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Majora's Mask 3D |OT| Remakes are a Nice Thing to Have… Heh, heh


What on earth is that woman doing anyway at the bank who you deposit your rupees to, she just waves her arms around like some kind of lunatic.

Anyway, about to attempt temple no 3, wish me luck.


What on earth is that woman doing anyway at the bank who you deposit your rupees to, she just waves her arms around like some kind of lunatic.

Anyway, about to attempt temple no 3, wish me luck.

It feels like all the people in Termina are lunatics tbh.

Good luck on the 3rd temple. I am on my way there soon too.


So I'm just starting the game... I thought the scarecrow was meant to tell me about the reverse song of time? I'm about to head to the first dungeon I think, and so far he has only done a dance, he didn't mention the song when I first spoke to him.
So I'm just starting the game... I thought the scarecrow was meant to tell me about the reverse song of time? I'm about to head to the first dungeon I think, and so far he has only done a dance, he didn't mention the song when I first spoke to him.
He doesn't really teach you the song (the way it usually happens when you get a new song), but just tells you about it. Afaik you don't even need to talk to the scarecrow for the song to work. Just play it once and it will automatically appear in your song collection. Same goes for the double song of time.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
“Whenever there is a meeting, a parting shall follow. But that parting needs not last forever. Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short while... that is up to you.”


He doesn't really teach you the song (the way it usually happens when you get a new song), but just tells you about it. Afaik you don't even need to talk to the scarecrow for the song to work. Just play it once and it will automatically appear in your song collection. Same goes for the double song of time.

Thanks! It seems odd the game doesn't make much of an effort to tell you about it (or to guide you back towards the scarecrow)...


The carrying of those relics doesn't prove it, but Link/the player has memories and experiences from previous incarnations of those 3 days which tell us the origin of those items, and also what events happened in the 3 days. You where there, you did the thing, you know it was real. Forget about the items, if that makes it any easier, just think about the things that happened in one version of the timeline and how that makes each version of Termina unique each time you do an event slightly different.

Either way there are clearly items that can transcend time, Link himself included since either way those things are defying the flow of time by going backwards to the dawn of the first day.
Yes, the events -were- real. But Link reversed those events and undid them so that only -he- remembers that future that no longer exists. Because like you said, Link transcends time, and so do his items, his knowledge, his experiences. That's why there are no duplicates. That's why there is only one Termina and this is not a multiverse. Every being, and the world itself, all run in reverse back to an earlier starting state, so that they are never destroyed. They only have their future actions and thoughts rewound and thus undone, but they themselves exist only in singular, and are not destroyed.

If you want to argue that the timeline that did once exist in some indescribable plane of time no longer exist then you would have to argue that Link's experiences from that time are illegitimate meaning that he didn't actually travel through time. If you want to argue he's not actually time traveling and all these timelines are just in his imagination since meaning there is only one timeline then that's fine but I don't see a point in arguing that, since there no reason to believe that's true.
We've both established Link, his ocarina, and his items transcend time (which actually undermines your theory, as I'll get to at the end). Link is able to rewind the clock. Link is simply pulling the hands of the clock (the people and their experiences) back to an earlier state (6 a.m. Day 1) on the clock (the world) before it ever hits midnight (doomsday).

Link operates outside of time so he is able to retain experiences that happened downstream that no longer happened since he moved everything and everyone safely back upstream. Absolutely nothing necessitates the bizarre multi-world multiverse you're describing where Link has to destroy 100 Terminas just to save one.

See where I'm going with this? We experienced those events happening so they must either existed in some form or have been completely made up in our own head. Since we're gonna ignore the second presumption those events must have existed. You believe those events would have been erased, but there's no reason to believe those events in that timeline have been erased since our experiences from that timeline still exist. There's no evidence in game that timelines are erased, there is evidence of multiple timelines as we play through though 3 days so many times on each playthrough each of those 3 days we will make different decisions whilst retaining the knowledge of previous timelines, meaning those 3 days we experience multiple times have defined themselves in a unique way comparable the the previous versions of those 3 days. That's the evidence for those timelines existing.
No, those future events -can- cease to exist and Link's experiences/memories/relics of them do not counter this because we've already established (as the game has) that Link transcends time and can retain all of that even once he ceases that future to exist by rewinding people to an earlier state and letting matters carry out differently.

If Link defies time your theory doesn't explain what happens to the people and events of that cycle from which Link just reversed time in, only that they no longer exist. I can understand where you're coming from but the idea of those events being erased isn't explained at any point
When Link rewinds the clock, if you were to look at it from outside time, you'd see the people moving backwards, speaking backwards, shitting upwards, etc. Events are merely being rewound to an earlier starting point, minus the relics Link obtained that now transcend time. Past events are resolved accordingly. (Something both our theories requires, since duplicate items never appear) In other words, the people as physical entities are not removed from existence. They just flowed back upstream. They un-thought the thoughts of those 72 hours, un-spoke the words of those 72 hours, un-did the actions of those 72 hours, flowing back to where they started 6 a.m. Day 1.

No one is left to be destroyed.

To reply to one of your previous points comparing "rewinding time" to the rewinding of a tape isn't possible, since a tape is a linear event, if I rewind a tape to the beginning and press play it will play out exactly the same each time, meaning that timeline is recreated, Majora's Mask isn't like that.

I'm afraid this argument isn't gonna go anywhere if all we're doing is applying different interpretations of time to a video game. I just don't believe your interpretation is consistent with the way time travel appears to work in Majora's Mask.
The analogy of rewinding a tape holds up perfectly fine. Link is rewinding the tape and then editing key events. Then he rewinds the tape, and edits key events. Then he rewinds the tape, and edits key events.

For all we know those extra timelines might not continue at all we have no evidence of the continuing after Link leaves, but we assume they do continue because most people believe that time continues to flow without us.
I'm familiar with multiverse theory (and I accept it when the game supports it, like BioShock Infinite, which actually has evidence for it in its narrative), but it's clear it doesn't apply to Majora's Mask.

Honestly, if your multiverse theory was true to the universe of Majora's Mask, Link would be finding duplicate items when he time-travels, I.E. more than one bow, because he'd be stepping out of one world and into another world that still has a bow. But if you accept that items transcend time, along with Link, and those items are removed to reconcile past events and avoid paradox, then you've already hit on the reason why a multiverse isn't present in the first place. Link just edits events, lets them unspool, and then reverses them like tape before editing again, all while retaining everything in his mind and on his person because, as we said, he is transcendental and does not need that causality.

There is one Termina, and one set of people. And thanks to Link, they are never destroyed. They lived many futures they don't remember since they were reversed repeatedly to 6 a.m. Day 1 and their thoughts/memories of those alternate 72 hours were undone, something only Link retains as the transcendental Hero of Time. But the people themselves, and the world itself, as physical entities, exist only in singular. There is only one of each, not infinite clones in a multiverse. No one is left to be destroyed.


Just finished a couple hour session, and my left thumb feels like shit. Even with a grip, the 3DS is a piece of shit to hold in your hands. The Vita is just infinitely superior.

As for the game itself, I'm falling in love with it more and more as I play in a way that I didn't when I was younger.


Found the last piece of heart I needed. It was the one in the goron village after spring comes. I felt like a real idiot after realizing that.


“Whenever there is a meeting, a parting shall follow. But that parting needs not last forever. Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short while... that is up to you.”
A camera shot? 2 primitive 4 me. Boot up your game, then hit the Home button on this screen. Go to Miiverse. Attach a pic to your post. Now you have a direct-feed capture of your accomplishment!


never left the stone age
I just beat Snowhead, but I don't know how I feel about what they did to the Goht fight.
Why did they add the eye, instead of just allowing you to attack at any point like before? I enjoyed continuing the Goron roll into the sucker. But they actually made me stop, pull out arrows and shoot him because the eye was too high up to reach for Goron Link. What was the point of that change? To take up more time? It didn't add anything, and actually took something away from the fight. What was the point?

Also, the Gorons' eyes look completely different than the original, and it doesn't stop bothering me. Biggoron in particular looks terrifying.

If you
Attack him from the other direction the eye ends up closer to the ground iirc. I know for a fact I did something different that made him fall over to his side with the eye on the ground

I finished it! Yay. The Fourth Temple Boss fight really kinda dragged out.

Yep, it was cool but it took forever.
If you
Attack him from the other direction the eye ends up closer to the ground iirc. I know for a fact I did something different that made him fall over to his side with the eye on the ground

If you hit him from above by going off a ramp, the eye comes out top but it only takes one hit. If you hit his legs, it takes multiple hits but the eye will be on the side.


Whoop third temple done. It frustrated me a little, but I think that's just my own stupidity. I found the boss to be quite easy to be honest. Didn't bother finding all the stray fairies, just couldn't be bothered and I started to feel pressured cos I was running out of time.

Anyway, setting off for the canyon tonight maybe.
Usually when you finish a temple you see things revert to normalcy which is such a nice touch I love it esp the first two temples but what on earth changes from the fourth?

Opening the Stone Tower let out a bunch of evil shit, including a town-wide curse. Clearing Stone Tower essentially eliminates said curse.


Wow, the second phase of the Gyorg fight is complete shit. I sat there for 5 minutes waiting for the chance to hurt it.


Opening the Stone Tower let out a bunch of evil shit, including a town-wide curse. Clearing Stone Tower essentially eliminates said curse.
Yep. There are a few characters in Ikana (the one-eyed man, Flat, Igos du Ikana) who say that the lingering spirits of Ikana Valley are troubled because of the evils released from Stone Tower. When you defeat Twinmold, there's a cutscene showing a vortex of light dispelling this dark aura, suggesting that the troubled souls are finally at ease.


Wow, the second phase of the Gyorg fight is complete shit. I sat there for 5 minutes waiting for the chance to hurt it.
It seems you have to bait him. I find the fastest approach to that fight is to swift-swim to the nearest spike trap as he repositions himself. Be ready to step back and to the side to draw his fish around the spike trap where you can defeat them without severing the chain. But often this isn't necessary — your proximity seems to make Gyorg inhale instead, allowing you to set off the trap.


It seems you have to bait him. I find the fastest approach to that fight is to swift-swim to the nearest spike trap as he repositions himself. Be ready to step back and to the side to draw his fish around the spike trap where you can defeat them without severing the chain. But often this isn't necessary — your proximity seems to make Gyorg inhale instead, allowing you to set off the trap.

The thing is, I was doing that. I always went to the closest one to him, but he almost always sent out a squad of fish.


I didn't seem to have any issue with him. I just kept swimming in a circle round all the spikes until I hit the one near him. You can't really go wrong if you don't let go of the R button.


The thing is, I was doing that. I always went to the closest one to him, but he almost always sent out a squad of fish.
Ah, maybe it is RNG after all (random number generation). I'm not fond of that, either.

I do like the fight overall, though. Much more interesting than the original.

Maybe it's best to keep moving and keep severing chains until he inhales.


Let's not spoiler-tag tips that are nearly essential to the game.

You can slow down time by playing the Song of Time backwards: R, L, Y, R, L, Y

You can skip to any hour in the current day by playing the first three notes of the Song of Time twice: Y, Y, L, L, R, R

To formally learn this, show your ocarina to the Scarecrow in the Trading Post or at the Astral Observatory.

Honestly, the Happy Mask Salesman should've taught this. Still can't believe they signpost Ice Arrows but not the most important technique in the game.

The game is really obvious about it without spelling it out for you (aka handholding, the thing people usually hate).

To all of those saying you're not told about the inverted song of time ...


That's the first Bomber kid I'm talking to after the introduction cycle. The HMS tells you they got the scoop on stuff so if you don't talk to them for hints it's your own fault if you never learn about the inverted song of time^^

And Scarecrow still mentions it, too the first time to talk to him in the shop.


Quoting myself. Just talked to another two Bombers. They remind you EVERY TIME that the scarecrow has a song to teach you. I assume they will only stop after you learned it finally.

I remember Anth0ny going on and on about this in the review thread how they needed to make this clear. I think they did their part without doing what everyone always wants them not to do (
holding your hand and explicitly telling you
). The irony.

The bombers tell you about this really early on in the game as someone earlier in the thread pointed out. I guarantee if they'd done it with the Happy Mask Salesman, people would give them flack for being too hand-holdy. They're caught in between a rock and a hard place when it comes to stuff like that.

Yup, they really did all they needed to here. It's a crutch anyway, not a necessity. People lost their marbles about the save system supposedly ruining the pressure and atmosphere (which, turns out, is complete nonsense) but then we get this where "easy mode" is being forced onto people by even the most hardcore.^^


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Still have no idea on the dancers side quest. Can anyone give me the most general of hints? Must be something obvious I'm missing...
I can't say I'm a fan of the new Goht and George fights. The former now has pacing issues, and the latter just adds more busywork.

The swimming changes are the worst offender of the remake, though.


Was something suppose to happen after I got the 4 eggs at the Pirate Fortress? Because I might have gotten a fish in the last aquarium.
Was something suppose to happen after I got the 4 eggs at the Pirate Fortress? Because I might have gotten a fish in the last aquarium.
When you get the last egg, the message for it should mention how it's the last one in the fortress and how you should take them to the marine research lab
If you
Attack him from the other direction the eye ends up closer to the ground iirc. I know for a fact I did something different that made him fall over to his side with the eye on the ground

He did that like half the time, but I couldn't figure out if it was because of anything I did. It just seemed like it was random. If it was because of something I did, I didn't get any sort of indication. I'm not sure I could have gotten an indication with how that boss fight works, but I think that would just reinforce the point that it wouldn't be a good idea. But again, it just seemed random to me anyways. I'd love to know if there was actually something I could do to make it happen every time though.


Game is as anti Fi handholding as it can get, btw.

It's not the handholding, it's that it's repetitive and feels like a chore.

Probably not the game for you. I beat this when I was 12..? It's not too difficult to grasp the concept

I'm not finding it hard, I'm just finding the management aspects to sap the fun out of the traditional Zelda elements.

I'm probably just going to push through and beat the main story and leave it there.


What is though? Hitting 12 buttons? Are you repeating story events or something? I still don't understand your issue to be honest, and I've been really trying.

Reach checkpoint -> go home -> bank rupees -> turn back time -> slow down time -> refill ammo -> go back to where I was. It's just an annoying break in the flow of the game. Or perhaps better to say, an annoying break in the flow of the main story not the whole game itself.

Real Hero

Reach checkpoint -> go home -> bank rupees -> turn back time -> slow down time -> refill ammo -> go back to where I was. It's just an annoying break in the flow of the game.
You are probably just doing it too often, don't reset every time you reach a save.Just do it before a dungeon
Reach checkpoint -> go home -> bank rupees -> turn back time -> slow down time -> refill ammo -> go back to where I was. It's just an annoying break in the flow of the game.

It doesn't break the flow, the checkpoint is a natural conclusion leading up to a dungeon. You don't have to work that hard to refill ammo either, literally just swipe one patch of grass to get bombs and arrows and play the song of soaring.


It doesn't break the flow, the checkpoint is a natural conclusion leading up to a dungeon. You don't have to work that hard to refill ammo either, literally just swipe one patch of grass to get bombs and arrows and play the song of soaring.

Yeah but what's the point in that? It's a repetitive, pointless waste of the player's time. Playing four songs just to start a new cycle (soaring, turn back time, slow time, soaring again). I just wanna play the game, because I have no issues with it other than this.


It doesn't break the flow, the checkpoint is a natural conclusion leading up to a dungeon. You don't have to work that hard to refill ammo either, literally just swipe one patch of grass to get bombs and arrows and play the song of soaring.

Not even that, if you're heading to a dungeon then you can get what you need with pots there, or hell sometimes they throw infinite chus or pots in some places where you need the item to progress. I never purchased bombs or arrows in this game.


The Bombers don't even tell you to show your ocarina to the Scarecrow. I still think they should've been more explicit with the Inverted Song of Time. But ah well. It's the Age of the Internet, hopefully most people will find out one way or another.

Regarding the Goht fight, I think it's as good as ever. I love slamming down on Goht like a spiked wheel of death, watching him slide into a wall, and while I'm still in mid-air, swapping out the Goron Mask, rolling forward, and unleashing a barrage of Fire Arrows into his eye. In fact, I like that battle so much I find it irksome I need to play the Goron Lullaby and roll up the Snowhead ramp to reach it, lol.

I'm a bit mixed on the changes to Gyorg and Twinmold. I think they're much more memorable and interesting now, but the gameplay can be a bit of an endurance test due to RNG shenanigans with Gyorg and the butt-beasting babies and resetting hit counter with Twinmold. Still, I'll take both of them over the boring N64 originals. Not even a contest.


Yay, beat Snowhead, with all stray faires in tow.

Now I need to find out what to do next, because this opens up a lot of options. Since it's almost the Final Day, I can't do everything. Still... I think this is my plan:

1. Get Powder Keg license
2. Visit Goron Village
- Rewind -
3. Hand in sword at smithy
4. Win race
5. Hand in gold dust
6. YYLLRR, YYLLRR (+24 hours)
7. Pick up Gilded Sword
- Rewind -
8. Bomb the boulder to Romani's ranch
9. Get Epona, do sidequests
- Rewind -
10. Zora Mask

Does that sound reasonable? Or am I missing some important sidequest now? I've totally forgotten where to get the first one done. Where do I go for that?

Also, I totally dig the new Ghot fight.
Shoot the eye with fire arrows if you haven't. Watch Ghot burn. It looks neat.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
It's not the handholding, it's that it's repetitive and feels like a chore.

I'm not finding it hard, I'm just finding the management aspects to sap the fun out of the traditional Zelda elements.

I'm probably just going to push through and beat the main story and leave it there.
Why are you pushing through the half the game ( and it IS half the game if you just go through the main story) if it's not enjoyable? Seems like its self torture there.
To be honest, ammo and consumables being reset each cycle is kind of dumb and arbitrary. I mean yeah, it's easy to refill on stuff but it is kind of annoying having to do it.


Yeah but what's the point in that? It's a repetitive, pointless waste of the player's time. Playing four songs just to start a new cycle (soaring, turn back time, slow time, soaring again). I just wanna play the game, because I have no issues with it other than this.

Like I said I never said that the game was difficult but I understood the concept and what they were going for. You can play the game all you want - what do yoiu need rupees for? What items do you need that you can't get in a near by bush or dungeon?

The concept was unique, and solidifies the fact that the days are begining anew reverting from the current time span that you are in. The fact that you don't understand or keep questining the games overall design and concept is what your not getting.

Whining over trivial item managment doesn't seem to hold weight with me - the game will spoonfeed you the correct inventory items when needed, and I hate to spoil it, but your rupees are pretty worthless outside some random mini games.

The game is about the interaction with the community and the impending doom that is going to befall them - for you not wanting to engage in the community NPCs and imerse yourself into a feeling where you need to get things done in a certain time frame - it may not be the Zelda game for you.

If you want the standard Zelda game over and over again I suggest you try Twilight Princess - it's got the very stale Zelda formula down to a science.


Yay, beat Snowhead, with all stray faires in tow.

Now I need to find out what to do next, because this opens up a lot of options. Since it's almost the Final Day, I can't do everything. Still... I think this is my plan:

1. Get Powder Keg license
2. Visit Goron Village
- Rewind -
3. Hand in sword at smithy
4. Win race
5. Hand in gold dust
6. YYLLRR, YYLLRR (+24 hours)
7. Pick up Gilded Sword
- Rewind -
8. Bomb the boulder to Romani's ranch
9. Get Epona, do sidequests
- Rewind -
10. Zora Mask

Does that sound reasonable? Or am I missing some important sidequest now? I've totally forgotten where to get the first one done. Where do I go for that?

Also, I totally dig the new Ghot fight.
Shoot the eye with fire arrows if you haven't. Watch Ghot burn. It looks neat.

EDIT: Never mind, misread what you had posted.


Yes I have used the inverted song of time and it still doesn't really encourage me to do optional stuff. I just feel compelled to do as much of the main storyline as possible before having to go back to the bank, deposit rupees, go back in time, play the inverted song of time, refill my expendable items and start again. Time management feels like a chore, I'm not sure what it adds to the game.

Must have missed that, for some reason I thought it wasn't skippable.
I usually dedicate 3 day cycles for certain things.

Like one I'll go looking for hearts, another cycle I'll do some mini games, another cycle I'll just explore, the next cycle do a dungeon, etc.

Just do what you want, when you want to, and enjoy it.


Why are you pushing through the half the game ( and it IS half the game if you just go through the main story) if it's not enjoyable? Seems like its self torture there.

Because everything else in the game is fun. Dungeons are good.

Like I said I never said that the game was difficult but I understood the concept and what they were going for. You can play the game all you want - what do yoiu need rupees for? What items do you need that you can't get in a near by bush or dungeon?

The concept was unique, and solidifies the fact that the days are begining anew reverting from the current time span that you are in. The fact that you don't understand or keep questining the games overall design and concept is what your not getting.

Whining over trivial item managment doesn't seem to hold weight with me - the game will spoonfeed you the correct inventory items when needed, and I hate to spoil it, but your rupees are pretty worthless outside some random mini games.

The game is about the interaction with the community and the impending doom that is going to befall them - for you not wanting to engage in the community NPCs and imerse yourself into a feeling where you need to get things done in a certain time frame - it may not be the Zelda game for you.

If you want the standard Zelda game over and over again I suggest you try Twilight Princess - it's got the very stale Zelda formula down to a science.

Twilight Princess is the one other Zelda game I don't like and couldn't finish.

I usually leave sidequests and optional stuff until last because I don't know what items will be needed to complete them. Or do they not require items for most of the quests in this one?
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