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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.




Thanks mate!
EDIT: I'd ask to add in 'Only on Neo Geo', but that'd be kinda silly now that I think about it XP.
I'm 100% certain I'll watch it more than once, I'll most likely wear out my future Blu ray copy. I mean Superman and Superman 2 don't have the greatest stories (two of my favorite comic book movies... Superman the movie being my favorite still to this day), lets be honest, and Ive watched them I can't even count how many times now and it's not just for the visuals.

Maybe your non Superman fan might not rewatch an origin film a ton unless it's for visuals, but a Superman fan will rewatch the shit out of this unless it's a bigger turd than Superman 3/4. Heck some people still rewatch Superman Returns and not just for visuals. Hell people rewatch Smallville episodes over and over lol

You might have seen the movie, but I really don't get that statement at all and that's with a lot of movies... not just Superman films.

and this is why I bought an Optoma HD33 1080P 3D home theater projector. when that blu-ray comes out every version is getting bought.

With those avatars you can join me in the sun!

Thank you Zod. I will kneel before you.


Simo, a word for the negative Nancy's? I've not read many negative opinions but the ones I have read pretty much hated the film, I am jaunt worried we have another TDKR on our hands :(

if we have TDKR on our hands that will be great. it was a good film. :)
I think it will be better though...


Got my tickets and ready to rock for next Thursday night.

Man of Steel just made me type "ready to rock". Yeah.
and this is why I bought an Optoma HD33 1080P 3D home theater projector. when that blu-ray comes out every version is getting bought.


if we have TDKR on our hands that will be great. it was a good film. :)
I think it will be better though...

The most re watchable of the three.


Begins is the most rewatchable, and best of the trilogy

tho i still liked rises, and thought it had a bunch of really good scenes in it in spite of all the flaws it had.


I like Dark Knight more but the hyperbole and hatred in this echo chamber gets ridiculous. people enjoyed it.

I know, I am one of them. But that doesn't change it from being the worst and least rewatchable film in the series.

BB > TDK > TDKR, in quality, rewatchability, you name it.


Yeah I'm watching this next Thursday.

Then maybe I'll do you people the favor of spoiling everything in it, since that's what you seemingly crave for. :p I'm glad this time I've restrained myself from watching anything else after trailer #3.
I know, I am one of them. But that doesn't change it from being the worst and least rewatchable film in the series.

BB > TDK > TDKR, in quality, rewatchability, you name it.

ok.... but I would just not use so many negative adjetives to decribe it. a better third act than begins, not as good second act as dark knight but there you go.


I know, I am one of them. But that doesn't change it from being the worst and least rewatchable film in the series.

BB > TDK > TDKR, in quality, rewatchability, you name it.

It would be more agreeable if you defined what exactly entails quality, rewatchability, etc. Not everyone adheres to the same narrative theory. Because all 3 contain massive errors in logic, comic book goofiness, etc, but also include excellent character development and effective villains that makes them enjoyable to watch they are, essentially, similar kinds of movies, with the same flaws as well as the same strengths. I personally never saw what made TDKR the weaker of the 3 when most of the complaints people cite can be equally applied to BB and TDK.

As for rewatchability, I definitely rewatched TDKR the least amount of times (4) compared to BB (6 or 7) and TDK (13), but I would very much prefer to see TDKR again over TDK at this point, so, like above, it depends on how you define rewatachability.


I like how opinion on BB got better with the time. At the height of TDK hype (after movie) I had the impression that BB was better but I couldn't accept it. It was!


BB is only rewatchable in the first half, in the 2nd half I just either change the channel or turn off the movie player. TDK is also really watchable except for the end with the night vision/ship scene although I can listen to Gordon deliver that epilogue forever.

TDKR I haven't seen more than 3 times. At times I like it and other times I get pulled down by some of its fault. Its hard for me to say how rewatchable it is but I would say I have difficulty watching the full thing without fast forwarding. Movie has some great scenes but also some boring segments with off scale pacing.

I am in the BB = TDK > TDKR but not by a lot. Each of the 3 have faults but are still among the top in superhero movies. I will say that the first half of BB is the best arc in the entire trilogy standalone. None of the films have a good 3rd arc.



Is he yelling something at him whilst pounding him in the face hahaha


[spoiler]I kid, I love the Dark Knight.[/spoiler]


i believe that's the trendy opinion to have, yes.

trendy? dude, I genuinely like batman begins the most and I believe solo is genuine in his opinions too

though i'm not in the camp that hates the dark knight rises. I actually like it a lot. it's just that I like begins much more.


It would be more agreeable if you defined what exactly entails quality, rewatchability, etc. .

Quality: the movie's writing, acting, direction, pacing, achieving what it sets out to do
Rewatchability: how well the movie does the things listed above determines how many times I would be willing to watch it again

BB > TDK > TDKR across the board in all of those for me.


As far as rewatchability goes a big factor why TDK was godlike the first time but then trails off with subsequent views is that there are quite a few "shocking" moments in the movie which take you by storm the first time you see it. The impact of these shockers go down on repeated views and then you realize that's where a good portion of the movie appeal came from. BB doesn't really on as many of these plot elements so it generally remains the same on repeated views.

TDK has the advantage of the Joker performance which is extremely rewatchable. Any scene he isn't in though takes a bit to get through.


Quality: the movie's writing, acting, direction, pacing, achieving what it sets out to do
Rewatchability: how well the movie does the things listed above determines how many times I would be willing to watch it again

BB > TDK > TDKR across the board in all of those for me.

You didn't define quality, you just bulleted what aspects movies are made up of except for the last part. Because Green Lantern has writing, acting, direction, and pacing, and, at the very least, it was intended to be a story about Hal Jordan becoming a Green Lantern, which it accomplished. But I doubt you'd call GL a good movie. If you meant good writing, acting, etc, then you have to proceed to define what makes all those things good. Otherwise, it's like defining shiny as 'Having a quality that shines', which doesn't really tell you what shiny really is.

As for achieving what it set out to do, that is, at best, an educated guess and at worst an crippling handicap of irrelevancy. If a movie intended to do something well, failed at it, but inadvertently accomplished something else entirely well, then I would say that it is good movie. That it is accidental in this regard is irrelevent.

TDK has the advantage of the Joker performance which is extremely rewatchable. Any scene he isn't in though takes a bit to get through.

Imo, people very much overlook the fantastic character development that Bruce went through as he struggles to become the Batman that he needs to be. After so many rewatches, Joker's portrayal, while still very good, doesn't hold neither the horror nor humor that it did on first watch. But I grew to appreciate Bruce's scenes much more.


You didn't define quality, you just bulleted what aspects movies are made up of except for the last part. Because Green Lantern has writing, acting, direction, and pacing. If you meant good writing, acting, etc, then you have to proceed to define what makes all those things good. Otherwise, it's like defining shiny as 'Having a quality that shines', which doesn't really tell you what shiny really is.

As for achieving what it set out to do, that is, at best, an educated guess and at worst an crippling handicap of irrelevancy. If a movie intended to do something well, failed at it, but inadvertently accomplished something else entirely well, then I would say that it is good movie. That it is accidental in this regard is irrelevent.

Are you being serious here? Of course I mean good writing, good performances, good direction, etc. BB has a great central character arc and development for the Bruce Wayne character and it mines its thematic territory with great success, hence the writing is "good". Similar breakdowns can be made for every facet of the film, which I not about to do.

As to the second point, I think you're misunderstanding me, and perhaps I shouldn't have said those exact words. "Achieving what it set out to do" really falls under writing. BB succeeds for the reason I just listed. Something like TDKR has a reach that greatly exceeds its grasp. Its ambitious, but the film suffers for it for a variety of reasons.


I hardly have solid numbers (well TDKR's number is accurate), but I'd say I've seen BB ~20 times, TDK ~8-10 times, and TDKR twice.
The Dark Knight is a better made movie than Batman Begins.

I've always liked the idea that Batman Begins works better if you watch it AFTER you've seen The Dark Knight. Which is probably how such a story would have worked in the comics - you don't get the origin until after you've gotten a taste of what the full-powered hero is like.

I do think Batman Begins is the most fantastical of the 3 movies, what with the feargas hallucinations, and Ninja High School on top of a mountain, so on and so forth. And I like that.I think all three of the Dark Knight films are good films, although Rises is overstuffed and flat for large chunks.

But The Dark Knight tells the story it's trying to tell better than Begins does. And the impact of Dark Knight is pretty clearly greater than Begins, as well. I know there can be (and are) arguments as to WHY that is, but it's pretty hard to question how evocative, impressive, and lasting Dark Knight is on audiences, especially in comparison to Batman Begins, which was satisfying and fun, but it didn't linger in the imagination the way Dark Knight did.

And that's my huge sidetrack into half-ass reviewing movies that aren't Superman for the day :)


I acccidentaly stepped into a Batman thread?



TDKR will benefit of what Solo is talking about when he mentions running time, there is a lot of scenes that doesn't make sense, or that serves no purpose only to extend the story somehow.

After the stadium collapsed there was a lot of downtime that wasn't necessary IMO.


TDK grates for beating you over the head with its themes. None of the films are subtle, let's get that out of the way. But TDK is the only one that I watch and actually FEEL like Nolan is shouting them in my ear.


I heard Watertower might put up a stream of the soundtrack, but since it will be out on monday I think I can wait two more days.

Not to sidetrack, but BB second half is pretty tough to watch now. TDK gets boring on re-watches. TDKR was the culmination of everything Nolan had learned. Just my opinion.

I know I am not right on everything.


I acccidentaly stepped into a Batman thread?



TDKR will benefit of what Solo is talking about when he mentions running time, there is a lot of scenes that doesn't make sense, or that serves no purpose only to extend the story somehow.

After the stadium collapsed there was a lot of downtime that wasn't necessary IMO.

TDKR could (should?) have culled one or two characters/sideplots entirely, been 30 minutes shorter, and been a much better film.


The first half of Begins really stands out in the trilogy. I couldn't believe how good it was especially the first time watching it in the theatre. But it really does fall off after that, to the point that the movie as a whole stands behind both sequels imo. The monorail action piece is pretty bland.

For all the hate Rises gets here, its 3rd act is better than Begins and TDK's.


Are you being serious here? Of course I mean good writing, good performances, good direction, etc. BB has a great central character arc and development for the Bruce Wayne character and it mines its thematic territory with great success, hence the writing is "good". Similar breakdowns can be made for every facet of the film, which I not about to do.

As to the second point, I think you're misunderstanding me, and perhaps I shouldn't have said those exact words. "Achieving what it set out to do" really falls under writing. BB succeeds for the reason I just listed. Something like TDKR has a reach that greatly exceeds its grasp. Its ambitious, but the film suffers for it for a variety of reasons.

My point isn't that you're wrong, my point is that you haven't defined what makes a movie 'good' up until now. Saying a movie has to be made up of qualities that are good in order to be good is just tautological and doesn't explain anything. And even now, rather than explaining what quality is in your own words, you're just pointing to BB and saying "that".

Which, yeah, is fair game and a good way to make your point. However, I can apply that to TDKR just as easily. Bruce's character arc comes to a satisfying logical conclusion where he finally gets over all his issues and goes into the theme of fear further. Therefore, there is no reason to consider it lesser.

Now, to continue the conversation, you'd have to cite the differences in the two movies, where and why you consider TDKR to fail where BB succeeds, and I'd have to reply to that. It's just somewhat tedious and it would be easier if you could define what a 'good' movie is in your own words rather.
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