Wow. I have never met the man, no clue what he is like, yet after one article I am disgusted and enraged. I cannot believe the world we live in sometimes. This man lost 25 YEARS of his life! 25 fucking years! I'm only 21, and I had to sit back and try to create a sense of time throughout my life and just how long that really is... Everything I would have done in my life would have been behind bars. Everything. I would not have experienced a single thing in my life up until this point, and I would have had 4 more years to go...
What a poor, poor man. I very deeply sympathize with him. I know a lot of people say that, but I wish I could help him, I really do. Give him something, even just a hug... What a sick, sick world we live in. I hope to the bottom of my heart that someone is held responsible or he is greatly compensated.