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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.

-Script is incredible



Spacey Luthor was fantastic. Now you guys are shitting on returns discriminately

Luthor haters be gone. He's clearly a much more interesting choice than corny ass doomsday

Spacey is a great actor, I like him, but his Luthor was cringeworthy.

"You're not getting the big picture here"

Cringeworthy like I said.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Better actors in Returns lmao I have now read and seen it all.
MOS also suffer from being too cliche, is too long, and
Lois knew who he is immediately. I thought the dynamic will be great after that but it was so boring. There was no chemistry between the actors whatsoever. The story was boring. Some actions scenes were shot horribly. Lois Lane´s character was shit. The daily planet which is a cornerstone of the Superman universe was mostly absent. The movie was too damn long.

Any movie which surpasses the 2 hour time limit is bound to by bad pacing, and a lot of filler shit that adds nothing to the movie. The movie should have been an hour and a half, and not a second longer.

it's a cornerstone when he gets the Daily Planet job, not before it. what movie where you watching? this is to establish where he came from.

No, they did not do anything with the new dynamic. I actually liked the fact that
she knew who he was.
They did not do anything with that. And Superman returns is better.

Jesus Christ ona stick, don't even mention that movie anymore....

well now you know how the fans feel when some gasbag comes in shitting on the movie...
Saw it today as the europen release was delayed and the tourists are currently all over the town and thus the original language versions of movies are nearly unbearable (bad weather + city with a repuation for zombie armies of tourists ... what to expect).

Firstly: Up until the moment Clark get's the Suit the movie is very good. Pacing, character moments, the isolation of Kal. The new twist on Krypton was nice and a good amalgam from Birthright and Earth One.
Secondly: Lois Lane was THE standout character of the movie. Same for the Kents and Jor-El. Those characters were more fleshed out than I thought they would be and provided a good background.
Thridly: Zod sucked. Both the script and the actor were doing their worst to make him a nuansance. I get that they tried to mix Earth One's villain and regular guy Zod, but 10 minutes less of fights and a better villain would have been good. And I don't get the love for Faora, she was a plain and boring as they come? An eye pleasing woman to societal standards non the less.

The plot would have needed a bit of a clean up, emotional storytelling is not the strongsuit of all the involved parties and it was too dark for me especially as I don't know why they pushed the theme of hope so much, when the movie is bleak and hopeless.

The final sequence between Kal and Zod with the following fallout was good. I get Snyder's idea behind it, but it seems not handled in any propriate way. You see how it hits Clark as he realized what he had to do, but such monumental acts need time and air to breath. 2 Minutes more fallout and less fighting would have done wonders again.

Otherwise it was not since Iron Man 1 that a comic book movie ended with such a great last sequence. Welcome to the planet indeed!

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
They nailed Lois Lane.
The character was a worthless love interest with no depth, now she is an investigative journalist who's been around and gives shit to people. I approve.

Plus she's Amy Adams. This gives her extra points.
The only reason I love Amy Adams so much is because of the way she pulled off Giselle in Enchanted. At this point I'm fairly certain it isn't Amy Adams I have a crush on. I'm pretty sure it's Giselle.
Just saw it today.


This is the worst superhero movie I have EVER seen. Granted, I never saw many of them including the recent spat of marvel (thor, green latern, captain america) but still. I seriously think it was worse than Siper-Man 3 ffs.

Everything was wrong. characters, pacing, drama, action. Shitty motivation all around.

I saw Avengers on Sunday for the first time and I thought the destruction porn was overdone in that, but good gawd. In MoS it came to a point where it didn't even feel like a superhero movie at all. I know the existence of the entire human race was at stake here, but if Supes was so careless about the lives of so many people wouldn't it have made more sense to simply nuke the entire city along with their spaceship in outer space? Avengers at least had something right. Seemed like a bunch of asshole aliens out of a Michael Bay movie, and Superman instead of being a beacon for humanity and so on came through as a raging lunatic with little intelligence or empathy.

This is what happens when you let third rate directors who should stick to directing commercials helm a project like this.

Completely ruined Superman for me.


saw it.
Random thoughts.

-Script is incredible. Doesn't question itself, tells a straight story, keeps giving until the ending.
I'd appreciated more comic banter during the last fight.
-the action was worth of the best Japanese animation. Avengers was a better movie, Dark Knight was a better movie, but none of them delivered the un-physics of superpowers as spectacularly as this movie.
-Intro on Krypton was majestic. Costner must have wept salty tears when he realized the amount of screen-time and swag reserved for Crowe: he really is the Man of Steal.
-People didn't clap at the ending but everyone (EVERYONE) clapped and wooed and whistled when Cavill appeared shirt-less after the Oil Rig. I'll admit: I joined the party.
-I've officially graduated to perv-status because I couldn't stop thinking how hot Diane Lane was.
I laughed at the 33 years old dialogue. People around looked at me WTF-style.
I had another "Am I the only one who saw that?!" laugh when Supes and Lane kiss: the shot quickly shifted to Fishburne and I noticed he was wearing the EXACT SAME ear-ring as Lois. Freaky.
-They nailed Lois Lane.
The character was a worthless love interest with no depth, now she is an investigative journalist who's been around and gives shit to people. I approve.
-I wish the military would stop financing Hollywood movies. Videogames are already plagued beyond salvation with this 'Merica stuff: ENOUGH!
-The pace of the narrative and the flashbacks placement was spotless.
-Wayans brothers are going to have a field day with this movie :D
-Slap to the face for the one who came up with the idea of goatee-Zod.

You said it, bruthah!


Man of Steel simply suffers from some pacing issues and a lack of character development.

Prometheus suffers from shit everything but visuals and is completely and utterly illogical.

:lol, just some minor, simple issues...

Spacey is a great actor, I like him, but his Luthor was cringeworthy.

"You're not getting the big picture here"

Cringeworthy like I said.

He played a better Gene Hackman Lex than Hackman did.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I don't see the point but even if I can understand what he says it still doesn't change the fact that Spacey did an horrible Luthor IMO.

I have to disagree with that one. Spacey did a fine job with what he was given, in fact he was one of the best parts of the movie. However, he didn't have a lot to work with, the repeat of the whole real estate crap was a horrible idea.

Lois was really the only horrible member of the cast of Returns. And by horrible, I mean terrible to the point of pretty much ruining the movie single handidly.
Plus she's Amy Adams. This gives her extra points.
The only reason I love Amy Adams so much is because of the way she pulled off Giselle in Enchanted. At this point I'm fairly certain it isn't Amy Adams I have a crush on. I'm pretty sure it's Giselle.

To be fair, Giselle is awesomesauce. But yeah, Amy Adams in general = love.


I have to disagree with that one. Spacey did a fine job with what he was given, in fact he was one of the best parts of the movie. However, he didn't have a lot to work with, the repeat of the whole real estate crap was a horrible idea.

Lois was really the only horrible member of the cast of Returns. And by horrible, I mean terrible to the point of pretty much ruining the movie single handidly.

He was trying too hard to have that Hackman charm and that is where I disagree with that post about he made a better Hackman than Hackman, Gene had this natural charm and ingenious to the character but Spacey didn't fully develop that at all, could be the script, could be whatever but seemed lost, Spacey I mean.

If Spacey instead of trying to be Hackman would have channeled Keyser Soze things would have been different, that would have been a badass Luthor.


I have to disagree with that one. Spacey did a fine job with what he was given, in fact he was one of the best parts of the movie. However, he didn't have a lot to work with, the repeat of the whole real estate crap was a horrible idea.

Yeah, I completely agree here.

Spacey was a bit more haunting and properly motivated in why he'd hate Superman. Doherty & Harris should never have written the real estate angle again, but he did as much with it as he could. You got a feeling that Luthor was using humor to hide some genuinely hideous parts of himself during some conversations.


Neo Member
Hackman was awesome as Luthor - witty, genius who was in love with himself and came up with really evil schemes. His interactions with Reeve were awesome; they were greatly matched with one another. Many people whine about Hackman and wanted a scarier, more serious Luthor but Hackman was marvelous. I don't see the Spacey - Reeve interactions as great as the Hackman - Reeve intercations.. Donner films were classic, Lois, Superman, Luthor and Zod were played perfectly.

It was time for a change though
I saw the movie over the weekend, I am conflicted with the film. On one hand i loved origin story but hated how it front loaded story which made the action seem like mindless CGI bullshit for the last thirty minutes.

In my mind they should of made this film in two parts, I love how they intercut adult Clark with child Clark through flashbacks. They could of built an entire film based on Clark growing up as a god in the midst of mortals. I wanted a transition from Clark holding back his power, to fit in with the earthlings to learning how to fight with all his power and learning how powerful he really is.

It would of made the action sequences more eventful, giving a more story driven reason for all the destruction.


Hackman was awesome as Luthor - witty, genius who was in love with himself and came up with really evil schemes. His interactions with Reeve were awesome; they were greatly matched with one another. Many people whine about Hackman and wanted a scarier, more serious Luthor but Hackman was marvelous. I don't see the Spacey - Reeve interactions as great as the Hackman - Reeve intercations.. Donner films were classic, Lois, Superman, Luthor and Zod were played perfectly.

It was time for a change though

I don't see it either! :p

Hackman's Luthor was just a cartoon character; he would fit right in on the Adam West Batman series. Spacey's Luthor played that same role with fun without ever getting into full-on camp like Hackman's did.

That could be a result of the times more than anything else. But as is, I like Spacey's version more.
I don't think I can even remember a line of Spacey's from Returns. He was like the rest of the film, completely forgettable. I think there was only one casting decision I liked about that movie, and it was Langella as Perry White.

Both Returns and MOS are bad, but for completely different reasons.


In my mind they should of made this film in two parts, I love how they intercut adult Clark with child Clark through flashbacks. They could of built an entire film based on Clark growing up as a god in the midst of mortals. I wanted a transition from Clark holding back his power, to fit in with the earthlings to learning how to fight with all his power and learning how powerful he really is.
It would of made the action sequences more eventful, giving a more story driven reason for all the destruction.

I'm ok with the movie but I thought it was a shame that Superman had nothing to do but punch and look congested.
I have a feeling both his dads were more real then the main protagonist.
It's tough to write Superman but I feel they just fled that pressure with throwing more and more other people at us instead of letting us see emotions and charm in adult Clark.

I have no clue why Louis would really like that guy. He is quiet, over critical and overall a bummer. Same issues Brandon Ruth had to fight with. Bummer man flying into buildings, killing pedestrians!


So I watched it again with my two siblings and they loved it they can't stop talking about it, and believe me, the film is so much better the 2nd time, it's now on my top 5 cbm ever


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Who is this Louis person in love with Clark/Supes?

One day I'll crack the code.


So I watched it again with my two siblings and they loved it they can't stop talking about it, and believe me, the film is so much better the 2nd time, it's now on my top 5 cbm ever

Still need to see it another time. Ended up seeing WWZ instead (which I'm not upset about).

I hear that movie is better in 2D, is that true?
If you see it a second time do you notice that aquaman saved Clark with the whales and you see Martian manhunter chilling on mars and shit?
The movie is basically a self contained well written Smallville. Less about Superman, more about the man becoming Superman.

Freaking insane visuals going on there. I didn't mind the camera work, but it felt a little... shakey.

Too shakey.

I love Cavill as Clarkerman, and they took one of the best things from Smallville that improves the Lois/Clark dynamic tenfold in her knowing him before he's Superman. It makes the entire thing actually believable.

No seriously... she's supposed to look at the dude every single day and not make the connection?

It's infinitely better than Superman Returns. But no stalker Superman is present.

Also Adams was a great Lois. I can picture her in my Lois fantasies. In fact I'm doing that now.

I give it a 3/10 because that's the highest I scored in Chemistry.


If you see it a second time do you notice that aquaman saved Clark with the whales and you see Martian manhunter chilling on mars and shit?

I still can't believe someone tried for that connection. Next you'll tell me there's some Batman connection in the film somewhere...

I give it a 3/10 because that's the highest I scored in Chemistry.

Better score than most Gaffas are giving it.


Spacey wasn't like Hackman in Returns because Singer told him to not use Hackman's Luthor as inspiration to play...Hackman's Luthor. I thought it was a pretty weird way to go, but whatever. It's not like that was even in the top 5 of biggest problems that movie had.


I still can't believe someone tried for that connection. Next you'll tell me there's some Batman connection in the film somewhere...

Hey in the comics are Superman and Martian Manhunter best friends since they share the same fucking origin? "Last" survivors of doomed planets who escape to earth, can fly, super strength, pew pew vision. Though MM has telepathy, phasing, shape shifting to add to his repertoire because being overpowered is cool and interesting subject matter for stories.
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