Ep. 3 barely started and I'm mad as hell.
How can you guys watch this?
Oh my sweet summer child.
Ep. 3 barely started and I'm mad as hell.
How can you guys watch this?
The only thing for 100% certain after documentary is that Kratz is a complete piece of shit.
Good point.. . . what about everything that happens before Steve was arrested the second time?
I would recommend people do some additional research after watching that trilogy and then forming their own opinion on the matter. While the narrative it portrayed of people judging those 3 based on their music/clothing wasn't entirely inaccurate, there was alot more going on there.
What was missing?
GAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWD I can't believe there are actually people who wouldn't hesitate to put a 16 years old in prison for life to defend... what?
I'm pulling my hair over here.
I don't know if he did it or not but there is so much reasonable doubt. No physical evidence linking him to the crime not to mention the shakey confession.
Nope. In fact, they used his story to convict Brendan and a completely different one to convict Steven. Apparently she was killed twice in 2 different places.Watched until episode 4 so far. Did theydrop the first testamony of the boy?
The whole story is very infuriating and its good that it gets released so that more people know about it.
Nope. In fact, they used his story to convict Brendan and a completely different one to convict Steven. Apparently she was killed twice in 2 different places.
Even if I did think he did it, I would still find him being imprisoned questionable. The fact that there was never a mistrial is really odd to me.
The fuck is wrong with law & justice in the USA? ;_;
Well he was definitely framed. Whether he's innocent or guilty we don't actually know."Steven avery: guilty or framed" is on fox news right now. Say will shed new light on conviction, 60 minute show.
ERRRRMAHGAWD that 99 toyota dispatch call moment was such a oop
I can't with this. Too much! too much!
This woman on Fox News is fucking insufferable.
Sorry it's not entertaining enough for you.Half way through and so far I liked serial more. That at least was edited so there was debate whether he did it. This? This is just fuck the justice system which I already had no faith in.
Anybody look up the evidence which was apparently not included in the show? While none of it is particularly jaw-dropping, it does make it slightly more complicated. Like the evidence of Avery's sweat on Theresa's car.
Anybody look up the evidence which was apparently not included in the show? While none of it is particularly jaw-dropping, it does make it slightly more complicated. Like the evidence of Avery's sweat on Theresa's car.
Coming to this thread everyday is like Groundhog Day.
My wife was in tears in some parts of the show. Especially during Brendan's. Trial
We don't understand the American justice system. We know that the Obama administration can't pardon him but what about the possibility of the federal government asking the local government for a reinvestigation?
Can the federal Supreme Court ask for a retrial?
It's a very confusing and complex issue. There is currently a petition on the White House site to do a Federal investigation of the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Office. If this petition gets enough votes the White House has to respond.
Also-interesting post on Reddit:
Hrm...not scientific, but for damn sure interesting.It's a very confusing and complex issue. There is currently a petition on the White House site to do a Federal investigation of the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Office. If this petition gets enough votes the White House has to respond.
Also-interesting post on Reddit:
I did think that blood mark in the car looked odd.
The one on the dash right in front of the ignition is the one that truly baffles me. Like...how would it get there? His cut was in such an odd place that he'd have to like...bend his hand in an awkward fucking way and touch it to a place no normal person would ever touch. For any reason.Considering it defies Gravity?
The one on the dash right in front of the ignition is the one that truly baffles me. Like...how would it get there? His cut was in such an odd place that he'd have to like...bend his hand in an awkward fucking way and touch it to a place no normal person would ever touch. For any reason.
The one on the dash right in front of the ignition is the one that truly baffles me. Like...how would it get there? His cut was in such an odd place that he'd have to like...bend his hand in an awkward fucking way and touch it to a place no normal person would ever touch. For any reason.
The cut was also on his left hand and the ignition would be on the right side. No cut on his right hand and of course no finger prints inside the entire vehicle. So if he was wearing gloves, there would be no blood. If he wasn't wearing gloves and leaking blood all over the place there would be finger prints. The entire thing makes no freaking sense.
The one on the dash right in front of the ignition is the one that truly baffles me. Like...how would it get there? His cut was in such an odd place that he'd have to like...bend his hand in an awkward fucking way and touch it to a place no normal person would ever touch. For any reason.
it looks just like two dabs from a swab, then later smeared in two opposing arcs. I can't imagine any motion on a hand that could create that smear pattern. But what the fuck do I know.
it looks just like two dabs from a swab, then later smeared in two opposing arcs. I can't imagine any motion on a hand that could create that smear pattern. But what the fuck do I know.
I also dont see how he would be dumb enough to not notice he smeared it . Additionally, shouldn't there be DNA on the tree limbs and such that was pilled on the car? Or can you only test DNA on non-organic matter?
But the fact that the attorneys could never find any other potential responsible for the crime, nor go far enough with their accusation of the cops, killed the case
It's kind of funny reading people's comments who are upset that a documentary was biased to a certain POV. This is what almost every documentary does!
They weren't allowed to suggest any other suspects though, right?
Really ? Ha.. Cannot they even create doubts in other directions ?? Cause that would have helped.
Like everyone else, this show is infuriating me. I almost quit watching at the license plate part. It's so goddamn obvious.
I also still don't see how all that stuff could be done to her in the bedroom and there isn't a trace of her in it.
This is my big takeaway. Where did he supposedly murder her if it wasn't in the bedroom or garage?
This is my big takeaway. Where did he supposedly murder her if it wasn't in the bedroom or garage?