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Man, my fucking house just got broke into and they stole a crapload of games

Red Dolphin said:
The exact same thing happened to me about 12 months ago. Guy broke into my house at 4am while I was working on the computer on an assignment due that day. He even entered the room I was in and stole my mobile phone and wallet right in front of me. When I went to the TV room after he left the house I found he had stolen my GameCube, all my GCN games (except Zelda!) memory card and my GBASP. But he didn't steal my Xbox as it was probably too heavy for the arsehole :p

Ok man, I dont mean to be mean here, but damn, I couldent help think of different stealth games here, he much have wanted to try what he lerned form Thief, and Splinter Cell to use.

~Black Deatha

Justin Bailey

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Jumpman said:
Sorry to hear about the theft. I really hope you find out who did this.

It probably was an aquaintance. A real theif with any kind of intelligence would have made a run at some of your more expensive stuff.
What I think happened is that it was two guys, one was outside for lookout and one ran into the house with a bookbag and stuffed everything he could in there, hence the reason the laptops weren't stolen (as they wouldn't fit with all the other games and stuff). Also, I think they were kids that will probably use most of the stuff they stole rather than sell it. Although they'll prolly boot up Rez and go "WTF is this shit!" and sell it to EB promptly. They also stole my roomate's bike with the lock still on it and everything. If I see a kid riding that bike down the street I swear to God I'll tackle his ass right there and beat the shit out of him.


Justin - I'm so incredibly sorry this happened to you. those fuckers will pay, one way or another. what goes around, comes around.


Holds a little red book
Red Dolphin said:
The exact same thing happened to me about 12 months ago. Guy broke into my house at 4am while I was working on the computer on an assignment due that day. He even entered the room I was in and stole my mobile phone and wallet right in front of me.
You seriously didn't do anything?


Here's what you should do:

-Get bars on your windows.
-Buy a nice sturdy steel door. Something that you might even be able to put a steel bar behind while you sleep.
-Join the NRA and put their "Member of the NRA" sticker on your front door.
-Before you sleep, stack several bottles/cans behind the front door. If someone even opens it just a bit, it'll create a huge racket.
-When you're not at home, leave a couple of lights on.
-When you're not at home, open your windows(after you've gotten the bars of course), just a crack, then leave your stereo on. Not loud enough to disturb your neighbors, but loug enough that if someone comes to your front door, they'll hear music coming from inside.
-The ol' double back. Usually when your home gets broken into, there's someone scoping out your daily routine so they know who comes and goes to know when no one is home. Every week, choose a random day to leave the house a little bit earlier than you normally would. Then drive around or walk around for 10 minutes and go back home pretending like you forgot something.

If you start doing this and your friends call you paranoid, don't listen to them!
I'm guessing you filed a police report about this. Rez is a pretty rare game so you maybe able to ask around some of your local Game stores that accept trades or at least the cops could. Stores could be on the look out for you. Here on Long Island Videogame stores in Nassau county have to keep a log book of merchandise traded in and all trades require a driver's license, hardware serial numbers are recorded as well. It maybe a stretch but it's worth a shot.

Justin Bailey

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doncale, thanks man, I'm a strong believer in that philosophy as well.

Vieo, that's some good advice, especially the NRA thing. Thanks.

Doc, yeah I filed a report and went around today to some local shops and asked around, no Rez's were turned in though. I left a copy of the stolen games list at each one along with my name and number so they can get in touch with me. Prolly won't help, but it's better than nothing.
Hate to say this but I have a feeling the robbers were probably friends of friends (not a typo) of you and/or your roommates. This kind of theft is usually caused by acquaintances of acquaintances that knew somone of the residence.

Justin Bailey

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Well, now I'm not sure how the insurance is going to work out. The deductable isn't bad, but the payments may skyrocket since I made a claim 9 months ago. I have a great girlfirend, though. She just bought me two wavebirds and a 1029 memory card for my GC. She would've got a PS2, but Sony stopped shipping them to retailers! Bastids.


He even entered the room I was in and stole my mobile phone and wallet right in front of me.
And you just sat there and watched him steal it? You realize you can use lethal force if someone breaks into your home, right? lol.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
TheDiave said:
And you just sat there and watched him steal it? You realize you can use lethal force if someone breaks into your home, right? lol.

God let someone walk into my place and try to steal something. If I was in a good mood, I'd use the 9mm in his chest. If I was playing Ninja Gaiden or something, I'd probably be in a bad mood, so he'd get a 45 to his eye.


I have 2 bats in my room. Depending on what mood I'm in, I'll use one or the other if someone comes into my house, (and doesn't have a gun with them)

1. Louisville Slugger, 32 inches, 34 oz. I can't swing the motherfucker for shit playing baseball, but I'll be damned if I can't hit a head the size of a melon.

2. TPX Aluminim bat. For those days when you want the nice satisfaction of a *PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING* sound coming from the head of the dumbfuck.

3. I could always let my german sheppard loose on him, as well as my daschund who will trip the asshole up by running in between it's legs about 40 times in 3 seconds. Then I'll just go out there with two bats and see which one works best for future reference. :D


They took GC games but not the system...kinda weird. It's so small it would have been easy to take. Maybe they thought it was some strange looking purse.


You need to immediatly check local gamestores. My girlfriend's brother had his N64 and games stolen, the fucking thieves took it to the nearest Gamestop and sold it. Needless to say, they got it back.

Also search Ebay for those games, especially for Rez or other rare games, and then compare if somone is selling all your games. You have to do it, trust me the police are to busy with "real crime" to help. Donut eating bitches.
Wyzdom said:
Wow, what did you do at that point? He did put a gun out and said "don't move"? lol
Did you talked to him or tried to do something??

Stele said:
You seriously didn't do anything?

TheDiave said:
And you just sat there and watched him steal it? You realize you can use lethal force if someone breaks into your home, right? lol.

Well I heard some noices but I had the door closed and some music playing on my computer. I thought it was probably my sister getting up to go to the bathroom or something. When I heard the door opening and I saw the guy I did one of those double takes just like you see in the movies. I literally couldn't believe my eyes. Guy had a balaclava (sp?) on his haid and gloves and as he approached me I noticed he had a screwdriver in his hand. I was just in complete shock more then scared and didn't want to take any chances. Hell he could have stabbed me with the screwdriver if I attempted to attack him and "missed". I just didn't think it was worth risking my life potentially.

After he left the room with my stuff I immediately ran out of the room through the other door leading to the room (not the one the burglar left through) and grabbed my baseball bat from under the stairs. I ran upstairs and woke my dad to tell him there was a guy in the house. I was ready to run down and smack him in the fucking head but he locked himself in my room. By the time we got into the room he had escaped out of the window (where he had also broke in). If we were thinking straight one of us would have gone outside to try and stop him from escaping out the window but in the heat of the moment you don't always think logically.

I then had to ring my mobile phone company, bank and other places to cancel things like my credit card, lock down my SIM card and mobile, report my driver's licence as stolen. Then rang the cops and they came over and took all my details. Needless to say it was hard getting to sleep that day but at least I didn't have to hand my assignment in that day as I had a pretty good excuse ("the guy stole my disk with the latest versio of my assignment!") :p

Black Deatha said:
Ok man, I dont mean to be mean here, but damn, I couldent help think of different stealth games here, he much have wanted to try what he lerned form Thief, and Splinter Cell to use.

~Black Deatha

lol. As I mentioned he made a fair bit of noice getting in but I ignored it because the last thing I expected was someone breaking into my house..
LuckyBrand said:
this was definately a case of someone you know robbing you; and not a random robbery....

Actually, I think it was either a crack head (mainly cuz of the coat being stolen) or the cable guy who had been at my place just a few days prior and probably noticed the ill placed AC unit. At least I'd like to think that.... but yes, it certainly did not feel all that random.
I once had some dude I had just met walk into the house at like 4 AM. He made some noise and both me and my roommate were wide awake. We went to go check and he was just standing there drinking milk. We started locking the door after that.
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