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Man..I've just randomly been listening to the Chrono Cross music selection disc..

..that I got when I pre-ordered the game 5 years ago, and I'll be damned if I don't wish I still had the game. For as much as I may have bitched about the PS2 Square RPG's not having the soul of their SNES counterparts, in retrospect Chrono Cross seems like a beautiful adventure compared to the fucking pop-tart shite of FFX (it was decent, but I probably would have liked it more minus the FF title).

"Chronomantique" reminds me of the many hours I spent exploring and battling in the game (awesome battle system for its day), and "Scars of Time" to this day still almost brings me to tears everytime I hear it. I guess the fact that the game didn't live up to Chrono Trigger's legacy left it lacking in my mind, but when you think about it, few sequels rarely live up to their classic predecessors. Even through CC had a rather ambiguous protagonist (Fuck was his name?) and about 12 too many side characters, overall it was a fantastic ride and did well to nod towards CT fans with the intertwining of the stories. One of the Playstation's best RPG's, hands down. Wish I hand't taken it so for granted..


Chrono Cross seems like a beautiful adventure compared to the fucking pop-tart shite of FFX

I totally agree with that. My opinion is that Square stopped making RPGs after the end of PS1. Now they're making mainstream crap. FFX-2 for example was not an RPG. An abomination yes an RPG no.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Che said:
I totally agree with that. My opinion is that Square stopped making RPGs after the end of PS1. Now they're making mainstream crap. FFX-2 for example was not an RPG. An abomination yes an RPG no.

X2 was garbage... but Square has made some decent stuff lately, though no where near as good as their "golden years" (16 bit) or even their "silver years" (32 bit). Front Mission 4 seemed decent, FF Tactics Advance was fun too.

Now that Square and Enix are together, let's have Sakaguchi and Horii combine forces again and bring us a new Chrono Trigger! Pooling their resources... Square's big budget graphical work, Enix's development teams' commitment to deep gameplay...
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