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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


Watched this yesterday. It was an ok film, but with several pacing issues. The action was awesome and for the first time you got to see the sheer power of what Superman can do. Micheal Shannon was awesome as Zod, but the Kryptomians and thier story came off as silly.

In all, a decent start and I can't wait for the sequel.
Alright, I'm out of time. One more post from me for now.

there were real consequences, and the consequences are that when super-powered people fight, normal people are going to lose their lives. he's not a god. he's a man. and the Zod fight was what? a couple of city blocks and a satellite in space and mostly empty buildings? that's carnage?

What consequences? The movie jumps from a bombed out Metropolis to a joke scene. No lingering disappointment, no responsibility taken, no "helping to rebuild" scenes, no angry government aside from wanting to keep tabs on him with a satellite, nothing. There's no aftermath. One angry scream later, and it jumps to "He's kinda hot," to sentimental flashback, to joke scene at the Daily Planet. That's weak. The entire movie is dour and joyless except when it's supposed to be dour and joyless.

And just to note, I don't have an issue with the
Smallville actions scenes.
In fact, I would've been fine if that was the final set piece of the movie. I have an issue with how nonchalant all the destruction at the end is.

I'm trying to see it from your point of view but I can't. It seems like you have a more idealistic vision of Superman that even the comic books don't show. Whenever Superman is having a major slugfest with an equal, cities are destroyed and people die. Sure he saves a few here and there, but there's not much you can do when you're getting your ass handed to you. That's what happened when Doomsday killed him, and that's what happened in this movie.

And anyway, isn't your entire complaint about the character diminished by
the death of Zod? Superman wouldn't entertain even a few people dying if he had the power to stop it, and when he did, he broke Zod's neck, which was very obviously a hard decision for him to make.

Destroying the World Engine takes precedent over stopping the Kryptonians. For all their power they caused less destruction during their rampages than the WE did for the ten minutes it was turned on. Destroying the WE and attempting to send the Kryptonians would result in the least loss of life if everything went well.

When we saw the interior of buildings in the area they were uninhabited I believe. Collatarel damage during Clark's first couple of real fights is to be expected. From what we saw he had no idea what the limits of his powers are at the time and still doesn't.

Clark had been Superman for less than a day before the fight in Smallville and the city, unless my sense of time is way off. He's never had to deal with the consequences of his strength and at the time quickly ending the threat of the Krptonians is just as viable a solution as trying to move the fight to a less populated area.

I see the lose of his innocence and an eternal feeling of loneliness as the cost Clark paid. Zod's death left Clark completely alone and pushed him to kill when Clark didn't want to.

If they're going to ask me to buy into this as a more realistic take on Superman, I can't turn that off suddenly when the fists start flying. Like I said,
even an inkling of attempting to move the combat away from the city, on Superman's part, would've appeased me. You'd think after seeing part of Smallville get destroyed and having time to coordinate with the military (after they realize he's not the enemy), someone would've mentioned "Yo Superman, watch out for the buildings and junk." All it takes are a few scenes to turn it from "Zod vs. Superman: Rumble In The Jungle" to "hero who's run out of options and is forced to let loose." Same thing for the aftermath scenes; all it takes is like 2 minutes to add some real weight to what happened. As is, it just reeks of Snyder wanting something on the level of Bayformers so he destroys part of the city, not only with the terraforming machine, but with Superman and Zod bodyslamming each other.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I just want to experience sex.

That begs the question:

Is Clark a 33 year old virgin in Man of Steel?

No wonder he smiles that Tom Welling smile at Lois at the end, he thinks he's finally getting some!!!!!
Well that was twenty shades of terrible. Will post more later when I get home. Even my lowered expectations couldn't prepare me for that garbage.


I certainly think MoS is the next Batman Begins.

Not gonna happen. BB was legit great and its performance was only hampered by the damage Schumacher did to the franchise.

MoS is legit middle-of-the-road. There won't be a Batman Begins' culture here.


You should see the full image :lol



You'd need to be part of NHL GAF to understand the context though.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Saw this the other day. Wasn't my cup of tea. I enjoyed Superman Returns more...I guess "Yay" for everyone that has always wanted a Superman movie like this, but it just didn't sit right with me. I didn't find any of the action meaningful. It felt like destruction for the sake of the destruction.

And I'm not really clear why people are so enamored with Zod here. Wasn't the entire point to give Superman a foe that seemed on par with him, someone that could take him down a notch? It never felt like that to me. There were no moments were Superman even seemed like he was phased by what they were doing to him. It was the same "Get smashed into a building and then pounce back" over and over again.

I can see why a lot of people are comparing it to the Transformers films, because I had the same inclination with Man of Steel. A lot of loud and bombastic action, with no real tension. I actually fell asleep near the end of the film for a few minutes (this also happened to me during the second and third Transformer films).


It's funny because it's a Batman Begins quote! HOHOHO! You're so cool. I wish I could be as cool as you. Which professor of coolness taught you?

If you work real hard and lead an honest, humble life you too can reach my level of cool.

Oh, who am I trying to kid? You're just pre-cum to my bukkake!


More like John Carter>MoS.

Also, I was referring more to the critics than the average film goer. Hell, I didn't go near JC until many months later. The trailers were that bad.

I think JC was better directed, had a better arc for the lead, had a MUCH better original score and pacing than MoS did, with about equal acting. That gets 4 >>>>'s from me!


Just watched an advanced screening (Australia).

Loved it. Much better than I was expecting. I'm not sure if it was the direction, the way it was written, Cavill's acting or a combination of all 3, but I really appreciated Cavill's ability to respect the character without infusing himself into it so much that you can only ever see him as Superman.

Hard thing to pull off. Kudos.

Disappointed in Amy Adam's Lane though. I love Adams, but no one will ever touch Hatcher.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Well that was twenty shades of terrible. Will post more later when I get home. Even my lowered expectations couldn't prepare me for that garbage.

Yeah, I was sure you weren't going to like it at all. I liked it but so many little details bothered me greatly, I pretty much agree 100% with Net Wrecker above. I'm sure those little details that plague me must really bother the hell out of you Sculli, LOL.
I think JC was better directed, had a better arc for the lead, had a MUCH better original score and pacing than MoS did, with about equal acting. That gets 4 >>>>'s from me!

Not going to lie, I was hoping to see the emotional equivalent of this slaughtering scene from JC in MoS


They had built up to it perfectly. It could have perhaps worked at the laser punching part by adding a few flashbacks from Clark's child hood cutting in as the laser beats down on Superman.
I'd say John Carter is the opposite of Man of Steel. MoS is a box office success that is a disappointing movie. JC was a good adventure flick that was terribly promoted and performed below what it deserved.
I think JC was better directed, had a better arc for the lead, had a MUCH better original score and pacing than MoS did, with about equal acting. That gets 4 >>>>'s from me!

This is why I value your opinion, when you appreciate an underappreciated movie i know for sure ill hate it and when you underappreciate an appreciated movie , i know i love it


What's with all the JC love?

I was sure I was one of the only GAFfers who really liked it. I was sure Solo hated it.

I forget the thread, it was so long ago.


What's with all the JC love?

I was sure I was one of the only GAFfers who really liked it. I was sure Solo hated it.

I forget the thread, it was so long ago.

I liked it initially (although I may have faux hated on it to russle Sculli's feathers lolz; I can't remember), and I REALLY like it now after a few viewings.

The only thing I don't like about the movie is Woola. Ugh.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel

"You are a wrong". About what exactly? The movie is terrible.

Hell no. John Carter is a far better film that MOS, not even close.

Yeah, I would have to agree that JC was a better film too. It also had it's share of issues, but I can honestly say I enjoyed watching it far more than MoS. The story was much better in JC, it had much more emotion and feeling to it than MoS did. A year ago I would have never thought I'd say something like that, but eh well it's my opinion. The sad thing is that MoS was very close to being great, it just fell short on too many small issues, which altogether bring the film down quite a bit.


I like John Carter but would watch Man of Steel over it any day of the week. And people bring up John Carter in a Man of Steel discussion because people think it's a Superman-esque movie. I would have dug Lynn Collins as Lois though. GOTDAMN.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
Well that was certainly and interesting movie to watch. In a "why is this so damn boring" sense.

I've come to the conclusion that maybe Zack Snyder isn't a director that makes movies that I like. They certainly look ok, but the fall apart in the story department, or the way he tries to tell the screenwriters story.

Is there no way of having a good Superman movie, ever?
I liked it initially (although I may have faux hated on it to russle Sculli's feathers lolz; I can't remember), and I REALLY like it now after a few viewings.

Did not know you were in the JC love camp now. So nice to...

The only thing I don't like about the movie is Woola. Ugh.
BAH! Woola kicked ass!

Well that was twenty shades of terrible. Will post more later when I get home. Even my lowered expectations couldn't prepare me for that garbage.

Sculli once again with similar taste, but with the dislike turned to 11. Can't wait to read the detailed impressions.
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