Man in Joker Makeup Charged with Felony for 'Wearing Mask'
Still a better Joker than Suicide Squad.

A 31-year-old Virginia man was arrested on Friday and charged with wearing a mask in public, a felony thats punishable by up to five years in jail. His crime? Dressing up as the Joker. With makeup.
Winchester police arrested Jeremy Putnam after locals reported sightings of a man dressed as Heath Ledgers Joker from The Dark Knight, wearing a black cape and carrying a sword. Its not illegal in Virginia to open carry a sword (although local ordinances vary), but it is against the law to wear any mask, hood, or other device that covers part or all of a face. The law dates back at least 70 years as an attempt to curtail the Ku Klux Klan. Nowadays, laws like this have been used to profile motorcyclists, charge protesters, and, in this case, stop a guy whos not even wearing a mask from walking around.
However, makeup is not a mask Putnams face is fully visible beneath his white facepaint. Furthermore, he wasnt breaking into places or stalking people, he was just walking around. Granted, he was carrying a sword, but again... that looks to be permissible in the state. This might be the first time someones been charged in the state for the crime of wearing makeup, and if thats all theyve got him on, its not okay. Given the rise in comic cons in Virginia, this is a red flag for thousands of cosplayers throughout the state. The Winchester Police Department is holding Putnam on a $2,000 secured bond.

Still a better Joker than Suicide Squad.