I just...don't know what to say. That was a mind-numbingly bizarre thing to read.
It looks like that would almost always be triggered very intentionally. I don't understand this idea that, as an end user, seeing a glitch is a bad thing. It erases my save? Sure, that needs to go. It soft locks the game? Eh, that's temporary, I feel like it depends entirely on how commonly it can occur to users who don't want it.
I would say that what's in the video looks like something fun to try and do, not like any sort of problem. From what I've read, the ability to use Fierce Diety mask anywhere is also removed here (and from the video, it looks like that cool screwed up time/color thing would be gone too).
Pretend edit:
Ok, I Googled the
actual steps, and you do have a point. Not with anything you mentioned, but apparently it can cause you to permanently lose (a?) mask(s?), so that's kinda scary:
Warning: Don't do this on your main save. You will not get your mask(s) back. Create a copy to ensure you don't overwrite something on accident / cause any other unexpected problems.
Still, the steps sound too deliberate to be worth removing fun aspects of the game:
Enter the thawed Hot Spring Hole before Goron Village.
Put your Gibdo Mask on your Y or X Key.
Bottle some Hot Spring Water on the other key, don't move.
ESS: Z-Target to get your camera behind you. Gently pull the control stick to the bottom left or right, make Link slowly rotate. Before Link faces you, press the Bottle Button and immediately, nearly at the same time, after press the mask button. Bottle Button first, Mask button second. If done correctly, you will put on your Gibdo Mask as you are emptying the bottle. The button that had your mask will now be an empty bottle. If it fails, bottle more water and retry until success.
Actual edit:
He said "pure negative", meaning every single change of the three listed.
Plus, there's still
the hot spring water method of going FD, so no harm no foul. (Unless of course they fixed that too.)
You're right, that's my bad for not writing more carefully. For the stability stuff, I just don't expect much to come of it. It's the stock update change they always list. But it could be something significant, yeah.
Also, wait, that's not part of the same thing? Sorry, I probably
should stop jumping to conclusions. Lol, now I feel dumb. Yeah, no worries though, and thanks for the links.