The thing that disappointed me most was MS having it 100% games ( bear with me). Id maybe have placed them first if they had given us the traditional XBL feature update roadmap we usually get and of course the leaks from earlier in the year ruined all the big surprises.
Stuff like the Phantom Dust announcement didn't help, from what I can gather it didn't sell well , so a lot of people don't know what it is , yet the trailer did a really bad job of letting anyone know what kind of game it is.
Sony imho had a good show but Shawn Layden probably shouldn't be allowed back on stage. I was disappointed we had no update on a lot of the games revealed at Gamescom.
Nintendo was Nintendo, you could have predicted the "OMG NINTENDO WON" responses in the conference thread before it even started. Zelda looked pretty but showed nothing , it was an even worse reveal than EA fucking up the Mass Effect reveal, t he Toad game looked meh, Yoshi was meh. Great show if you're a massive fan of Smash. Xenoblade looked a different game, like a 360 game circa 2006.
As a Wii U owner I was left felling a bit disappointed, if I didn't own one that show would have done zero to make me buy one.