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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


You know that scene where Superman is drinking beer?

The cynic in me thinks that that was like a move by an alcohol lobby/company to make drinking beer seem cool. Maybe that's really stupid of me to think that, I dunno, but it just came to my mind when I saw it lol

He grew up on a farm in Kansas. I'd think he feels a thing like that is just 'a thing you do'
He grew up on a farm in Kansas. I'd think he feels a thing like that is just 'a thing you do'

I think that's something a lot of people forget because he's an alien. Clark is a big, stocky, corn-fed farm boy. Him wearing flannel and enjoying a beer while watching a sports game isn't wildly out of character.


There is a song played that is not part of the score and might be the only piece of music in the film that I can remeber that is by a band as such. It is used on the scene near the start where clark gets the beer poured over him and leaves the bar instead of laying the smack down on the guy.
It starts of on an acoustic and vocals come in which sound very chris cornel ish. What is the song or even artist?!!


There is a song played that is not part of the score and might be the only piece of music in the film that I can remeber that is by a band as such. It is used on the scene near the start where clark gets the beer poured over him and leaves the bar instead of laying the smack down on the guy.
It starts of on an acoustic and vocals come in which sound very chris cornel ish. What is the song or even artist?!!

Ring of Fire, Johnny Cash.


I love how if you did hear it in the flying scene they use the whistle type effect they used in the other superman shows or movies.

I love it.
Quick thoughts after watching the film, as I posted them on Twitter:

So wait, if Supes impregnates Lois, does that mean she essentially carries an entire race of Kryptonians? Can she even? #ManofSteel

Bwahahah I had that thought too...

But they said 'in his cells' not his balls, so danger averted, I think. It's more of a 'Krypton lives on in him.... literally' kind of thing.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Man of steel had Chris Cornell's - "Seasons" and "Ring of Fire" acoustic cover performed by Allison Crowe.


Loved the movie, can't wait to see it again! The ending dragged on for a bit, but I liked it anyways. The fight scenes were great too. Also, Cavill is smoking hot.


finally watched it, it was great!
solid 8/10, or if i'm being harsh maybe 7.5
yawned twice during the movie, which never happens if i really really like a show

funny thing is my friends said it was boring, derp

cavill looks like a freakin beast with his superbeard, in fact i think he looks better with it
he was ripped as fuck when still in beard mode

Just seen the movie. I think i would rate it same. It`s a good movie, and i want to see more of this Superman. My wife was very bored (first half at least). The changes they did, i think, are what makes people love or hate the movie.
It reminded me of TDKR which was flawed in many ways, yet i liked a lot. Movie is great, flawed but great. It did so many things right that all previous movies did not. People wanting this bomb are crazy. Don`t want another reboot in few years or longer.


The first half of the movie felt disjointed and weird like TDKR did, but the second half was great. I'm looking forward to seeing more Superman, and what they do with Batman in this universe.
I saw this today. I loved it. It wasn't perfect, as there is pacing problems to me. I should had been longer to flesh more people out. Thought it was still good though.

The action, oh man, the action. I loved it. Loved the atmosphere. Everything. Makes me even more mad about GL. Can't wait to see what they do with Justice league.


I thought this was a pretty good movie. But the fights were a little weak. The cg during the fights were like MK9. Fast moving with stiff animation.
Saw it a couple of hours ago, I freaking loved it. As someone who doesn't read a whole ton of comics and my majority of Superman exposure is through the Animated Series/Justice League shows, this was my favorite rendition of the character. I get why comic purists might get pissed, but I really enjoyed it.

Oh, and throw me in the "Faora is amazing and hot" group. Her voice was like a mixture of fairies and magic.


Yes. The scene where she's wearing that grey sweater just before she's called into Perry's office - Goddamn.

Dem hips man.
This man understands.

So wait, if Supes impregnates Lois, does that mean she essentially carries an entire race of Kryptonians? Can she even? #ManofSteel
Okay, so quick thought about this, maybe this is where that plot point from the unfilmed Superman Returns sequel comes in. MOS2 focus on Superman's kid and then the sequel has them fight each other.

Blam. Pay up Warner Brothers.


I'd rather the sequel be about something earth based but that's just me.

Brainiac would be nice and all but we've already seen a invasion.

Let's see Metallo or Parasite
Third viewing and this just gets better and better.

Good to see the move going public loving it, and ignoring the Donner-fellating critics.

And good to see Can Crusher being called out for blatant lying/trolling.


Third viewing and this just gets better and better.

Good to see the move going public loving it, and ignoring the Donner-fellating critics.

And good to see Can Crusher being called out for blatant lying/trolling.

Krypt0nian my fellow Superfan I'm estatic that you loved it.
Krypt0nian my fellow Superfan I'm estatic that you loved it.

It took me a second view to completely come to terms with the Zod Moment, but now I'm all aboard. The two influences of
the fathers (warrior/hero) come to a complete and perfect resulution there, and the true Superman is born.
Luthor secretly funds John Corben's revenge plot against Superman because he didn't save his family during the attack on Metropolis.

Man of Tomorrow.

(the title refers to Luthor, not Clark)
I saw the movie again earlier today after seeing it the first time at the midnight showing. Loved it the first time and loved it again. Was able to appreciate some things I didn't notice the first time as well as look for things that I hope to see followed up on in the sequel.

One thing I enjoyed even more the second time around was the way the flashbacks were done sporadically rather than all at once. Also, I really don't think I could ever get tired of watching the action scenes in this movie. They are just a joy to watch.


It wasn´t bad, but i feel they dragged some scenes for too long. They could have gone for a 2 hour movie imho.
At the cinema i was at you have a break in the middle of the film, it was a real breakingpoint in the movie too. It somehow felt like two different movies, one slowpaced storytelling 'drama', one action.


This... was not a good movie.

Fights were awesome, everything else...

My bar isn't high either. I even enjoyed Sucker Punch.
It wasn´t bad, but i feel they dragged some scenes for too long. They could have gone for a 2 hour movie imho.
At the cinema i was at you have a break in the middle of the film, it was a real breakingpoint in the movie too. It somehow felt like two different movies, one slowpaced storytelling 'drama', one action.

I kind of agree with this. I liked the movie, but toward the end the action just went on and on. My brain can only take so much.

Overall, I really enjoyed it. The Krypton scenes were my favorite. I got all sad when Jor-El's dragon friend died.
Terraformer was the great penultimate scene. They should have went straight to Supes and Zod flying up to the satellite and crashing into the musuem(?)
Everything prior to that just superfluous.
Saw the movie, in 3D no less. The first half of the movie is really good. I loved each and every scene Jor-El was in and I think Russel Crowe was the perfect choice to play that part. He lent strong gravitas to the figure, much like Brando. Also, the dragon insect thingy :( rest in peace, mighty friend.

On earth, I think Cavil did a really good job of the role. I was hesitant at first, but after watching the movie, he owns the role. There's a stride to his walk. The best part of the movie is not the overblown action or explosions, but it's the quiet talks between Kent and his father. Kevin Costner as usual is a fantastic actor. I liked how Jonathan shaped up Clark and bottled his powers. He constantly shepherds his son into doing the right thing for earth, as opposed to right thing for himself. He is the reason why Superman decides to be a force for good rather than evil.

Lois Lane's character was the worst out of all. It was forced and unnecessary in so many places. I couldn't see the romance being developed between Supes and her. It's just there for the sake of comics. It really didn't need to in this movie. Which brings me to script/direction. There were quite a few misfires here and Snyder isn't that good of a director. The quick cuts (like door being slammed or something) were atrocious. Zod and Supes' relationship wasn't that developed, so you never felt the anger against Zod.
I perfectly understood Zod's intentions on his coup against the government and I was sympathetic towards him. They were the ones who destroyed Krypton, not Zod. Zod was saving Krypton from them.
Anyways, I'll be back later with more thoughts.


I'd rather the sequel be about something earth based but that's just me.

Brainiac would be nice and all but we've already seen a invasion.

Let's see Metallo or Parasite

Keep going with Alien invasions, Superman delivering the load.
Read an article
Today that cavill was in line for bond but craig was chosen instead, he was also in line for the lead in twilight as well as Cedric in Harry potter, both of which went to the same person


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Read an article
Today that cavill was in line for bond but craig was chosen instead, he was also in line for the lead in twilight as well as Cedric in Harry potter, both of which went to the same person

He was also originally in line to play Superman back in Superman Returns, but Routh got the role instead. He's had a lot of almost breakout moments, good to see that he finally made the big time.


I liked it overall but there was too much action, too much destruction although I enjoyed the 2 on 1 fight in the average american town because of the variety and choreography.
There was several poor explanations, like why Superman's parents couldn't leave Krypton with their son, and any Kryptonians for that matter with all their advanced technology. Depleted resources in the whole galaxy? Earth still has resources to my knowledge!
I didn't like the Matrix Revolutions scenes. Too out there. I would have preferred something less epic and more intimate.
I liked it overall but there was too much action, too much destruction although I enjoyed the 2 on 1 fight in the average american town because of the variety and choreography.
There was several poor explanations, like why Superman's parents couldn't leave Krypton with their son, and any Kryptonians for that matter with all their advanced technology. Depleted resources in the whole galaxy? Earth still has resources to my knowledge!
I didn't like the Matrix Revolutions scenes. Too out there. I would have preferred something less epic and more intimate.

That wasn't why they couldn't leave with Clark.
There was literally no time for them to prepare a ship to leave Krypton, everything was happening too fast. As far as resources go, they were referring to their natural resources on Krypton. The Kryptonese were not an exploratory society. They didn't see the point in exploring the stars because they had everything they needed on Krypton. Thus they exhausted their resources and resorted to cracking up the planet's core for energy. That was a bad thing.

The outposts, for instance, died because of Krypton's culture of "waste not, want not." Their strict policy on natural birthing meant that the settlers couldn't reproduce, either. Eventually the settlers died because the Kryptonese culture is a suffocating pillow that actively tries to smother out life.


I liked it overall but there was too much action, too much destruction although I enjoyed the 2 on 1 fight in the average american town because of the variety and choreography.
There was several poor explanations, like why Superman's parents couldn't leave Krypton with their son, and any Kryptonians for that matter with all their advanced technology. Depleted resources in the whole galaxy? Earth still has resources to my knowledge!
I didn't like the Matrix Revolutions scenes. Too out there. I would have preferred something less epic and more intimate.

They never said that the entire galaxy had no resources, Krypton didn't. Space exploration was banned. That's why Zod try to overturned the current leadership.

The whole, "space exploration has been banned" seemed stupid to me. But then when you hear the stuff that our own government wants to ban (stem-cell research, same-sex marriage, etc). You realize that no matter how advance or smart a civilisation is there are times that they lack common sense. Bureaucracy, religion and ideals can get in the way of what makes most sense.


Space exploration was banned? I missed that completely. Maybe the French translation missed it or was bad?
About Superman's parents not being able to prepare a ship in time, that's far fetched. A planet doesn't implode in one day. Plus they had plenty of time to ban General Zod.


For Jor-El and Lara
they accepted that Kryptonians were a doomed race and that they were just as much a part of it as Zod or the Council. As the first natural birth in centuries Clark could be a bridge to humanity and a new Krypton.


Space exploration was banned? I missed that completely. Maybe the French translation missed it or was bad?
About Superman's parents not being able to prepare a ship in time, that's far fetched. A planet doesn't implode in one day. Plus they had plenty of time to ban General Zod.

Yup. Jor-El mentions it twice. First
when he's talking to the Kryptonian leaders he states that "space exploration should be reinstated, take to the stars"
- Not an exact quote. Then, when Clark
find the Kryptonian ship under the ice, Jor-El explains it again.


Space exploration was banned? I missed that completely. Maybe the French translation missed it or was bad?
About Superman's parents not being able to prepare a ship in time, that's far fetched. A planet doesn't implode in one day. Plus they had plenty of time to ban General Zod.
They had no time to leave because of Zod.
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