That seems to be exactly it, yes. And it sounds like he's been asking for Avery's "honest story" for some time now.
I'm really hating this "honest" rhetoric, as if the truth is already certain and only Kratz can discern it.
That seems to be exactly it, yes. And it sounds like he's been asking for Avery's "honest story" for some time now.
He's my favorite person in the entire documentary (excluding the defense of course). His sense of humor is really under-appreciated.In the earlier episodes, Steven's dad looked just like the old man from Up
In the earlier episodes, Steven's dad looked just like the old man from Up
He's my favorite person in the entire documentary (excluding the defense of course). His sense of humor is really under-appreciated.
Love his scene taking care of the vegetables. It was this 2-minute heartwarming bit in a sea of darkness.
Try not to read it in his voice.
I really thought I couldn't possibly think any less of him, but there it is. Now I'm curious what other letters he sent. What's it to him if Steven confesses or not? He's already in jail. Sounds like he knows more than he lets on.
Kathleen Zellner is gonna have his on a pike.
Yup, glad Zellner made this public. What a douchebag. Love how he says you had one chance and then finishes with contact me if you change your mind.
Same here.
So now that Avery has new representation, what legally has to happen to get an appeal hearing in Wisconsin? Does Avery quality?
I'm guessing he still has some lifelines left as I doubt Zellner would take a case she couldn't challenge.
Don't worry everyone, it's finally time for the prosecutor to share the "whole story"!Ken Kratz tells Action 2 News Emily Matesic that hes writing the book because the one voice forgotten to this point is Teresa Halbach."
Kratz, who was the District Attorney of Calumet County and special prosecutor in Avery and Dassey trials, says hes felt an obligation to speak up for Teresa and the Halbach family since the Dec. 18 release of Making a Murderer
Finally grateful to tell the whole story, Kratz tells Action 2 News.
apparently there's new evidence, and they're going to ask for a new trial.
Oh boy, despite not getting the "honest story" out of Avery, Ken Kratz really is writing a book.
Don't worry everyone, it's finally time for the prosecutor to share the "whole story"!
Oh, really? Any details?
This petition calls for a federal investigation of the Sheriff's Offices of Manitowoc County and Calumet County, Wisconsin, regarding their handling of the Teresa Halbach investigation and their prosecution of Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey, as featured in the documentary entitled "Making a Murderer."
We the people believe that justice has not been served by the counties' investigations and prosecution, which were irreparably and grievously flawed by corruption, coercion, and conflict of interest.
We the people assert that an investigation into these agencies is necessary in order to demonstrate the Obama Administration's commitment to restoring a sense of fairness at the heart of our justice system.
I've been putting off signing this because I'm not from the US. Would it matter?
Oh boy, despite not getting the "honest story" out of Avery, Ken Kratz really is writing a book.
Don't worry everyone, it's finally time for the prosecutor to share the "whole story"!
I had to stop watching after episode 5, I believe (the episode where the blood vial was shown to be tampered with). At that point, I was done. Between that and the multiple scenes of interrogating that kid and basically making manipulating him to say/do/draw whatever the prosecution wanted... I just couldn't watch anymore of it out of frustration.
I'm really trying to find the will to watch the rest of the episodes.
If you don't mind getting arrested and having your trial heard in Manitowoc County, then do it.
Vacutainers do not have a visible hole in their top after routine blood draw.
I'm trying to binge through this, but had a couple questions in the meantime.
Is the claim that an unknown 3rd party killed Theresa , burned her body outside Avery's house, and the police then planted evidence to ensure a conviction against Avery?
Now that i've seen the doc, what else is there? What things do i need to know? How is it looking for both Averies now?
Start digging into the information and new developments on the MaM subreddit. This google doc is a collection of links to the most pertinent info collected.
Both Brendan and Steven have new legal representation. Steven's new lawyer Kathleen Zellner is boasting new evidence that will exonerate Steven in a new trial. Of course that evidence itself wont come to light until the trial itself. Still she's got some interesting stuff to say on her twitter.
Also Ken Kratz continues to be the world's greatest piece of shit. See any page of this thread for evidence.
Thanks man, appreciate it. Yeah Kratz is a huge piece of shit. That stuff he was accused of and just now i read that he's getting away with sigh.
A few pages back i read that all the 'new evidence' was already proven false, does that include Kratz's claim that Steven did not accidentally got the cat on fire but poured gasoline over it , set it on fire and 'wanted to see it suffer' ? Steven in the doc says it was basically a accident.
I also wonder why some people say he's probably not a very nice guy. Except for his crimes in the past, he didn't appear to me like a very unlikeable person at all, Of course thats not saying much, because you can't really get an impression of him.....but the same can be said about people that say he's probably not very nice of a person.
Damn, the guy that is now free thanks to Kathleen calls her a Titan, those are some strong words. In the doc it was said Steven was doing it all alone from now on, so how did he manage to get Kathleen helping him? I's not like Steven had much money left, or well...i assume that.
Plus if and when he is exonerated she will make a ton of money from the civil suit.Well, Making a Murderer came out, and it kind of exploded.
It was bound to happen, there's a lot of notoriety involved in getting the case going again now.
Well, Making a Murderer came out, and it kind of exploded.
It was bound to happen, there's a lot of notoriety involved in getting the case going again now.
Man, what would a civil suit even look like at this point?
There are so many aggravating factors. Suppose that it is proven that there was at least some manipulation of evidence. What are we even looking at here? Is there a solid precedent for it?
True enough, but she needs to get paid. But if he can't afford her? Yeah, i'm very new with all this.
Oh and as for Kratz' evidence that he explained in an article, apparently it was all proven false? I am talking to someone about the case who just mentioned that evidence. Any link or info on how it was all debunked?
Some lawyers will take up these high profile cases for "free" (pro bono) to get the positive publicity, which can lead to a ton of paying jobs down the road. Also, she would get a piece of the money that Steven would get if he's found not guilty after the new trial. It's a win win situation for the lawyer.
But....physical and sexual violence? No doubt more nonsense from Kratz that can most definitely be proven false.
watched thru ep 5/6?
Along with the blood being tampered and calling in the licence plate two days before the car was "found" by the search party, its hard to keep going. Its obvious the judge is also in the prosecutors pocket.
why didnt they test if that blood was years old, there must be way
Ah yes, thanks for that. Any idea on when a new trial could start or could that take a while?
As i said i was discussing this with someone else on another site and he claims the doc is very biased and this article proves it he says:
This article amongst other things claims that Penny Beerntsen did not want to be in the doc because the doc makers appeared to have already made up their mind anout Avery, that he was innocent.
Or this:
[The filmmakers minimize or leave out many aspects of Averys less than savory past, including multiple alleged incidents of physical and sexual violence. They also omit important evidence against him, including the fact that Brendan Dassey confessed to helping Avery move Halbachs S.U.V. into his junk yard, where Avery lifted the hood and removed the battery cable. Investigators subsequently found DNA from Averys perspiration on the hood latchevidence that would be nearly impossible to plant.
Lol...the DNA from the sweat huh? I just saw the tweet from Steven's new lawyer that there is no DNA in sweat.
But....physical and sexual violence? No doubt more nonsense from Kratz that can most definitely be proven false.
There is no guarantee he will get a new trial. At this point all that Steven has left is an appeal/motion for ineffective counsel or filing an appeal/motion to introduce new evidence proving his innocence. I highly doubt that they will grant the former. So his best bet is introduction of new evidence.
That's just so goddamn wrong. So much wrongdoing in this case and they all get away with it. Even the judge who is clearly in the prosecution's pocket. Why is he even allowed to still be in this case? Each time Avery asked for something he denied it, even the higher appeals court isn't helping him. Why the hell can't the president do something about this? The proof is all there of the corruption and nothing is done. Just so wrong.
The court documents are out there, it's not strange, its not convenient. This is one of the biggest pieces of evidence in the bias contained in the documentary. Nothing about that hole is even slightly suspicious given that's how the blood even gets in there.
The more concerning thing is the seal being broken and the state of the box.
That's just so goddamn wrong. So much wrongdoing in this case and they all get away with it. Even the judge who is clearly in the prosecution's pocket. Why is he even allowed to still be in this case? Each time Avery asked for something he denied it, even the higher appeals court isn't helping him. Why the hell can't the president do something about this? The proof is all there of the corruption and nothing is done. Just so wrong.
That was not a vacuum container. It was just a ordinary glass tube with a purple cap. And the laboratory itself said that they don't poke holes on the caps to draw blood from the tube, (which makes total sense, since when you are testing blood you are NOT using a syringe and a needle to draw the blood from the tube). THe drop of blood should not be there, and even if it wasn't, the seals being broken are more than enough evidence to tell someone used that blood for something at some point in time.
Love his scene taking care of the vegetables. It was this 2-minute heartwarming bit in a sea of darkness.