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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.

I just caught with the thread, hey I wasn't the only one to enjoy returns. Man of steel needed a better editor and better director of photography. So much meat could of been trimmed and the shakes cam action shots needed to be shot dead.


I agree that its good, but I mean its pure noise in the fact that its going at full throttle nearly the entire time. It never relents, ever, until the very end.

Honestly Inception is kind of a joke of a film without that score, as its pretty much what is driving the entire thing forward from start to end.

Well as long as you're being honest.
It wasn't until last year that people found out the Joker Theme (Why So Serious) was all Zimmer. Most people believed Newton Howard had SOMETHING to do with it.

Lotta people also forget he did the score to The Lion King.

What? This isn't true at all. There were featurette's that came out in 2008 that showed Zimmer messing with the guitar strings for Joker's theme. It has also been long known that JNH was responsible for Dent's theme. JNH was responsible for the emotional tracks, where Zimmer went for the dark, foreboding stuff. What's funny is that the sense of dread that comes out of JNH's Dent theme when he has Gordon's family is probably the most foreboding thing in TDK.


Superman Returns didn't do anything well. I even take issue with the plane catch. Was it supposed to be a Superhero movie? His nemesis was a fucking rock.
I haven't seen it in a while but you're wrong. His nemesis was a potential booming real estate market.
Doc Ock, Joker and Magneto/gandalf are the best comic book movie villains

I also really like Dafoe as Osborne, he was mad campy. And Liam Neeson wasn't bad either
I would put Stryker above Magneto, but I identify with Magneto more as an anti hero than a villain. But McKellan can still run circles around almost everyone in all these comic films.
Edit: and by Stryker, I mean Brian Cox. The bad guy in Wolverine was Stryker in name only. That actor sucked.


Having just watched Superman Returns Monday, the biggest problem I have is that it tries to be a direct continuation of the Donner movies and be its own thing at the same time. It's 5 years after Superman II, but is set in the 2000s, and none of the characters act the same way as they did in the Donner movies.

In fact, Spacey was told specifically not to take any inspiration from Hackman's Luthor. Which is pretty strange, since he's playing Hackman's Luthor. I found Kate Bosworth's portrayal of Lois to be fucking terrible and about as far removed from Kidder as she could possibly be. I thought Routh was about as close to Chris Reeves as I've ever seen. But the movie sucked. Especially as a continuation of the Donner films. It looks completely different, the characters are completely different, it is paced completely different, and it has a completely different tone. It really should have been its own thing and if it had similarities to the Donner film, then so be it. The DCAU took the best things from the movies while still being its own thing.


Zimmer's new themes in Pirates 3 are incredible. It is a fantastic score, and one of his best works, even if the film itself is total shit.
Woah. Goyer wrote the Call of Duty Black Ops games? This guy has like the best CV in the world to show to Producers, and at the same time, one that means close to nothing to enthusiasts.

Hating on Zimmer, i need to bail out.

There are some genuinely great tracks from the MoS OST for which I can't understand the ire that is targeted at them.

If You Love These People and Flight in particular are brilliant. Whether one agrees or not that they haven't been implemented well in the film is another matter altogether. I'm just baffled that these two tracks aren't receiving universal love.

Fuck opinions.
Having had some time to cool off and mull the film over, I guess it wasn't terrible. That title should be reserved for films like ASM and The Green Lantern.

But it was certainly mediocre. Zimmer's score was flat-out bad though, imo. I've been listening to everybody's favourite tracks that they've been posting; Arcade, If You Love These People.. and I can't even finish them due to how goddamn bombastically annoying they are. I can't believe people are in love with these tracks. It sounds like garbage to me. It's like meeting somebody who says they're a big fan of this dude's vocals and then play you Slipknot.
The film is entertaining enough. The action really was still a bit too much though, and the scene
when Superman kills Zods is silly (as is the one where Fishburne is trying save the girl from the rubble). It really bothered me how little he cared about people, only to act like he cared so much when needed. And Lois was only on the plane just so she could be rescued.

I want to rewatch it. See how it holds up.
Just chiming in to say I saw it, loved it, and will see it a few more times to absorb it all. Amazing casting with Jor El, Lara, and Faora (who kicked far more ass than any other Superman villain to date).

Only two things bothered me about the movie: The "evolution always wins" line, which felt totally out of place and borderline cliche, and Clark's intro to the DP at the end. I initially thought the movie was doing a bold thing by almost making Clark Kent obsolete, withwhat everyone knowing who he was and where he came from. But nope, suddenly I'm being asked to believe no one recognizes the guy who was just the focus of attention for the entire planet.

Those gripes aside, amazing movie. The last moments of Krypton scene with Lara really got to me. First time I've really felt moved by the destruction of that planet, which we've seen countless times in the past via comics and animated media.


Just chiming in to say I saw it, loved it, and will see it a few more times to absorb it all. Amazing casting with Jor El, Lara, and Faora (who kicked far more ass than any other Superman villain to date).

Only two things bothered me about the movie: The "evolution always wins" line, which felt totally out of place and borderline cliche, and Clark's intro to the DP at the end. I initially thought the movie was doing a bold thing by almost making Clark Kent obsolete, withwhat everyone knowing who he was and where he came from. But nope, suddenly I'm being asked to believe no one recognizes the guy who was just the focus of attention for the entire planet.

Those gripes aside, amazing movie. The last moments of Krypton scene with Lara really got to me. First time I've really felt moved by the destruction of that planet, which we've seen countless times in the past via comics and animated media.

Zod needed a better actor.That guy just didn't seem to fit the General part to me.
Just chiming in to say I saw it, loved it, and will see it a few more times to absorb it all. Amazing casting with Jor El, Lara, and Faora (who kicked far more ass than any other Superman villain to date).

Only two things bothered me about the movie: The "evolution always wins" line, which felt totally out of place and borderline cliche, and Clark's intro to the DP at the end. I initially thought the movie was doing a bold thing by almost making Clark Kent obsolete, withwhat everyone knowing who he was and where he came from. But nope, suddenly I'm being asked to believe no one recognizes the guy who was just the focus of attention for the entire planet.

Those gripes aside, amazing movie. The last moments of Krypton scene with Lara really got to me. First time I've really felt moved by the destruction of that planet, which we've seen countless times in the past via comics and animated media.

YES. I wouldn't think much about that line alone, but mixed with the heavy theological underpinnings of the film, and the Christ parallels, it made me cringe. It's almost like the filmmakers were saying 'OH BUT EVOLUTION WON'T WIN THIS TIME BECAUSE RELIGION! BEGONE SCIENCE!'
whatever lines came out of faora's mouth sucked. she was an awesome fighter and definitely pretty as fuck, but horrible actress in here.

can't believe people want her as wonder woman...if the character was mute maybe. lynn collins all the way bruhhhh
YES. I wouldn't think much about that line alone, but mixed with the heavy theological underpinnings of the film, and the Christ parallels, it made me cringe. It's almost like the filmmakers were saying 'OH BUT EVOLUTION WON'T WIN THIS TIME BECAUSE RELIGION! BEGONE SCIENCE!'

Don't forget that she's talking about Superman's morality as a weakness before bringing up that evolution stomps it out. Fucking terrible script.
Don't forget that she's talking about Superman's morality as a weakness before bringing up that evolution stomps it out. Fucking terrible script.

It certainly had some problems but it wasn't all that bad. Though admittedly I'm probably one of the few people that enjoyed
Pa Kent's death.

Mark Waid in his review wrote how I felt while watching that scene

And I think you’d be surprised to find that I loved everything about Jonathan Kent. I loved his protectiveness, even when it made him sound like an asshole. (“Maybe.”) And I loved, loved, loved that scene where Clark didn’t save him, because Goyer did something magical–he took two moments that, individually, I would have hated and he welded them together into something amazing. Out of context, I would have hated that Clark said “You’re not my real dad,” or whatever he says right before the tornado. And out of context, I would have loathed that Clark stood by frozen with helplessness as the tornado killed Jonathan. But the reason that beat worked is because Clark had just said “You’re not my dad,” the last real words he said to Pa. Tearful Clark choosing to go against his every instinct in that last second because he had to show his father he trusted him after all, because he had to show Pa that Pa could trust him and that Clark had learned, Clark did love him–that worked for me, hugely. It was a very brave story choice, but it worked. It worked largely on the shoulders of Cavill, who sold it. It worked as a tragic rite of passage. I kinda wish I’d written that scene.


YES. I wouldn't think much about that line alone, but mixed with the heavy theological underpinnings of the film, and the Christ parallels, it made me cringe. It's almost like the filmmakers were saying 'OH BUT EVOLUTION WON'T WIN THIS TIME BECAUSE RELIGION! BEGONE SCIENCE!'

It was a strange choice but I took it to be ironic. Kryptonian society believed it mastered evolution by genetically engineering their entire race from conception, but losing the ability to further evolve is what ultimately doomed them. So she's right, just not in the way she thinks. The only natural born Kryptonian in centuries, with some human help, defeats the last remnants of a society that thought it had subdued nature with science.


oh my, I don't know what is wrong with the editing. As if they followed Batman Begins and though they were smart about it. Continuity was so disjointed it broke my mesmerizing gazing multiple times throughout the movie to the point I stopped following what happened on the screen.

Second was the soundtrack. Clearly The Dark Knight was a good movie. But it does not mean they can follow it's doorsteps and apply that single short motion of the main theme everywhere during a promise of action. It was a dull effort.

Despite the action in the movie, the scenes lacked what made the superman for me. Despite destruction there was not a single scene that would feel epic in any sense of the world. For example, when He lost his powers on Zod's spaceship, I expected Him to bath in the sun. Donning the suit was one of the most underutilized scene in history of cinema. Small things that cast large shadows. Something apparently anyone affiliated with Nolan/Goyer cannot understand.



It wasn't until last year that people found out the Joker Theme (Why So Serious) was all Zimmer. Most people believed Newton Howard had SOMETHING to do with it.

Nope. Its been known from day one that the Joker's theme was Zimmer.

JNH did Harvey's (glorious) theme. My god was he ever missed on TDKR :_(

Also, agreed that the Inception score is really good. Its the best thing that film has going for it and is the best Zimmer output in a long ass time.
Just opened here in New Zealand, so went to see it tonight.

What I liked:

The music
General Zod's sexy woman

What I didn't like:

Just about everything else

Explosions, punching, noise, more explosions, CGI tentacles for some reason (I stopped paying attention at that point), more explosions and more punching... yawn. When you start the movie with a great big epic climax there isn't really anywhere else to go, it just felt empty.


whatever lines came out of faora's mouth sucked. she was an awesome fighter and definitely pretty as fuck, but horrible actress in here.

can't believe people want her as wonder woman...if the character was mute maybe. lynn collins all the way bruhhhh

Faora was just a straight up poor actress. Hot, looked the part, but poor acting.

Lynn Collins in hotter and can act better. LC for WW in 2014!


Just opened here in New Zealand, so went to see it tonight.

What I liked:

The music
General Zod's sexy woman

What I didn't like:

Just about everything else

Explosions, punching, noise, more explosions, CGI tentacles for some reason (I stopped paying attention at that point), more explosions and more punching... yawn. When you start the movie with a great big epic climax there isn't really anywhere else to go, it just felt empty.

I just got back from seeing it also.

I loved every minute of it!

Certainly, the music is a highlight. It's a movie that is perhaps a little less coherent than Avengers, which actually has pacing and so forth, and is less 'fun', but I do enjoy the style and 'feel' of the movie.

It has relatively little humour, but is not 'dark' like Batman.

Certainly there are moment that feel like the film is cobbled together - scenes obviously just thought up as being cool and somehow inserted into it. Probably why they went with the story telling they did.

But you know what? I'm fine with all that. It's basically a 2.5 hour long version of the trailer, and I loved that. It's like all the scenes I want to see superman in all put together.

I had fun.
Yeah, I'm pretty great at matching talent up with the perfect roles.

It's why you should just accept that Joe Wright is the man for Bond, Solo.
I just got back from seeing it also.

I loved every minute of it!

Certainly, the music is a highlight. It's a movie that is perhaps a little less coherent than Avengers, which actually has pacing and so forth, and is less 'fun', but I do enjoy the style and 'feel' of the movie.

It has relatively little humour, but is not 'dark' like Batman.

Certainly there are moment that feel like the film is cobbled together - scenes obviously just thought up as being cool and somehow inserted into it. Probably why they went with the story telling they did.

But you know what? I'm fine with all that. It's basically a 2.5 hour long version of the trailer, and I loved that. It's like all the scenes I want to see superman in all put together.

I had fun.
This perfectly encapsulates how I feel about the film.

As an aside, one of my favorite moments of MoS was the handcuff breaking and Cavill's subsequent delivery of the line, "You're scared of me because you don't control me..." I had a stupid grin on my face for that entire scene. That's exactly how I'd imagine Superman would respond in that situation. Calm, confident and benevolent (with maybe a tiny hint of arrogance). I had no problem with Routh, but the handcuff scene made me fall in love with Cavill's Superman.

I'm really stoked to see the film again.
For what it's worth, from my Letterboxd

A movie that isn't bad but also isn't good. This is no Green Lantern but it also isn't ranked with the top echelon of comic book movies.

For the first half of the movie it feels like not a lot is happening. Clark does some stuff but it's not very exciting. We spend about 20 mins on Krypton for reasons unknown. We spend a lot of the movie cutting back to young Clark which breaks the flow of the movie and then for the rest of the movie it is just action.

There is so much action that it actually bored me. The CGI was annoying at times but at other times it looked beautiful. The CGI during the action scenes just looked fake.

Henry Cavill was good as Supes but the movie belongs to his two Dads. Russell Crowe as Jor-El is the stand out in this movie. He owns every scene he is in and brings class to the movie. Kevin Costner also is great, even if his character makes some head scratching decisions.

The main baddie, Zod, is rather meh also. We don't care enough about him to hate him and he isn't really given enough chaos to case. Unfortunately he suffers from the fate of most of the characters (excluding maybe just Jor-El himself) and isn't given enough time on screen to breathe.

Lois would be the worst character for me. She is written badly, her dialogue is super cheesy and the love story between her and Supes is just unbelievably forced.

The music is over bearing, the action is boring and the dialogue cheesy. Not surprising for a superhero/comic book movie but as this movie is trying to be more than just a superhero movie, it's rather a disappointing result.

When will Hollywood learn to stop retelling the origins of movie characters that just about everyone knows?


Having had some time to cool off and mull the film over, I guess it wasn't terrible. That title should be reserved for films like ASM and The Green Lantern.

But it was certainly mediocre. Zimmer's score was flat-out bad though, imo. I've been listening to everybody's favourite tracks that they've been posting; Arcade, If You Love These People.. and I can't even finish them due to how goddamn bombastically annoying they are. I can't believe people are in love with these tracks. It sounds like garbage to me. It's like meeting somebody who says they're a big fan of this dude's vocals and then play you Slipknot.

But tell us again how much you love James "haven't I heard this before?" Horner's Avatar score.
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