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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


For Jor-El and Lara
they accepted that Kryptonians were a doomed race and that they were just as much a part of it as Zod or the Council. As the first natural birth in centuries Clark could be a bridge to humanity and a new Krypton.
They explicitly said this as well.
I liked it overall but there was too much action, too much destruction although I enjoyed the 2 on 1 fight in the average american town because of the variety and choreography.
There was several poor explanations, like why Superman's parents couldn't leave Krypton with their son, and any Kryptonians for that matter with all their advanced technology. Depleted resources in the whole galaxy? Earth still has resources to my knowledge!
I didn't like the Matrix Revolutions scenes. Too out there. I would have preferred something less epic and more intimate.

But then again, why would you want to survive when you can live on as an all knowing, fully interactive hologram with the ability to affect the living world?


How fine did Lara look at Zod's trial. Damng

She's very attractive:



Always thought so ever since I saw her in Munich, Vantage Point, and then in Angels and Demons.


Space exploration was banned? I missed that completely. Maybe the French translation missed it or was bad?
About Superman's parents not being able to prepare a ship in time, that's far fetched. A planet doesn't implode in one day. Plus they had plenty of time to ban General Zod.
They explain explicitly that they abandoned the colonization attempts. Literally Jor-El speaks it to Kal-El, with an animation et al.

Jor-El explicitly explains to Lara when they're putting Kal-El in the capsule that they are "of Krypton" and must remain. Then Jor-El says it again when he appears as the apparition.


They explain explicitly that they abandoned the colonization attempts. Literally Jor-El speaks it to Kal-El, with an animation et al.

Jor-El explicitly explains to Lara when they're putting Kal-El in the capsule that they are "of Krypton" and must remain. Then Jor-El says it again when he appears as the apparition.

I find it hard to believe an entire planet would refuse an escape on the brink of extinction.


I find it hard to believe an entire planet would refuse an escape on the brink of extinction.

That depends..Remember
that all Kryptonians were bred for specific tasks (genetically predisposed). What percentage of the population was bred to be leaders versus work bees? Jor-El even questioned Zod on which blood lines would survive under his leadership.

I know it's all assumption on our part but it does kind of fit with what happened.
I wouldn't doubt that most Kryptonians were made to follow and fall in line.


I liked it. Definitely the best, most entertaining Superman-related media I've been exposed to as a non-fan. For the first time ever I was rooting for the character, I loved the action, overall I really enjoyed it. It was a bit too serious, though, I like it when superhero movies are good at balancing action, story and comedy. Even as a non-fan I thought it lost a bit of Superman charm, though, but I guess it's understandable since it's the "beginning" and the next film will most likely be more... Earth-based. I approve!

And Cavill is FINE.
Read an article
Today that cavill was in line for bond but craig was chosen instead, he was also in line for the lead in twilight as well as Cedric in Harry potter, both of which went to the same person

Lmao him as Cedric or Edward would be stupid. Dude looks great but a bit too mature to play either


I think the movie would be a lot better if the length was the same, but crappy CGI action was pared down, and the extra 15-20 minutes were used in the character development part of the movie. Seriously, there was no need for Superman to battle the
robotic dragon/hyrdra things.
. In general, a lot of the
world engine
stuff could have been cut out and
Superman's battle with the Kryptonians
could be pruned to half length.


I saw this movie yesterday with my sisters... We did like it.. The movie clearly has some pacing issues. A lot of powerful scenes in this movie tho.
Superman killing Zod shocked me


I liked the film, but some editing could really have elevated it to "great".

The first half was a bit messy in terms of pacing.
Some more thoughts. Negative ones though, brace yourselves!

The writing in particular was really bad. I cringed at many of the lines. Really, all the best lines are in the trailer and most of them are spoken by Jonathan Kent. When Jor El tells Lois Lane "I know how to stop Zod. I will teach you and in turn you have to teach Kal". Dud. Russel Crowe can sell crappy lines though. Any lesser actor would've screwed it up. Another hilarious line was when Superman calls Zod a...MONSTER! Dude, come on. The guy is not stealing peoples' lunch money. The military talk was also done by amateurs. "Direct hit confirmed. Need confirmation for a re-attack". The worst of the worst was reserved for Lois Lane. Really bad stuff.

The scientist dude. Most laughable character in the entire movie. Looked like the ID4 scientist at Area 51 minus the entertainment factor.

I think the too much stuff going on is a legit complaint. They should've stuck with Zod and his goons and not gone into the terraforming tripods crap.

The ending is shocking though, where Supes kills Zod. The director wants you to show how different Superman is from Batman here. Batman wouldn't have crossed that line. But the way it was set up was pretty poor. If Superman could break his neck, he also could have turned his head away or punched him. Suspension of disbelief was too strong.
But I think that's a pivotal scene in the movie, much like in Batman Begins when Bruce Wayne tells Ra's that he will stand between the people of Gotham and the League of Shadows. That's his place. Also Snyder, please leave the jumping back and forth between timelines to Nolan. It's jarring when you do it, and you overdo it. Overall I think I'll give this movie a 6.5, only because I think there's tremendous room for improvement. Zack Snyder must go though. He's out of his depth.


I think this movie was better than the Nolan Batman films. Those movies are fine and all but yeah.


Superman > Batman.

maybe I just got worn out on brooding
Saw this for a 2nd time today and liked it even more. Actually I kind of love this movie. Can't wait for the sequel

I saw it twice, and I was still blown away. I imagine this is what people felt like when they first walked out of A space odyssey for the first time.


But I think that's a pivotal scene in the movie, much like in Batman Begins when Bruce Wayne tells Ra's that he will stand between the people of Gotham and the League of Shadows. That's his place. Also Snyder, please leave the jumping back and forth between timelines to Nolan. It's jarring when you do it, and you overdo it. Overall I think I'll give this movie a 6.5, only because I think there's tremendous room for improvement. Zack Snyder must go though. He's out of his depth.

What about
when Batman kills Harvey Dent? He's faced with the same choice and yes, he does kill him.


Michael Bay doesn't know how to tell a story.

His alien invasions are shit.

He throws around shit in a jumbled mess.

He fucking had Shia in not one but 3 movies

Michael Bay doesn't know how to tell a story.

His alien invasions are shit.

He throws around shit in a jumbled mess.

He fucking had Shia in not one but 3 movies


Of course. Maybe that's why I liked it. With all the negative stuff, I expected Bay level shit. It's not.

Lol come on now dude.

It's liquid. He compared TDKR to Citizen Kane and called it one of the greatest films ever.
I'm pretty neutral towards it after my first viewing. I thought a lot of the dialog was poorly written, and a lot of the situations in the movie felt really contrived. The final action scene was also a little too much. It was also hard to tell if the CGI was really bad during the action scenes or if it just looked super unreal because of what was happening. Also, the movie sets up superman as someone who cares about humans and Earth but he was probably directly responsible for the deaths of a couple thousand people during that final scene.

That said, I loved Cavill as superman and Russel Crowe as Jor-El. I really liked the fight scene between supes and the two Kryptonians in the small town. Def gotta see it again.
What about
when Batman kills Harvey Dent? He's faced with the same choice and yes, he does kill him.
We had this conversation in OT but no. That's you trying to draw inferences. The easiest rebuttal is when Joker wants Batman to hit him and Batman doesn't.
Of course. Maybe that's why I liked it. With all the negative stuff, I expected Bay level shit. It's not.

It's liquid. He compared TDKR to Citizen Kane and called it one of the greatest films ever.

Now that we have had a chance for it to digest, was I not right?
Perhaps I'm alone on this, but did any one else think at times that this movie felt like a Roland Emmerich film?

I really enjoyed it, but the whole military, science advisor, journalist, and supernatural nexus definitely smelled of Emmerich. Ghost writer?


Perhaps I'm alone on this, but did any one else think at times that this movie felt like a Roland Emmerich film?

I really enjoyed it, but the whole military, science advisor, journalist, and supernatural nexus definitely smelled of Emmerich. Ghost writer?

I liked seeing that humanity was doing their part to combat the invasion and wasn't just helpless like other Superman movies.
I liked seeing that humanity was doing their part to combat the invasion and wasn't just helpless like other Superman movies.

Definitely. And speaking about humanity, why couldn't they set up a simple scene to make us at least care about the Daily Planet people? I mean, seeing
Perry White trying to help the chick stuck underneath the rubble was cool, but it would have been infinitely better if we at least knew who the hell she was.


So this is kind of following the anti-TDKR trajectory for me. I initially felt TDKR was a pretty mediocre movie, but I gradually forgave its shortcomings and warmed to it a bit (it's still not great). For Man of Steel, my reaction was pretty lukewarm, and I like it less the further I get from it.

I still like the feel of the universe they created, though. I'd argue that the foundation holds some strong potential for future films.
Definitely. And speaking about humanity, why couldn't they set up a simple scene to make us at least care about the Daily Planet people? I mean, seeing
Perry White trying to help the chick stuck underneath the rubble was cool, but it would have been infinitely better if we at least knew who the hell she was.

when he first starts screaming JENNY, I thought, "Well, now I know her name".
That smacked of cut scenes.

So this is kind of following the anti-TDKR trajectory for me. I initially felt TDKR was a pretty mediocre movie, but I gradually forgave its shortcomings and warmed to it a bit (it's still not great). For Man of Steel, my reaction was pretty lukewarm, and I like it less the further I get from it.

Same, but I'll probably see it again soon.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I just finished watching it. What a piece of shit movie. Worse than Prometheus. My god.

Nah, it was better than Prometheus, but I agree with you in that both films had similar issues. Both movies were beautifully filmed, and both had nice action sequences and effects, and both had great casts, but both suffered from story detail shortcomings that just brought the entire feel of the film down. Little details that could have been easily fixed with a little bit more work and thought, but would have gone a great way towards improving the stories.

I still hold hope that a 3+ hour directors cut of Man of Steel will come out on blu-ray, but it doesn't sound like that's a possibility.
Nah, it was better than Prometheus, but I agree with you in that both films had similar issues. Both movies were beautifully filmed, and both had nice action sequences and effects, and both had great casts, but both suffered from story detail shortcomings that just brought the entire feel of the film down. Little details that could have been easily fixed with a little bit more work and thought, but would have gone a great way towards improving the stories.

I still hold hope that a 3+ hour directors cut of Man of Steel will come out on blu-ray, but it doesn't sound like that's a possibility.

Prometheus is full of stuff that happens for no reason whatsoever, and doesn't add up. That's not really an issue with MoS.


well not really...yet
Nah, it was better than Prometheus, but I agree with you in that both films had similar issues. Both movies were beautifully filmed, and both had nice action sequences and effects, and both had great casts, but both suffered from story detail shortcomings that just brought the entire feel of the film down. Little details that could have been easily fixed with a little bit more work and thought, but would have gone a great way towards improving the stories.

I still hold hope that a 3+ hour directors cut of Man of Steel will come out on blu-ray, but it doesn't sound like that's a possibility.
Man of Steel simply suffers from some pacing issues and a lack of character development.

Prometheus suffers from shit everything but visuals and is completely and utterly illogical.
Nah, it was better than Prometheus, but I agree with you in that both films had similar issues. Both movies were beautifully filmed, and both had nice action sequences and effects, and both had great casts, but both suffered from story detail shortcomings that just brought the entire feel of the film down. Little details that could have been easily fixed with a little bit more work and thought, but would have gone a great way towards improving the stories.

I still hold hope that a 3+ hour directors cut of Man of Steel will come out on blu-ray, but it doesn't sound like that's a possibility.

There is apparently only one extra scene that was cut out. But with director's cuts, I'm more interested in the scenes that were shortened rather than entire scenes that were cut out for creative reasons.

So yeah, a 3 hour cut with more dialogue in existing scenes would be awesome.
Man of Steel simply suffers from some pacing issues and a lack of character development.

Prometheus suffers from shit everything but visuals and is completely and utterly illogical.

MOS also suffer from being too cliche, is too long, and
Lois knew who he is immediately. I thought the dynamic will be great after that but it was so boring. There was no chemistry between the actors whatsoever. The story was boring. Some actions scenes were shot horribly. Lois Lane´s character was shit. The daily planet which is a cornerstone of the Superman universe was mostly absent. The movie was too damn long.

Any movie which surpasses the 2 hour time limit is bound to by bad pacing, and a lot of filler shit that adds nothing to the movie. The movie should have been an hour and a half, and not a second longer.


well not really...yet
oh ok, so you just wanted it to be the same old superman with the same old lois and clarke/daily planet dynamic

got ya
oh ok, so you just wanted it to be the same old superman with the same old lois and clarke/daily planet dynamic

got ya

No, they did not do anything with the new dynamic. I actually liked the fact that
she knew who he was.
They did not do anything with that. And Superman returns is better.


Yes it is. It had a better premise, a better actors/characters.

What better premise? Real State again?

What better actors characters? Spacey/Luthor was awful, and to make things worse we already had Luthor in Superman movies before so it was simply put boring, Ralph did what he could and IMO Cavill is a better Clark/Supes, Bosworth was embarrasing.

MoS has better pretty much everything.

Well OST can be argued what is better.


I thought it was decent. I went there expecting nothing much, another Superman Returns with better production and actors. I got that and a bit more. As a mellow-core comics fan, the ending left me a "WTF" taste that I'll discuss with friends, but that ultimately doesn't change my appreciation of the movie. All in all, I'm glad this one is out of the way, and I eagerly await a MOS2.

edit: Oh and Cavill is beyond awesome.


saw it.
Random thoughts.

-Script is incredible. Doesn't question itself, tells a straight story, keeps giving until the ending.
I'd appreciated more comic banter during the last fight.
-the action was worth of the best Japanese animation. Avengers was a better movie, Dark Knight was a better movie, but none of them delivered the un-physics of superpowers as spectacularly as this movie.
-Intro on Krypton was majestic. Costner must have wept salty tears when he realized the amount of screen-time and swag reserved for Crowe: he really is the Man of Steal.
-People didn't clap at the ending but everyone (EVERYONE) clapped and wooed and whistled when Cavill appeared shirt-less after the Oil Rig. I'll admit: I joined the party.
-I've officially graduated to perv-status because I couldn't stop thinking how hot Diane Lane was.
I laughed at the 33 years old dialogue. People around looked at me WTF-style.
I had another "Am I the only one who saw that?!" laugh when Supes and Lane kiss: the shot quickly shifted to Fishburne and I noticed he was wearing the EXACT SAME ear-ring as Lois. Freaky.
-They nailed Lois Lane.
The character was a worthless love interest with no depth, now she is an investigative journalist who's been around and gives shit to people. I approve.
-I wish the military would stop financing Hollywood movies. Videogames are already plagued beyond salvation with this 'Merica stuff: ENOUGH!
-The pace of the narrative and the flashbacks placement was spotless.
-Wayans brothers are going to have a field day with this movie :D
-Slap to the face for the one who came up with the idea of goatee-Zod.
Spacey Luthor was fantastic. Now you guys are shitting on returns discriminately

Luthor haters be gone. He's clearly a much more interesting choice than corny ass doomsday
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