evil solrac v3.0
No, all Snyder and co have to do is show that Superman is worried -whether he can stop Zod fighting him or not. Just show that he's worried about all the destruction they're causing. It's 9/11 x 100 going on around them and Superman doesn't bat an eye. It's very distressing. We understand that Zod isn't exactly going to agree to stop fighting and follow Superman somewhere else. But show me that Superman recognizes that leveling many city blocks is life-threatening to the humans he apparently cares so much about.
where do you get that? he was worried during the Smallville fight, he was angry/fighting for his life during the Indian Ocean machine fight, he cried out loud after the fight with Zod.
what more do you want? maybe he saw what we all saw, that there weren't people around and he could cut loose against Zod to stop him. it's ridiculous to say he doesn't give a damn or looks like he doesn't, how could he when he did what he did against Zod just to save some random people?
I don't understand why it's such a problem to show a Superman that isn't all in control, always perfect, always "doing the right thing" specially one that is filled with self doubt, alienation and doubts about humanity and what his role is.
he was literally learning on the job against people that where frankly better then him. and he still won, he still did his best even after nearly being killed twice.