And I think youd be surprised to find that I loved everything about Jonathan Kent. I loved his protectiveness, even when it made him sound like an asshole. (Maybe.) And I loved, loved, loved that scene where Clark didnt save him, because Goyer did something magicalhe took two moments that, individually, I would have hated and he welded them together into something amazing. Out of context, I would have hated that Clark said Youre not my real dad, or whatever he says right before the tornado. And out of context, I would have loathed that Clark stood by frozen with helplessness as the tornado killed Jonathan. But the reason that beat worked is because Clark had just said Youre not my dad, the last real words he said to Pa. Tearful Clark choosing to go against his every instinct in that last second because he had to show his father he trusted him after all, because he had to show Pa that Pa could trust him and that Clark had learned, Clark did love himthat worked for me, hugely. It was a very brave story choice, but it worked. It worked largely on the shoulders of Cavill, who sold it. It worked as a tragic rite of passage. I kinda wish Id written that scene.