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Man, my fucking house just got broke into and they stole a crapload of games

Justin Bailey

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They stole 20 PS2 and Gamecube games (one of which was FUCKING REZ) along with my PS2, two PS2 controllers and two gamecube controllers. The real kicker is that they also took my memory cards with all of my saves on them. But for some reason they didn't take my gamecube or GBA, even though it was sitting out plain as day. In fact there was a lot of stuff that they didn't take (like my or my roomate's laptop or PDAs). They took Zelda, Metroid Prime, Soul Calibur 2, and almost every PS2 game I own. Fuck, my homeowners insurance should cover everything, but I hope I'll be able to get another copy of Rez. I'm just pissed about the memory cards, so much time put into them gone to waste.



If they're covered for your cost to replace, then you're good for your copy of Rez.

I had to add an extra $30k to our renter's policy to cover my games.

Sho Nuff

BTW, I remember a story about Dave Perry's house being broken into and the thieves stealing everything except the Sega Saturn. Hahahaha

Justin Bailey

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"Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it."


That really sucks. I can't imagine losing the memory cards. :(

At least there was no confrontation. Who knows if the fucktard had a gun or something.

Justin Bailey

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Matlock said:
How close do you live to Drinky Crow?
Heh, what was real fucked about it is that they took the liberty of taking the two memory cards in the GC and two regular controllers out, but not the system. They even left the wavebirds. GAH!


This happened to an AIM buddy of mine a few years ago. He wasn't happy to say the least, especially when his cousin did it.


hyperbolically metafictive
that sucks. :/ at least your insurance will cover it. although i wonder if they'd account for ebay price inflation on rez.

Justin Bailey said:
But for some reason they didn't take my gamecube or GBA, even though it was sitting out plain as day.

this is hilarious, though. STEAL A PS2.


go eat paint
Odds are... either it was your roomie or an acquaintance you or he have had over recently....

or, you live in a building where folks tend to have a lot of games / electronics, and the local drug-addled riff-raff know it. PS2 crap is generally the easiest to trade for cash at pawn shops and game stores, which they can then turn around and use to buy drugs.

Time to bar the windows and get a reinforced door/lock set, or buy a gun, or move.

EDIT: There are some sketchy neighborhoods where I live, so the local game shops always hold onto trade-ins / used items (usually systems) for a month just in case they're reported stolen. I had the pleasure of watching a man in EB trade in a PS2 with network adaptor once and take cash for it (it was like $60 instead of $100 in credit), and then have the nerve to ask the clerk how much they paid for Xboxes, because "he knew where to get one." Smarty clerk got the man to show him his ID and passed the info along with the man's description to police over the phone while I was standing there paying for ESPN Baseball. (The man left peacefully and unaware)

I went back to the store a few weeks later and the same person was working. I jogged his memory and asked if he knew if anything came of it, and it turns out, the police came in a few days later asking a lot of questions about other items in the store. Don't know for sure what happened, but I'm guessing somebody went to the clink for stealing game systems.

Justin Bailey

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Well, it definitely wasn't my any of my roomates, but the acquaintance thing is possible. We just got some new neighbors, so that's what I'm thinking.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Justin Bailey said:

"Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it."

"Mind if I shoot up here?"
"Hey, mi casa, su casa."

Best movie ever.


I also wouldn't be surprised if it was someone you know. Your description makes me think of a couple of friends of mine who have gotten robbed, and it ended up being "friends" or family of theirs. You gotta think hard about who it could be...


Oh man, I know how you feel. My house got broken into twice. The first time they took my DC and N64 with a copy of F-Zero X in it. The stupid fuckers left all the games though. Then like a year and a half later, they got my PS2,GC, all the games for both, memory cards, controllers, and all my DVDs. God, that sucked :(
i know how you feel, samething happenned to me last year except they stole all my systems and all my games and my dvds and my got damn alarm clock...wtf



Damn, I'm sorry you all had to go through that, especially Justin's case on Friday the 13th. Yeck. I started believing in Friday the 13th when my brother got into a minor car accident the day he got his license on Friday, September 13, 2002. Bleh.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss (especially Rez). As someone who's also been a victim of robbery, I truly do sympathize.

Here's my story real quick: the burglar snuck inside via the fire-escape by kicking in the air conditioner, which I really shouldn't have placed there; besides being a fire hazard, it totally left me susceptible to theft... but the thing was, I had plans to remove the thing later that weekend!

But instead of going after my Dreamcast (it had just come out earlier in the month, so I considered it "hot" at the time) which was literally two feet away from where he came in, he totally passed on all my other game systems (which I had all of) EXCEPT for my Saturn! And it was the first generation model which I got as a high school graduation gift, and was modded!

Plus, he passed on the DVD player, which again, was just beginning to take off and was a hot ticket item at that point, and tons of other valuable stuff. What else did he take? A shitty video camera, but minus the AC adaptor, which made it worthless, my high school diploma (WTF?), my winter jacket, and the original film stock of my student film, which I had spend over $1,000 shooting and developing, and which I still hadn't finished editing!

Justin Bailey

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I've been going through everything trying to figure out what's missing and here's what I got (there's still a few games/dvds left that I need to figure out):

Playstation2 System
2 PS2 Controllers
1 PS2 Memory Card
2 Gamecube controllers
2 GC 251 Memory cards
1 Gameboy Advance SP
1 GBA SP Case
GBA Wario Ware
GBA Mario and Luigi
GBA Mario vs Donkey Kong
GBA Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi’s Island
GC Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
GC Metroid Prime
GC Soul Calibur 2
GC Super Smash Brothers Melee
GC Tiger Woods 2004
GC Resident Evil 0
GC Def Jam Vendetta
GC Home Run King
PS2 Rez
PS2 Final Fantasy X
PS2 Super Bust a Move
PS2 Sylpheed: The Lost Planet
PS2 Megaman Anniversary Collection
PS2 Onimusha: Warlords
PS2 Devil May Cry
PS2 ATV Off Road Fury 2
DVD The Legend of Baggar Vance

I realized that they grabbed a SP that I thought was at my girlfriends place. It was in a case along with 4 games :( I've made some highball estimates of everything and it's > $1000
Justin Bailey said:

"Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it."

hahaha classic.
Justin Bailey said:
I've been going through everything trying to figure out what's missing and here's what I got (there's still a few games/dvds left that I need to figure out):

Playstation2 System
2 PS2 Controllers
1 PS2 Memory Card
2 Gamecube controllers
2 GC 251 Memory cards
1 Gameboy Advance SP
1 GBA SP Case
GBA Wario Ware
GBA Mario and Luigi
GBA Mario vs Donkey Kong
GBA Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi’s Island
GC Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
GC Metroid Prime
GC Soul Calibur 2
GC Super Smash Brothers Melee
GC Tiger Woods 2004
GC Resident Evil 0
GC Def Jam Vendetta
GC Home Run King
PS2 Rez
PS2 Final Fantasy X
PS2 Super Bust a Move
PS2 Sylpheed: The Lost Planet
PS2 Megaman Anniversary Collection
PS2 Onimusha: Warlords
PS2 Devil May Cry
PS2 ATV Off Road Fury 2
DVD The Legend of Baggar Vance

I realized that they grabbed a SP that I thought was at my girlfriends place. It was in a case along with 4 games :( I've made some highball estimates of everything and it's > $1000

hmmmm.....if your home insurance has "Depreciation" or whatever...then tell the people You just bought all this stuff...

that way u get full coverage...

when all my shit was stolen....i told them that some of the stuff i owned for about a year or two so they only gave me a THIRD of the value of all the stuff that was stolen from me....so it felt like I was getting robbed TWICE!



Fixed2BeBroken said:
hmmmm.....if your home insurance has "Depreciation" or whatever...then tell the people You just bought all this stuff...

that way u get full coverage...

when all my shit was stolen....i told them that some of the stuff i owned for about a year or two so they only gave me a THIRD of the value of all the stuff that was stolen from me....so it felt like I was getting robbed TWICE!


A lot those games are available for much cheaper than they were originally released, so in the end, you probably won't have to spend the extra money on a few games. The accessories, though, ouch. =/
FortNinety said:
I'm sorry to hear about the loss (especially Rez). As someone who's also been a victim of robbery, I truly do sympathize.

Here's my story real quick: the burglar snuck inside via the fire-escape by kicking in the air conditioner, which I really shouldn't have placed there; besides being a fire hazard, it totally left me susceptible to theft... but the thing was, I had plans to remove the thing later that weekend!

But instead of going after my Dreamcast (it had just come out earlier in the month, so I considered it "hot" at the time) which was literally two feet away from where he came in, he totally passed on all my other game systems (which I had all of) EXCEPT for my Saturn! And it was the first generation model which I got as a high school graduation gift, and was modded!

Plus, he passed on the DVD player, which again, was just beginning to take off and was a hot ticket item at that point, and tons of other valuable stuff. What else did he take? A shitty video camera, but minus the AC adaptor, which made it worthless, my high school diploma (WTF?), my winter jacket, and the original film stock of my student film, which I had spend over $1,000 shooting and developing, and which I still hadn't finished editing!

this was definately a case of someone you know robbing you; and not a random robbery....
My previous apartment got broken into twice. I lost shit load of games. I am currently playing my 3rd PS2 an 2nd DC and 2nd GC. I lost about 20 PS2, 10 DC and 4 GC games. I also lost about 10 imports, mostly DC and I lost the original jewl case of Radiant Silvergun. The funny thing is my Sega Saturn survived the last two breakins and I thank god that my radiant silver gun was in the system so the game is safe with the Saturn while it was watching their bros got taken away. My collection of Saturn games are also safe.

I had insurance but the deductible was $1000 canadian. My first breakin costed me about $3000 so it was covered. However, I lost only about $800 bucks of stuff for the 2nd time so I have to took the hit on my own. The 2 breakins were separated by roungly 6 months so the bastards were obiviously waiting for me to stock up again. These guys literally broke the door, NOT the door lock, to get in.
Not much I can say except that that REALLY sucks!!! A LOT!!

If you had an XB, you'd never have to worry about it getting stolen, since it would be too heavy to lift. That goes for the controllers too.


Justin Bailey said:
Heh, what was real fucked about it is that they took the liberty of taking the two memory cards in the GC and two regular controllers out, but not the system. They even left the wavebirds. GAH!

This can mean only one thing.
Whoever it was, he already owned a GC.



go eat paint
Actually, looking at the haul... I'd be inclined to think it was two thieves with grocery bags / backpacks, or one thief with a large duffel bag....

I also second what a previous poster said about the robber possibly already having a GC... which kinda blows my drug-funds theory, but hey, making shit up from scant details is fun...

Do you know anyone (or two people, roomies, bros) that only, up to now, owned a GC? Maybe someone you see with a large ass duffel bag? Hell, if you search anyone's DVD shelf and find Bagger Vance, you know they're a suspect, because WHO THE HELL owns Bagger Vance? Damn, just stab that person to death when you find 'em.

If Sledge Hammer were on the case, he'd tie anyone matching that description to the bumper of his car until he got a confession.

(Man, someone stealing Bagger Vance would be like someone stealing my Best of Benny Hill DVD... which I couldn't even trade in at EB a couple years ago.)
Oh FUCK, man I am so sorry to hear that, that fucking blows. If thta happend to me I dont know what I would do, I would go apeshit, I would look to every fuck I suspected, and god damn, if I found them, not sure what i would do, but it wouldent be pleasent.

Oddly enough, as much as I hate fuckers like this, I still cant wait to rob houses in SA...

~Black Deatha


Junior Member
I feel you.

Somebody just stole my GameCube and all my games the other week! Stupid thing is that since this is Thailand he/she is gonna have a hard time trying to sell or pawn it, nobody even knows what the hell it is around here. Idiot.

Guess I gotta wait until Xmas and pick up another one in Japan...



That's awful, man. Very sorry to hear that. I skimmed the thread, so someone probably already mentioned this, but can you get everything back with insurance?

Justin Bailey said:
They stole 20 PS2 and Gamecube games (one of which was FUCKING REZ) along with my PS2, two PS2 controllers and two gamecube controllers. The real kicker is that they also took my memory cards with all of my saves on them. But for some reason they didn't take my gamecube or GBA, even though it was sitting out plain as day. In fact there was a lot of stuff that they didn't take (like my or my roomate's laptop or PDAs). They took Zelda, Metroid Prime, Soul Calibur 2, and almost every PS2 game I own. Fuck, my homeowners insurance should cover everything, but I hope I'll be able to get another copy of Rez. I'm just pissed about the memory cards, so much time put into them gone to waste.

Initially, I laughed out loud at that (sorry). But it actually sounds like they already the systems if they stole software and controllers.

Then again, they didn't take the laptop or PDA, either. Maybe they're just really stupid.
The exact same thing happened to me about 12 months ago. Guy broke into my house at 4am while I was working on the computer on an assignment due that day. He even entered the room I was in and stole my mobile phone and wallet right in front of me. When I went to the TV room after he left the house I found he had stolen my GameCube, all my GCN games (except Zelda!) memory card and my GBASP. But he didn't steal my Xbox as it was probably too heavy for the arsehole :p

I was so pissed about losing my memory card too. Particually the Smash Bros data. 100 hours + of multiplayer stats and practically everything unlocked. I didn't care too much about anything else because I knew insurance would cover it but the memory card really pissed me off. In the end I ended up better off because I got back the amount of money I payed for the games when they were at full price but I've never been able to motivate myself to get back into Smash bros.


Chili Con Carnage!

my N64 got stolen from my brothers house along with all its games (the 10 or so i had left) and accessories, because you get what you paid for them i got about £500 to spend purely on videogames, i ended up getting a brand new PS2 and all the games i could handle...

Man i wish my Dreamcast and games (bar Shenmue 1 and 2) would get stolen so i could afford all the games i want this fall.


Sorry to hear about the theft. I really hope you find out who did this.

It probably was an aquaintance. A real theif with any kind of intelligence would have made a run at some of your more expensive stuff.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Suxors. A few years back my dreamcast was stolen. i didnt really mind the hardware and games being stolen cause insurance would cover that, but they took all my memory cards with my saves :(

Ranger X

Red Dolphin said:
. He even entered the room I was in and stole my mobile phone and wallet right in front of me. When I went to the TV room after he left the house I found he had stolen my GameCube, all my GCN games (except Zelda!) memory card and my GBASP. But he didn't steal my Xbox as it was probably too heavy for the arsehole :p

Wow, what did you do at that point? He did put a gun out and said "don't move"? lol
Did you talked to him or tried to do something??
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