I only watched the first two episodes for now, so obviously I'm far from having a complete picture of the case, but Theresa's brother reaction was strange a couple of times in the second episode, if the episode "timeline" is actually consistent with the actual order of events. Just few days after the disappearance (less than 5) he seemed very calm and collected in interviews and almost "confident" in Theresa's death, talking about "grieving process" and "moving on" (maybe it's a language barrier thing, since english is not my first language, but it seems awfully soon to talk about grieving and moving on after so few days). In another interview though, when he and Theresa's ex boyfriend are asked if they were on the site, he kinds of...freaks out? He seems very nervous about the subject (admittedly even the ex boyfriend seemed upset)
Obviously I'm not pointing fingers or anything like that, it just felt strange, there's really not much to go on at this time. Sorry for playing detective lol
It's not a language barrier thing. The brother sounded pretty strange.