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Major sites/news media give their verdicts on the main E3 Conferences

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I don't care about timed DLC exclusives or beta play-ins through anniversary or remsatered collections. I really don't care about CGI trailers either.

I want gameplay and games that aren't designed to pilfer every last penny from my pocket through some sort of micro-transaction or pay wall online system.

Nintendo won.


it doesn't look like they have anything else. I wonder if they cancelled some shit that would have been further along (and showable this year) when they got the Star Wars license.

Yeah, really odd to show so much WIP. They seriously had nothing this year. Maybe they are stuck in some limbo between console generations.

Joey Ravn

Nintendo had a better E3 conference hands down, but everything was 2015. However, there were good surprises from both Sony and MS. Crackdown, Phantom Dust, Grim Fandango, Bloodborne. Not to mention their 2014 lineups. Overall it was a good E3.

Well, not really. Hyrule Warriors, Pokémon ORAS, Captain Toad, Bayonetta 2 (plus 1) and a few others are 2014. There's a good amount of games getting released next year, but it's not like 2014 is a barren waste.


Nintendo had the best conference by far.

Thought it was not interesting for me to go back to a N console.. Games like Excite truck / RE4 / Zelda and Galaxy made me enjoy Wii. Only Zelda 2015 was interesting...

But business wise it was brilliant, they can sell those amiibo toys for every game and make more money.

Being a parent I would be worried about the cost of all those game add ons if my son was still into N.
It goes both ways you know.

Of course they did but when you see a game at the MS conference that's also on PS4 don't you inevitably think in the back of your head I wonder if this performs betters on PS4. That's the issue he's highlighting. Every time they show a multiplat the best they can hope for is parity.

The Llama

Didn't see Nintendo's, but I thought Sony's was better than MS. Sony had that awful lull (with the one guy who's name I can't remember), but was very solid besides that. I wasn't really interested in anything MS presented except the Halo collection.


Purely based upon games I would like to play this year and games I want to play next year and beyond, MS had it for me. Love Crackdown, love Fable even if it has changed style, Halo is 50/50 for me. Sure its cool to have to all under one roof/box but I want to see Halo 5 before going crazy. Sunset Overdrive looks bonkers fun and the Kamiya/Platinum game has suggestions of brilliance if they really make it awesome.

I think all 3 had good showing of games, even if I checked the Nintendo one and only really want Zelda and X. More Mario stuff in its different guises does nothing for me anymore. Still, I have a Wii-U, so I will hold onto it.

For Sony its only Bloodborne that looks like the type of game I would play but thats miles away. Maybe once it shows its head the PS4 will have price dropped by then. Solid showing for fans of Sony games but nothing that exciting for me personally.

Not a crazy E3 but a solid one for all concerned. Games were shown and that is good enough for me.

The only Mario game they showed was Mario Maker. Splatoon and Devil's Third are looking great and Bayonetta 2 is coming with Bayonetta 1 with bonuses. There was more but those plus Zelda and Xenoblade Chronicles X (yes that's the official name) were what I wanted most.



this whole fight sequence assured Nintendo's victory for me I laughed so damn hard

Credits to their PR team for knowing how to play well into gaming internet communities, this shit right is GOLDEN.
Are you serious? Microsoft is just as bad with their 30-day exclusive DLC, if not worse. If Microsoft decided to spend money on new IP rather than timed DLC, I'm sure we would have a lot more good things to say about them.

I'm not a fan of 3rd-party 'exclusive' bullshit, but I do feel like Sony somehow handled their 3rd-party stuff way, way better this year than anyone else.

I don't give a rats ass about timed-DLC/content, but tickets to allow friends to play FC4 MP for free with you? Unless that was originally planned to be that way to begin with, that was a great exclusive feature.

And utilising their Third-Party Productions team to remaster Grim Fandango, and still allow it to come to other platforms later again? That's good 3rd-party partnership value.
really now? so you knew of Phantom Dust, Inside, Dead Rising 3 Fanservice Extraordinaire and Scalebound?

Inside = timed exclusive
Scalebound = rumored Platinum exclusive
Dead Rising 3 DLC = not a game

The only surprise was seemingly Phantom Dust, but wasn't that also rumored beforehand?
really now? so you knew of Phantom Dust, Inside, Dead Rising 3 Fanservice Extraordinaire and Scalebound?

Do we even know anything about Scalebound and Phantom Dust other than they're being made? That's the issue with CGI trailers, they may as well not have announced it. I'm not even asking for much, just a few seconds of gameplay would have been good. And yes, both were known and expected (we knew Kamiya was working on an MS project, and we knew PD was getting some kind of love).


Wait, this actually brings up a good question.

The games MS announced are all CGI, so they're late 2015 at the earliest, Scalebound and Crackdown are likely 2016 (at least, according to ntkrl).

So for early 2015 they only have QB, maybe Fable will ship in the summer.

So essentially, in a year between this June and next, they have:

SO, FH2 (also on 360), Halo Collection, and QB (with maybe Fable)?

Are they saving announcments for early 2015 for later or what?

Gamescom and TGS. We already know Quantum Break is reserved for Gamescom.


Amazon pre-orders disagree. Also based on your post history and your hate for Halo i doubt you have an objective view on the matter.

For all the halo gamers out there...this pack is almost a bigger deal than halo 5 no matter how good it ends up being. If you don't get it you don't get it, but don't knock it
Sony wins but they're all very close. LBP3 and Grim Fandango were nice surprises, No Man's Sky looks great and I can't wait for Bloodborne.

MS plans leaked months ago so the surprise factor when the games were announced wasn't there, and they mostly showed CGI trailers. I want to get excited for Kamiya's game but I dont like how the trailer looked. SO, Halo 1-4 and Horizon 2 can tempt me to buy an Xbone in the near future.

Nintendo showed good stuff but no surprise announcements. I didnt like how they presented the new Yoshi game, the first ever look was just a developer diary, they couldve given it a proper introduction and saved the dev talk for another Direct. New Zelda looks great but way too short of a trailer. Also not sure about the new Link design, it looks like some character from modern day shonen anime.


Gold Member
Microsoft did a great job of showing me what I want to buy on PS4 or PC.

Nintendo did a good job of showing me a couple of games I was going to buy anyway and some gif bait for later. Zelda looked interesting, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if next E3 they say 2016.

Sony had some good stuff, but the new guy is not much of a showman... he should have outsourced that.

I would go



It's was a game focus show so far, a win for gamer
in 2015
that's for sure.
But I fear we don't have enough to expand beyond that. Do we have things that lure those mobile casual into gaming? I don't know,motion gaming is dead and VR is a big question mark.
And every big publisher having hard time to maintain AAA output kinda show we reach an unhealthy stage.


Nonsense, very little third party support and a whole bunch of fan service ....... nothing to appeal to anyone not already invested in Nintendo.

Mario maker, instead of you buying another Mario game, make your own.

Going to agree with this. Nintendo did nothing to appeal to someone outside of the Wii U community and really catered to hose already invested. I was hoping for a price drop myself, but we can't always get what we want.


Gold Member
1. Nintendo

The rest

Hey I found this GAF person everyone is always talking about.

Also, yes. Nintendo had the best showing. I understand why sites choose to ignore them though and focus on Microsoft and Sony. Between those two Sony won, barely.

stay gold

All 3 shows have been pretty damn good really.

For me, despite all the CG MS showed at the end, their actual 2014 lineup was by far the best, which goes a long way to make up for it.


Does that make the games less enjoyable or not something to look forward to? Same goes fot Project Beast.

I never said that, that person said sony's was the predictable one, when in reality that was not the case. We knew everything at the ms conference. Sony actually had surprises, so his comment is untrue.
really now? so you knew of Phantom Dust, Inside, Dead Rising 3 Fanservice Extraordinaire and Scalebound?

We knew of Phantom Dust through an trademark reapplication.
We didn't know of Inside, but we were made aware of the existence of one timed 3rd-party title thanks to BruceLeeRoy, so there was expectations of a timed exclusive from a 3rd-party.
We knew new content was coming to Dead Rising because shinobi. ( we didn't expect this crazy of a content though )


Not only did Nintendo had the best presentation, but being a huge Hidetaka Miyazaki fan i can safely say that MS presentation was better than that of Sony's.

Press being press i guess.


One thing we can take away from E3. 2015-16 is going to be loaded.

Wiiu - They drop the ball. While they announced a lot of first party games that will most likely be great, they are for 2015 instead of 2014. They given up the year advantage. Also they didnt bring back any third party support. While the 1st party is very good it cannot carry the system. Seem to be only aim at hardcore Nintendo fans at his point.

PS4- Sony played it super safe. One of the worst pace conferences. Seem like the are holding back a lot of games that we know are being made but just not announced. Most likely because the PS4 is selling so well. After e3 sony can breath easy because really nothing coming until fall 2015 that will change anything.

Xbone- HYPE & LEAKS! Just kill any impact of the announcements at e3. Rumor of huge 3rd party game went against them. This just didnt happen and almost everything was leaked so nothing really felt new. Almost nothing "big" was ready to be shown, a lot of the trailers were CGi. I think they had the best paced conference.
it doesn't look like they have anything else. I wonder if they cancelled some shit that would have been further along (and showable this year) when they got the Star Wars license.

It's rumored that they canned this years NFS game, so that would've taken up one slot if they hadn't done that. But overall it just seems like they shouldn't have had a conference this year because most of what they showed was way too early. And then you have weird stuff like Mirror's Edge 2. We saw more of that last year than we did this year. How is that even possible?
I don't understand the outpour of love for Nintendo's conference. It was teases for big titles, and little pieces of information for announced titles that I really didn't care about.

In all honesty, I thought all the conferences were weak.
Sony hits all the PlayStation 4 high notes at E3 2014
At its E3 evening press conference, Sony strikes hard on all its strengths with unexpected game reveals and updates on its numerous ongoing projects.

Sony wins E3 2014: Microsoft gambled on games, and lost

Sony’s E3 2014 press conference: Greater daring and diversity seal another confident PS4 victory
And I agree.
Sony had clearly the best conference. Greater diversity, etc.

Nintendo's Digital Event was a great shocker (Zelda!!!!!)

MS was definitely the worst of the lot with Sony in a significant 1st place lead.


Junior Member
The Halo core do. That's the thing, the collection and 10 year old MP will appeal to the Halo core who are nostlgic for it. It'll do nothing for the mainstream that make Halo huge. People are letting tgeir nostalgia goggles shadow their judgment.

Yeah I mean its cool to have a collection if you have the console but I fail to see how a remastered game will convince anyone to buy a next gen console which is what edge is indicating in its piece. It is not OMG worthy at all and rightly so.


Eeny Meenie Penis
Of course they did but when you see a game at the MS conference that's also on PS4 don't you inevitably think in the back of your head I wonder if this performs betters on PS4. That's the issue he's highlighting. Every time they show a multiplat the best they can hope for is parity.

Me personally? No, I really did not think that. lol


i think all the conferences did what they were meant to. MS: attempt to win back some 'street cred' with gamers. Sony: continue to tantalize mainstream media and casual gamers, while not paying hardcore absolute dust. Nintendo: remind people that they're still in the game.

all win, pretty much
I watched all 3 to decide what to get next and the verdicts is....

I already have a Wii U. I want a PC first and then decide later what other console to get.



The thing that disappointed me most was MS having it 100% games ( bear with me). Id maybe have placed them first if they had given us the traditional XBL feature update roadmap we usually get and of course the leaks from earlier in the year ruined all the big surprises.

Stuff like the Phantom Dust announcement didn't help, from what I can gather it didn't sell well , so a lot of people don't know what it is , yet the trailer did a really bad job of letting anyone know what kind of game it is.

Sony imho had a good show but Shawn Layden probably shouldn't be allowed back on stage. I was disappointed we had no update on a lot of the games revealed at Gamescom.

Nintendo was Nintendo, you could have predicted the "OMG NINTENDO WON" responses in the conference thread before it even started. Zelda looked pretty but showed nothing , it was an even worse reveal than EA fucking up the Mass Effect reveal, t he Toad game looked meh, Yoshi was meh. Great show if you're a massive fan of Smash. Xenoblade looked a different game, like a 360 game circa 2006.

As a Wii U owner I was left felling a bit disappointed, if I didn't own one that show would have done zero to make me buy one.


hide your water-based mammals
Nintendo wins by a landslide! For me: Nintendo>>>>>>>Microsoft>Sony>Ubisoft>>>>>EA

Nintendo knocked it out of the park with Zelda, Mii and Palutena, Kirby, Splatoon, Pokémon, and Bayonetta. A-

Microsoft had games galore with no breaks, a welcome change from last year. Only a few things really interested me, but nothing was boring. B-

Sony had some really interesting games, but the non-game talk was obnoxiously boring and there were some technical hiccups that annoyed me. C

Ubisoft beats EA with Unity alone. That's it from them. D+

EA showed nothing that interested me at all. Battlefront wasn't even in-game footage, and half of it was sports. Bleh. F, see me after class.
Nintendo isn't getting The Witched 3, GTA5, No Mans Sky, Blood born, Sunset Overdrive, Magicka 2, Uncharted, Batman Arkham Knight, Grim Fandango, Inside, LBP3, ORDER 1886, dragon Age Inquisition, and I will stop there. How can you win when you have vastly less games? Someone who thinks that Nintendo had more at E3 than PS4 or even XB1, I'm all ears.

I get that gamers win. I want a WiiU an XB now even more but Nintendo is completely outclassed on consoles.


i was honestly dissapointed by both conferences

ntrknl ruined ms showing

project beast was the only sony megaton and it was leaked weeks before

ms not even mentioning gears was a big fucking letdown too
I'm not going to get to excited for zelda just yet. The last 2 console outings (no including wind waker hd) have been disappointing, and I would also be worried about citing skyrim as inspiration as it's one of the dullest games ever.

For me no mans sky has stole the show hands down, it's something new and something we've never seen before. If it can live up to its promises it could be extremely special.
For me, it was Nintendo > Sony > MS.

The main issue with Microsoft's conference was that all its new reveals were CG trailers of 2016 games. Sony's new reveals were games coming much sooner, and Nintendo had mother fucking Zelda.

The Legend of Zelda and Bloodborne were my favorite things at E3.
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