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Making A Murderer - Netflix 10-part documentary series - S1 now streaming on Netflix


GAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWD I can't believe there are actually people who wouldn't hesitate to put a 16 years old in prison for life to defend... what?

I'm pulling my hair over here.
What was missing?

It's been years, and I only just skimmed this website (again?), but this website raises some of the issues I recall reading about: http://www.westmemphisthreefacts.com/

In particular, the candle wax forensic evidence was cited on the white board which the jury used when they were reaching their verdict. Jessie confessed numerous times to authorities and, although his IQ is not the highest, he is not mentally handicapped as he is portrayed.
Watched until episode 4 so far. Did they
drop the first testamony of the boy?

The whole story is very infuriating and its good that it gets released so that more people know about it.


GAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWD I can't believe there are actually people who wouldn't hesitate to put a 16 years old in prison for life to defend... what?

I'm pulling my hair over here.

I don't know if he did it or not but there is so much reasonable doubt. No physical evidence linking him to the crime not to mention the shakey confession.


I don't know if he did it or not but there is so much reasonable doubt. No physical evidence linking him to the crime not to mention the shakey confession.

Even if I did think he did it, I would still find him being imprisoned questionable. The fact that there was never a mistrial is really odd to me.


Watched until episode 4 so far. Did they
drop the first testamony of the boy?

The whole story is very infuriating and its good that it gets released so that more people know about it.
Nope. In fact, they used his story to convict Brendan and a completely different one to convict Steven. Apparently she was killed twice in 2 different places.


They are innocent, damnit. This along with all the other shit going on in the country has got me scared of cops and their friends in the judicial system.

This countries judicial system is all screwed up.


Half way through and so far I liked serial more. That at least was edited so there was debate whether he did it. This? This is just fuck the justice system which I already had no faith in.


Anybody look up the evidence which was apparently not included in the show? While none of it is particularly jaw-dropping, it does make it slightly more complicated. Like the evidence of Avery's sweat on Theresa's car.
Anybody look up the evidence which was apparently not included in the show? While none of it is particularly jaw-dropping, it does make it slightly more complicated. Like the evidence of Avery's sweat on Theresa's car.

It's not sweat. It's neucleated DNA. Basically just non-blood DNA. Which still sounds bad until you hear that the examiner on the scene had been looking around inside Avery's car, then went to the RAV4 and examined the hood latch, all without changing gloves. This doesn't mean for certain that there was contamination, but as with so many other things here, it leaves the question of foul play or fuckery open.

Info about possible contamination taken from filmmakers' interview here: http://youtu.be/UwfNVd68iSg


My wife was in tears in some parts of the show. Especially during Brendan's. Trial

We don't understand the American justice system. We know that the Obama administration can't pardon him but what about the possibility of the federal government asking the local government for a reinvestigation?

Can the federal Supreme Court ask for a retrial?


Anybody look up the evidence which was apparently not included in the show? While none of it is particularly jaw-dropping, it does make it slightly more complicated. Like the evidence of Avery's sweat on Theresa's car.

Coming to this thread everyday is like Groundhog Day.
Coming to this thread everyday is like Groundhog Day.

I was him yesterday, after having just discovered the series and doing a bit of digging on my own. Took some help from folks here and some more digging to find that those other "doubts" had already been addressed (though whether the explanations are satisfactory to someone is up to that person).

Go easy on us MaM noobs :p


My wife was in tears in some parts of the show. Especially during Brendan's. Trial

We don't understand the American justice system. We know that the Obama administration can't pardon him but what about the possibility of the federal government asking the local government for a reinvestigation?

Can the federal Supreme Court ask for a retrial?

It's a very confusing and complex issue. There is currently a petition on the White House site to do a Federal investigation of the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Office. If this petition gets enough votes the White House has to respond.


Also-interesting post on Reddit:

Considering it defies Gravity?
The one on the dash right in front of the ignition is the one that truly baffles me. Like...how would it get there? His cut was in such an odd place that he'd have to like...bend his hand in an awkward fucking way and touch it to a place no normal person would ever touch. For any reason.
The one on the dash right in front of the ignition is the one that truly baffles me. Like...how would it get there? His cut was in such an odd place that he'd have to like...bend his hand in an awkward fucking way and touch it to a place no normal person would ever touch. For any reason.

The cut was also on his left hand and the ignition would be on the right side. No cut on his right hand and of course no finger prints inside the entire vehicle. So if he was wearing gloves, there would be no blood. If he wasn't wearing gloves and leaking blood all over the place there would be finger prints. The entire thing makes no freaking sense.


The one on the dash right in front of the ignition is the one that truly baffles me. Like...how would it get there? His cut was in such an odd place that he'd have to like...bend his hand in an awkward fucking way and touch it to a place no normal person would ever touch. For any reason.

That one looked normal to me. If I had a cut on my finger in the spot he did I could see myself gingerly turning the key in the ignition with my finger out in about that motion.

The cut was also on his left hand and the ignition would be on the right side. No cut on his right hand and of course no finger prints inside the entire vehicle. So if he was wearing gloves, there would be no blood. If he wasn't wearing gloves and leaking blood all over the place there would be finger prints. The entire thing makes no freaking sense.

It make even more sense on the left, then. Have you ever turned your car on with your left hand? I have for various reasons over the year. You would naturally have a stutter stop half way around like that.
The one on the dash right in front of the ignition is the one that truly baffles me. Like...how would it get there? His cut was in such an odd place that he'd have to like...bend his hand in an awkward fucking way and touch it to a place no normal person would ever touch. For any reason.

it looks just like two dabs from a swab, then later smeared in two opposing arcs. I can't imagine any motion on a hand that could create that smear pattern. But what the fuck do I know.


it looks just like two dabs from a swab, then later smeared in two opposing arcs. I can't imagine any motion on a hand that could create that smear pattern. But what the fuck do I know.

I could definitely see it, especially if you were doing it with your left hand. Finger that is cut away to protect it, stutter stop in the middle when you have to apply more force when it hits the ignition mechanism. That would curl it in a bit when you have to strain your hand muscles a little more. I could definitely see it more so with a left hand than a right.
it looks just like two dabs from a swab, then later smeared in two opposing arcs. I can't imagine any motion on a hand that could create that smear pattern. But what the fuck do I know.

I also dont see how he would be dumb enough to not notice he smeared it . Additionally, shouldn't there be DNA on the tree limbs and such that was pilled on the car? Or can you only test DNA on non-organic matter?


I also dont see how he would be dumb enough to not notice he smeared it . Additionally, shouldn't there be DNA on the tree limbs and such that was pilled on the car? Or can you only test DNA on non-organic matter?

I honestly don't even see why the fuck he would put her in the SUV no matter what but what the Hell do I know.


Good Art™
Wow i just watched this entirely. I have to say, from an artistic point of view, this is incredible. Actually the 4 first episodes are so strong on a human level. That felt like a david simons show except.. it's true.. After that the whole trial is a little long and less focused on the characters, so it lost some of his strength, until the end of course.

Now on the affair, wow... It's pretty clear that, despite what the filmakers seem to say, the series is heavily putting the spectator in Brendan and Steve's shoes. Cops, accusation, even the victim's brother are all showed with distance and it's difficult be on their side at any point. It's actually super frustrating how the documentary makes the whole cop conspiracy theory incredibly obvious, yet justice and attorneys are absolutely unable to prove any of it.

Like.. the Brendan interview. At THAT point, not knowing the case at all, i was asking myself.. "wait.. is this actually true ? That cannot be true right.." But this is interesting. Seeing that interview with the comments makes you feel it's terribly obvious that they made him say whatever they wanted. And you're thinking.. it's so wrong, how is it even on tape? I mean if they do something like that why would they film it... And then you think, cause it's not that clear and even the accusation used that video to show its case, so they weren't embarrassed by it nor anything.

I think the feeling that the documentary is really pushing the bad cops theory comes from the people interviewed, the attorneys or some other person don't let any doubt in their observations. They make them look sooooo guilty than when Steve's attorney tells the jury "the cops didn't kill the girl obviously, and they didn't try to put an innocent in jail" you're like "wel what if they did ??" Cause if the will to arrest Steve has been so strong for the sheriff. It's certainly a weird coincidence that this murder happened, there, at that moment... But the fact that the attorneys could never find any other potential responsible for the crime, nor go far enough with their accusation of the cops, killed the case. The jury just didn't have anything else to imagine. Same for the brother of the victim. He was so eager to see them convincted (despite having no reason to think they were guilty in first place) cause he hadn't anyone else to blame for it.

What was missing from the trial was any kind of other leads... If it's not Steve it's somoene else, and then there is a motive, if it's not the cops. Actually something super weird about what's showed of the trial is how motives were never ever talked about lol.I can't see steve guilty simply cause there is no motives.. it would look like a random serial killer murder.. except.; Nothing in his life before that seems to leads to that. The whole nonsense horror crime scene with Brendan's testimony... It doesn't look like it would be a random first crime for somoene. I mean it looks like something he would have done before, if he liked to be so sadistic and violent with a woman like that.

Sorry those are my random observations lol.
Also they don't mention again the whole cousin story from the beginning. We know so little and yet it seems to be the base of the whole story. It should have been investigated more maybe. You can feel there is more to it. Like.. Something that would be the reason of a fierce hate against that family for her and her husband. That could have make everything more concrete for the jury.

Anyway time to sleep :p
It's kind of funny reading people's comments who are upset that a documentary was biased to a certain POV. This is what almost every documentary does!

But the fact that the attorneys could never find any other potential responsible for the crime, nor go far enough with their accusation of the cops, killed the case

They weren't allowed to suggest any other suspects though, right?


Good Art™
It's kind of funny reading people's comments who are upset that a documentary was biased to a certain POV. This is what almost every documentary does!

They weren't allowed to suggest any other suspects though, right?

Really ? Ha.. Cannot they even create doubts in other directions ?? Cause that would have helped.
Really ? Ha.. Cannot they even create doubts in other directions ?? Cause that would have helped.

No, they couldn't. The State of Wisconsin has a law that only allows you the right to present another suspect as proof of innocence only if you can establish & prove their motive. Hilariously though, the prosecution, or any prosecution in the State of Wisconsin for that matter, does not have to establish motive when aiming to get a conviction of a serious crime.


Gold Member
Like everyone else, this show is infuriating me. I almost quit watching at the license plate part. It's so goddamn obvious.
This is my big takeaway. Where did he supposedly murder her if it wasn't in the bedroom or garage?

Depends on who Kratz was prosecuting. If it's Steven then she was killed in the Garage--if it's Brendan she was killed in the bedroom, or the garage, or the firepit, or the quarry, or Leakin Park.
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