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Malaysia Airlines flight en route from Amsterdam shot down over Ukraine; no survivors

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The Birthday Skeleton
Reuters Top News @Reuters · 10m
Russian Defense Ministry says Ukrainian warplane flew within 3-5 km of Malaysian passenger jet, asks for explanation from Kiev.

Reuters Top News ‏@Reuters · 10m
Russian Defense Ministry says did not detect any missiles launched near #MH17 flight path, asks U.S. to share satellite images

They could share the photos of that Ukrainian warplane near the passenger jet too.
I will answer you on the actual issue when you will care enough to make a post in a thread talking about it. Or make your own thread. Until then I'm calling you out as a hypocrite.

I don't owe you an explanation on my posting habits but since you're making such a big deal about this I wasn't posting at all on GAF for a long time for various reasons. I'm not posting in here because I want to talk about drones I'm posting about drones in here because it illustrates my point, which is that people are completely arbitrary about which losses of civilian life they choose to care about.

If you're complaining about people in this thread not giving a shit about drone strikes, I think its a pretty huge deal that there are no posts from you in any of the topics you're using as an example and that you've chosen to attack the people in this thread than follow the suggestion of of making a thread, which you should do if you feel you're truly concerned about the way people are ignoring them.

I haven't attacked anybody in this thread, otherwise see above.

Get the fuck out.

I refuse to be made out a racist because I care that my countrymen were killed. Without reason. Without anyone growing a pair and say 'we made a big mistake'.

Nobody called you a racist, no need to take it personally. Obviously it would be nice if we could actually get to the bottom of this whole incident but since there are so many agendas at stake it's going to be almost impossible to get a clear picture of what really happened.

How about Canada? Can we do something or is that jingoistic too?

Canada has plenty of blood on its hands too. But it would be nice to see war crimes called out for what they are universally, not just when it happens to be the current bad guy who commits them.

There is a question about how much influence the Kremlin (and Putin) has over the separatists.
Thirty-seven billion dollars disappeared from state coffers during former President Viktor Yanukovych's tenure, a glaring manifestation of the country's entrenched corruption at all levels of government.

Russia might have kept a blind eye to the actual financing of the separatists. The Russian media spin and separatist training camps in Russia still allow for Putin's plausible deniability involving support from within Russia. There is undoubtedly a mafia-Kremlin connection but how much direct support that could be mustered without overt support from the Kremlin is questionable.

There was a sub the Russians were going to sell to drug traffickers.
[...] negotiating to buy a submarine in the former Soviet Union for $5.5 million to transport cocaine from Colombia to the United States and Canada. It would be far-fetched, Drug Enforcement Administration officials said, if this were not Miami, the North American operations center for cocaine traffickers.

How much of Putin's control is an illusion? What directly links the Kremlin and Putin to the separatists? What has former President Viktor Yanukovych been up to?
Australian PM laying the truth:

BBC said:
This is still an absolutely shambolic situation. It does look more like a garden clean-up than a forensic investigation. Given the almost certain culpability of the Russian-backed rebels in the downing of the aircraft, having these people in control of the site is a little like leaving criminals in control of a crime scene.


Canada has plenty of blood on its hands too. But it would be nice to see war crimes called out for what they are universally, not just when it happens to be the current bad guy who commits them.

I am sure you can give "plenty" of links regarding the blood on canada's hands?


But it would be nice to see war crimes called out for what they are universally, not just when it happens to be the current bad guy who commits them.

Plenty of people have and are still calling out and tut tutting Obama's use of Drone strikes. We get it, our President has killed people too and we should feel super bad about it. Now can we move on to relevant topics involving the plane that WASN'T shot down by an Obama drone?
I haven't attacked anybody in this thread, otherwise see above.

Nobody called you a racist, no need to take it personally. Obviously it would be nice if we could actually get to the bottom of this whole incident but since there are so many agendas at stake it's going to be almost impossible to get a clear picture of what really happened.

Then what was that comment concerning "brown people" about? What would be the point of saying that unless you were trying to accuse people in this thread of being hypocritical racists?


It seems there's a minority of posters here that seem to deflect the conversation away from the topic at hand, and towards topics ranging from drone strikes, how fenced in Russia is, NATO in Kosovo, the veracity of the western media, racism, and past genocides.

It's honestly bizarre, and the crash victims are liable for none of it.
I am sure you can give "plenty" of links regarding the blood on canada's hands?

I just need one, http://www.costsofwar.org/sites/def...nd Pakistan since 2001 to April 2014 6 26.pdf

Afghanistan column in case you were wondering.

Plenty of people have and are still calling out and tut tutting Obama's use of Drone strikes. We get it, our President has killed people too and we should feel super bad about it. Now can we move on to relevant topics involving the plane that WASN'T shot down by an Obama drone?

Sure, I wasn't the one that kept going on about it, I just made one post at first.

Then what was that comment concerning "brown people" about? What would be the point of saying that unless you were trying to accuse people in this thread of being hypocritical racists?

Not necessarily people in this thread, but it is reflective of the kind of coverage events like these get in mass media.
A trio of tweets from Reuters


1. Does Russia have the actual plane signature in its records of a plane near the malaysian airliner?

2. Will the United States show Russia the evidence of the ground to air missile heat signature?

3. Did Ukraine have its own BUK systems and are they all accounted for?
I don't owe you an explanation on my posting habits but since you're making such a big deal about this I wasn't posting at all on GAF for a long time for various reasons. I'm not posting in here because I want to talk about drones I'm posting about drones in here because it illustrates my point, which is that people are completely arbitrary about which losses of civilian life they choose to care about.

I haven't attacked anybody in this thread, otherwise see above.

Nobody called you a racist, no need to take it personally. Obviously it would be nice if we could actually get to the bottom of this whole incident but since there are so many agendas at stake it's going to be almost impossible to get a clear picture of what really happened.

Canada has plenty of blood on its hands too. But it would be nice to see war crimes called out for what they are universally, not just when it happens to be the current bad guy who commits them.

Dude let it go. The thread has been derailed enough.
Putin just put out a statement video which you will notice was at roughly 2:30 in the morning so you can tell he is feeling some heat though based on what he said he still doesn't give a shit.


He starts off blaming Ukraine stating if Ukraine had not resumes military options that he knows for sure this would not had happened. All parties in the region of Ukraine need to take their responsibility for the event.

Then he states No one has the right to use this event for gain. The World should unite not divide. He also comments that not enough is being done to ensure safety at the crash site and a proper investigation which you can obviously take as another swipe at Ukraine.

He ends it vowing to continue to push for peace talks to end the military actions by Ukraine and get them to the peace tables

I just dont get it... he talks about blamign the Ukrainian army for resuming military actions. YOU ARE INVADING THEIR COUNTRY, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT THEM TO DO? SIT BACK AND WAIT FOR YOU TO DESTROY THEM!?!?

God damn Putin pisses me off. So freaking transparent.

He's pushing for peace talks while HE IS THE ONE PUSHING THE WAR!!!!

I don't owe you an explanation on my posting habits but since you're making such a big deal about this I wasn't posting at all on GAF for a long time for various reasons. I'm not posting in here because I want to talk about drones I'm posting about drones in here because it illustrates my point, which is that people are completely arbitrary about which losses of civilian life they choose to care about.

Your chatter about drones has NO BEARING to the topic at hand. None.


Longest topic is 246 posts. Maybe if the plane was full of brown people this one would be too.
That post is pretty dumb considering how there's a huge thread about the Gaza conflict going on. It's true that the US doesn't get called out often enough about the drone strikes, but accusing everyone of racism won't get you anywhere.


Okay, but you do see the difference between death in a ground operation in an occupied country and shooting down a passenger plane full of unrelated civilians from non-combative countries, right?

this guy would like to have a word with you!

Canada has plenty of blood on its hands too. But it would be nice to see war crimes called out for what they are universally, not just when it happens to be the current bad guy who commits them.
We are in 2014; not 1814 or 1714.

You are stated that present crimes committed in 2014 can be white washed because other nations have blood in their hands from 2 or 3 centuries past? That is a stupid ass argument because we can roll back to the Caveman days for all over as an excuse.

we in 2014, and 2014 crimes have to be dealt in the present tense. No sweeping under the rug trying to equate false equivalency with wars and colonialism from 200, 300, 400 years ago
I just need one, http://www.costsofwar.org/sites/def...nd Pakistan since 2001 to April 2014 6 26.pdf

Afghanistan column in case you were wondering.

Sure, I wasn't the one that kept going on about it, I just made one post at first.

Not necessarily people in this thread, but it is reflective of the kind of coverage events like these get in mass media.
what a jumble mish mash numbers.

So you are bundling up Canada's numbers with US's numbers with no distinction from the two and their operations? Over-generalize much.

I see Iraq mixed in there, guess what? Canada did not participate in Iraq in 2002-now.

The Afghan mission was okayed by the UN. As a NATO member nation, Canada participated.

Canadians never shot down passenger planes


/Came to this thread to catch up on the news of Malaysia Airlines flight that got shot down over Ukraine.

/waded through last page full of Canadian/American-did-it-too argument. The fuck, guys.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
/Came to this thread to catch up on the news of Malaysia Airlines flight that got shot down over Ukraine.

/waded through last page full of Canadian/American-did-it-too argument. The fuck, guys.

Pay attention to everything except Russian culpability.
downtown Montreal, you got conspiracy nuts who have tables set up with on the side-walk trying to convince that everythin is Obama and Britain's fault. And that the ''West'' is trying to imped Russia and China's development and that everything is Obama's fault.

What a bunch of crazies.I Told the idiot that Russia is all about gas-oil, Gazprom and oil Olygarhs looking out for their own interests, while China bought the majority of shares in Embridge (oil) . The guy says that I am brainwahed by the Western media... LOL


/Came to this thread to catch up on the news of Malaysia Airlines flight that got shot down over Ukraine.

/waded through last page full of Canadian/American-did-it-too argument. The fuck, guys.

There's currently a political hipsterdom trend going on. We're all living in evil countries, Russia and China are the good guys, they deserve our love! Would I want to live there? Lol don't be ridiculous.

Americans shot down like, that airplane. Obvy.
Okay, but you do see the difference between death in a ground operation in an occupied country and shooting down a passenger plane full of unrelated civilians from non-combative countries, right?

Is there a difference really? Right now in Ukraine the government is bombing cities held by separatists. In response the separatists are attempting to shoot down hostile aircraft. If a civilian airliner was caught up in this how is it any different from civilians on the ground getting bombed? Unless the assertion is that the plane was shot down intentionally, knowing it was a civilian craft?

Your chatter about drones has NO BEARING to the topic at hand. None.

It has plenty to do with it, both are examples of civilians caught in the crossfire. Sometimes it's called collateral damage and nobody cares, sometimes it's called mass murder and everyone cares for a week or two. Why? My original post was in the context of a discussion about the use of particular terms to describe civilian death, maybe you should read it in context.

We are in 2014; not 1814 or 1714.

You are stated that present crimes committed in 2014 can be white washed because other nations have blood in their hands from 2 or 3 centuries past? That is a stupid ass argument because we can roll back to the Caveman days for all over as an excuse.

we in 2014, and 2014 crimes have to be dealt in the present tense. No sweeping under the rug trying to equate false equivalency with wars and colonialism from 200, 300, 400 years ago

I'd appreciate it if you'd address the posts I actually make and not fictional arguments about whitewashing that exist only in your head. The figures I was quoting are from 2001-2014, which is hardly ancient history. If you want to accuse me of arguing that this particular tragedy should be "swept under the rug" please go ahead and quote me saying that.

The Afghan mission was okayed by the UN. As a NATO member nation, Canada participated.

Canadians never shot down passenger planes

I don't see why everyone is harping on about this. I don't care about Canada, I wasn't the one that even mentioned Canada in the first place.

There's currently a political hipsterdom trend going on. We're all living in evil countries, Russia and China are the good guys, they deserve our love! Would I want to live there? Lol don't be ridiculous.

Americans shot down like, that airplane. Obvy.

Oh are people making that argument? Where?


There's currently a political hipsterdom trend going on. We're all living in evil countries, Russia and China are the good guys, they deserve our love! Would I want to live there? Lol don't be ridiculous.

Americans shot down like, that airplane. Obvy.

the West should read Dostoyevski man....he knew....


Is there a difference really? Right now in Ukraine the government is bombing cities held by separatists. In response the separatists are attempting to shoot down hostile aircraft. If a civilian airliner was caught up in this how is it any different from civilians on the ground getting bombed? Unless the assertion is that the plane was shot down intentionally, knowing it was a civilian craft?

Politically, the difference is immense.
There's currently a political hipsterdom trend going on. We're all living in evil countries, Russia and China are the good guys, they deserve our love! Would I want to live there? Lol don't be ridiculous.

Americans shot down like, that airplane. Obvy.

yup, I have seen them on the sidewalk with their tables and posters of Obama with Hitler moustaches.

These hipsters are the children of the hippies who wore hammer and sickle t-shirts 20 years ago.



1. Does Russia have the actual plane signature in its records of a plane near the malaysian airliner?

2. Will the United States show Russia the evidence of the ground to air missile heat signature?

3. Did Ukraine have its own BUK systems and are they all accounted for?

To answer the third question, I believe Ukraine said as of yesterday that their BUK systems were accounted for.

The Russian Ministry of Defense showed some graphics at their press conference earlier today.


Interesting thread.

I wonder if all members of the security council (US, China, UK, France, Russia) would ever accept to being subject to sanctions/prosecutions if the arms they sell to other countries were used accidental or intentionally in war crimes.
Interesting thread.

I wonder if all members of the security council (US, China, UK, France, Russia) would ever accept to being subject to sanctions/prosecutions if the arms they sell to other countries were used accidental or intentionally in war crimes.

This will literally never happen. Unless all the sanctions they impose on each other would sort of cancel out in some weird way.
Interesting thread.

I wonder if all members of the security council (US, China, UK, France, Russia) would ever accept to being subject to sanctions/prosecutions if the arms they sell to other countries were used accidental or intentionally in war crimes.

false equivlancy.

this is not about the sales of arms and repsonsiblity of what another country does with them.

This is about the movement of arms by the nation itself into another country and have their weapons that they placed in another country to actively shoot down a passenger plane.
THEN! Have said weapon return back to the country where it came from to hide from inspection in the other country.
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