a real Geralf and Gisa card. Yeah, yeah, we got those crappy commander cards, but considering Geralf is still on every other zombie card, it'd be nice if we got actual cards to play with in standard. Besides, we could use a nice legendary zombie in EDM. Hell, put them on the same card, Pia and Kiran style. "The worst circumstances make for the most unlikely allies"
I don't think the small benefit of running a third colour is worth the decreased consistency of my mana. If I wanted to splash a third colour, I either reduce the sources of my existing colours making my CC cards riskier, or I play a ton of ETB tapped lands and slow myself down.I find it curious so many are sticking to 2 colour combinations over shards in standard brews right now, even enemy pairs whose manabase isn't the most supported. I really like the manabase setup of the bant company player that won the SCG.
Starcitygames Invitational has started, they are showing Bant Company vs Jeskai Goggles Control.
A Nahiri has just got ultimated (and got a Jace, who transformed and so stayed on board).
It's just reruns right now. Will there be new matches later?
Just glad it's Sullivan and Cedric. I don't mind their other folks, but these two are gems together.
I don't think the small benefit of running a third colour is worth the decreased consistency of my mana. If I wanted to splash a third colour, I either reduce the sources of my existing colours making my CC cards riskier, or I play a ton of ETB tapped lands and slow myself down.
I'd buy Fevered Visions now. Card is the real deal.
Card looked really strong in the stream.
2nd week in a row I get done in round 1 by the rare devil token spell + westvale abbey.
That combo is legit unfair.
There aren't enough sweepers in the set to have that land at rare. In my current pod there are 3 of them.
The thing people miss about Sin Prodder- that ability is ALL upside. It's an extra draw, where you bin lands, and for spells you get to shock your opponent or get an extra card. But since it doesn't replace your real draw, it's not hurting you.Huh, Jeff Hoogland is running a Standard Sin Prodder deck (Mardu Control) and I guess he's doing well.
Gisa and Geralf on the same card would feel strange. It seems like they're always at odds with one another, even if it's just minor sibling rivalry.
I don't mind the guy that was with Cedric last week. They're number two as a pair behind Cedric and Sullivan.
The thing people miss about Sin Prodder- that ability is ALL upside. It's an extra draw, where you bin lands, and for spells you get to shock your opponent or get an extra card. But since it doesn't replace your real draw, it's not hurting you.
I can't believe it took people so long to realize this.I like Cedric a good bit less now that I know he's a jerk,
What did he do?I can't believe it took people so long to realize this.
I just got Sorin in a fat pack and want to build a deck around him. Any advise?
I play casually and with friends that play the game the same.