Give em two days. They'll pull em outta somewhere.No audio. No bite mark.
How fucking convenient.
Give em two days. They'll pull em outta somewhere.No audio. No bite mark.
How fucking convenient.
This is pretty much where we're at now:All we can do is our best, and even when we do our best, we're a problem.
Oh man, this report.
Officers said he yelled, "I'll kill you."
The officer's mics were either turned off, or not working.
There is no audio of the alleged threat
They actually planted crack on the guy too? Terrible.
Because so far they have.
They actually planted crack on the guy too? Terrible.
With the spotlight on police now though it just seems unfathomable that they think they still can.
A man with no criminal record, yells out, "I will kill you" to a fucking cop? Somehow, he gains the ability to be a threat to cops all around him, after being put in a choke hold, punched in the head and tazered a few times?
Fuck cops.
The response was way out of line, obviously, but the guy messed up several times.
1, Didn't stop immediately and pull over immediately when a cop was behind him with its lights on.
2. Opened the car door when pulled over. NEVER get out of your car unless instructed to at a traffic stop.
3. Bit the cop. Don't bite cops.
The first two are basic common sense and taught in all traffic school courses. The first one is even illegal.
Stop here next timeThe response was way out of line, obviously, but the guy messed up several times.
1, Didn't stop and pull over immediately when a cop was behind him with its lights on.
2. Opened the car door when pulled over. NEVER get out of your car unless instructed to at a traffic stop.
3. Bit the cop. Don't bite cops.
The first two are basic common sense and taught in all traffic school courses. The first one is even illegal.
No its bad too. But the problem is, no matter his actions, the cops who represent the state and the law were out of line. His illegal actions are supposed to be litigated in court of law not at the end of a cops fist. The pointing out of his mistakes only serve to give cover to the blatent abuse the cops delivered.Oh sorry guys.
Fuck cops, all cops are pigs!
Is that better?
The news report says there was no trace of drugs in his blood.and that's assuming he wasn't under the influence of a third-party additive like alcohol or drugs. Drugs like PCP or Meth can be scary when fighting someone... as control techniques, OC, and even a baton can sometimes be pointless. Sheer numbers and brute strength is sometimes all that is required to gain control of these guys/gals.
The response was way out of line, obviously, but the guy messed up several times.
1, Didn't stop and pull over immediately when a cop was behind him with its lights on.
2. Opened the car door when pulled over. NEVER get out of your car unless instructed to at a traffic stop.
3. Bit the cop. Don't bite cops.
The first two are basic common sense and taught in all traffic school courses. The first one is even illegal.
This is fucking nuts. How do they think they can keep getting away with it? Just imagine how fucking bad things were when the police were completely evangelized, the type of shit they were getting away with. Christ.
Oh sorry guys.
Fuck cops, all cops are pigs!
Is that better?
So they don't even have the full video. The video skips at 01:14. That's annoying.
Damn, first off when the lights go on, immediately pull over. When you don't, it's a red flag as a stall technique to hide crap in the vehicle. It's just going to irritate the officer more. Besides, the lights are hard to miss at night when you're on the road by yourself, nevermind when the damn spotlight hits you. Second, when you are pulled over, never EVER open your door and attempt to get out of the vehicle. Every measure of training LEOs get highlights immediately that's a big red flag.
Secondly, we don't have the audio of the exchange nor why they decided to pull him out of the vehicle so a huge context is missing. Stupid video skipping to him getting pulled out makes this difficult to analyze. However, I can clearly see him passively resisting and then actively resisting; nevermind the fact that is a BIG dude. The only time I would go hands-on while on the ground is when he or she started grabbing at me or attempting to bite me while trying to gain control -- and I can see him grabbing, but hard to tell if he was biting.
So much context is missing here so I won't levy judgement on the ordeal whether he acted accordingly. Took a lot of force to gain control due to his size, and that's assuming he wasn't under the influence of a third-party additive like alcohol or drugs. Drugs like PCP or Meth can be scary when fighting someone... as control techniques, OC, and even a baton can sometimes be pointless. Sheer numbers and brute strength is sometimes all that is required to gain control of these guys/gals.
So they don't even have the full video. The video skips at 01:14. That's annoying.
Damn, first off when the lights go on, immediately pull over. When you don't, it's a red flag as a stall technique to hide crap in the vehicle. It's just going to irritate the officer more. Besides, the lights are hard to miss at night when you're on the road by yourself, nevermind when the damn spotlight hits you. Second, when you are pulled over, never EVER open your door and attempt to get out of the vehicle. Every measure of training LEOs get highlights immediately that's a big red flag.
Secondly, we don't have the audio of the exchange nor why they decided to pull him out of the vehicle so a huge context is missing. Stupid video skipping to him getting pulled out makes this difficult to analyze. However, I can clearly see him passively resisting and then actively resisting; nevermind the fact that is a BIG dude. The only time I would go hands-on while on the ground is when he or she started grabbing at me or attempting to bite me while trying to gain control -- and I can see him grabbing, but hard to tell if he was biting.
So much context is missing here so I won't levy judgement on the ordeal whether he acted accordingly. Took a lot of force to gain control due to his size, and that's assuming he wasn't under the influence of a third-party additive like alcohol or drugs. Drugs like PCP or Meth can be scary when fighting someone... as control techniques, OC, and even a baton can sometimes be pointless. Sheer numbers and brute strength is sometimes all that is required to gain control of these guys/gals.
The news report says there was no trace of drugs in his blood.
Oh sorry guys.
Fuck cops, all cops are pigs!
Is that better?
Secondly, we don't have the audio of the exchange nor why they decided to pull him out of the vehicle so a huge context is missing. Stupid video skipping to him getting pulled out makes this difficult to analyze. However, I can clearly see him passively resisting and then actively resisting; nevermind the fact that is a BIG dude. The only time I would go hands-on while on the ground is when he or she started grabbing at me or attempting to bite me while trying to gain control -- and I can see him grabbing, but hard to tell if he was biting.
So much context is missing here so I won't levy judgement on the ordeal whether he acted accordingly. Took a lot of force to gain control due to his size, and that's assuming he wasn't under the influence of a third-party additive like alcohol or drugs. Drugs like PCP or Meth can be scary when fighting someone... as control techniques, OC, and even a baton can sometimes be pointless. Sheer numbers and brute strength is sometimes all that is required to gain control of these guys/gals.
Were you not before? I have 4 brothers. I'm afraid for them every damn day. They don't give a damn who you are, what you do, what you've done. The fear is so fucking wearing.Man, I'm really getting to become quite afraid for my dad and myself even.
Oh sorry guys.
Fuck cops, all cops are pigs!
Is that better?
So they don't even have the full video. The video skips at 01:14. That's annoying.
Damn, first off when the lights go on, immediately pull over. When you don't, it's a red flag as a stall technique to hide crap in the vehicle. It's just going to irritate the officer more. Besides, the lights are hard to miss at night when you're on the road by yourself, nevermind when the damn spotlight hits you. Second, when you are pulled over, never EVER open your door and attempt to get out of the vehicle. Every measure of training LEOs get highlights immediately that's a big red flag.
What's really disturbing is how blasé the cops seem while carrying out their beating. Business as usual.
A choke hold while being punched in the face over and over and over... I mean, all he's doing is feebly covering up with an arm which is how you typically handle being repeatedly punched in the face. What kind of idiot watches a video of a man trying to lessen repeated and unnecessary face punches and see a guy resisting arrest? Since when has strangulation and destroying someone's face been standard procedure when arresting someone? And why does someone who has history with planting evidence and falsifying police reports stay employed as a police officer?Lol, passively resisting. The dude is thrown to the fucking ground and not given ANY chance to put his hands behind his back. Then a choke hold is used against him when he is "actively resisting". Maybe due to the fact that he doesn't want to be choked to death.
Gain control of what exactly? Fucking joke.
What kind of idiot watches a video of a man trying to lessen repeated and unnecessary face punches and see a guy resisting arrest?
Why are 6 patrol cars responding to a blown stop sign?
So they don't even have the full video. The video skips at 01:14. That's annoying.
Damn, first off when the lights go on, immediately pull over. When you don't, it's a red flag as a stall technique to hide crap in the vehicle. It's just going to irritate the officer more. Besides, the lights are hard to miss at night when you're on the road by yourself, nevermind when the damn spotlight hits you. Second, when you are pulled over, never EVER open your door and attempt to get out of the vehicle. Every measure of training LEOs get highlights immediately that's a big red flag.
Secondly, we don't have the audio of the exchange nor why they decided to pull him out of the vehicle so a huge context is missing. Stupid video skipping to him getting pulled out makes this difficult to analyze. However, I can clearly see him passively resisting and then actively resisting; nevermind the fact that is a BIG dude. The only time I would go hands-on while on the ground is when he or she started grabbing at me or attempting to bite me while trying to gain control -- and I can see him grabbing, but hard to tell if he was biting.
Lol, passively resisting. The dude is thrown to the fucking ground and not given ANY chance to put his hands behind his back. Then a choke hold is used against him when he is "actively resisting". Maybe due to the fact that he doesn't want to be choked to death.
Gain control of what exactly? Fucking joke.
There is no point at which he is seen to physically resist. When he is dragged out of the car, he isn't even given a chance to put his hands behind his back before he is put into a chokehold, which has been known to, I don't know, kill people before.
He has no criminal record, he was not armed, he was not under the influence of drugs. Am I expected to believe, on the word of an officer previously investigated for planting evidence and making false statements, that he spontaneously said "I'll kill you!" when two cops approached him guns drawn?
When they show video after video of officers getting murdered by this sort of behavior, you have to understand that officer safety is huge here. 1, not pulling over -- what are they hiding? 2, getting out of the vehicle and then not showing hands -- what is he doing and why is he doing this? This goes against the grain of what is normally seen; it is abnormal. Such conduct makes the hair stand up on the neck.And THERE'S the problem. Training that says that a red flag in behavior is justification to draw guns and use physical force. No threat, physical or otherwise. No weapon. Just a 'red flag'.
That you don't see the problem there scares me more. The general public are not combatants.
He's on the PCP and actively resisting arrest of course you need backup. These guys and gals only respond to force.
While in the hospital, Floyd was forced to take drug tests, which all came back negative for drugs.
Yup, Patrol's post was offensive.Joke here being that he was already tested for drugs and was clean. No criminal record, either. Probably why our shity media hasn't actually been talking about it. No way to color the narritive against the victim this time.
Of course, that doesn't stop resident apologists doing everything they can to plant seeds of doubt. Video taken from the POLICE PERSEPCTIVE isn't even enough, let alone civilian video footage.
"Piss? What are you talking about? That's the rain! That's not urine going directly into your eyes and mouth. It's raining outside. Don't you see those stormclouds?"