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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.

No, all Snyder and co have to do is show that Superman is worried -
whether he can stop Zod fighting him or not. Just show that he's worried about all the destruction they're causing. It's 9/11 x 100 going on around them and Superman doesn't bat an eye. It's very distressing. We understand that Zod isn't exactly going to agree to stop fighting and follow Superman somewhere else. But show me that Superman recognizes that leveling many city blocks is life-threatening to the humans he apparently cares so much about.

where do you get that? he was worried during the Smallville fight, he was angry/fighting for his life during the Indian Ocean machine fight, he cried out loud after the fight with Zod.

what more do you want? maybe he saw what we all saw, that there weren't people around and he could cut loose against Zod to stop him. it's ridiculous to say he doesn't give a damn or looks like he doesn't, how could he when he did what he did against Zod just to save some random people?

I don't understand why it's such a problem to show a Superman that isn't all in control, always perfect, always "doing the right thing" specially one that is filled with self doubt, alienation and doubts about humanity and what his role is.

he was literally learning on the job against people that where frankly better then him. and he still won, he still did his best even after nearly being killed twice.


nononononono. deacon frost was a glorious euro-trash vampire. he's one of the big reasons why i think blade 1 is superior.

i'm not a fan of luke goss when he speaks. he kind of dragged down hellboy 2 for me as well. i wonder if Del Toro made the Hobbit would he have cast him in a major role.

@Raptor: both, imo.


It as not as awesome in Hellboy 2 as he was in Blade 2 IMO, such a vicious villian.
i wanna do a study here but i'm too lazy

i wonder how many people who loved this film didn't like spiderman 2 (or liked that as well)

That last fight between Nomak and Blade in Blade 2 is fucking brutal.

it was pretty cool but too heavy a reliance on cg acrobatics. i liked the sword fight in blade 1 more. i think the best fight in blade 2 was when he emerged from the bloodbath and wreaked havoc on those poor security guards haha
Like I've already said - that scene plays as hilarious because three people all of a sudden matter when thousands before didn't. Why didn't he resolve to do something like that earlier given how many thousands would have been dying in an ever-escalating number the longer their fight went on? Were these people relatives of his?

Thousands more didn't matter? He wasn't trying to resolve it earlier by stopping Zod? Are you people that freaking stupid? I hate to resort to a petty insult, but seriously, some of you are acting like complete morons that couldn't finish a connect the dot drawing unless there were little line segments showing you where to draw the line between 1 and 2.

You guys are acting like
Zod would have just bent his head over at any time during the fight for Superman to to break his neck
. Superman was trying to save everyone... Zod was resisting. They were fighting at super speed, but unless Superman turns back at a building they just went through and screams a Darth Vader "NOOOOOOOOOOO" (leaving him open for an attack from Zod), then you guys aren't going to understand that he is trying to save lives? Give me a break.
Superman being hit and exploding through three or four buildings in the distance? Supes himself throwing tankers and shit. C'mon son.

I almost think you didn't actually read the post of mine you responded to :)

Clark doesn't throw a tanker.

Zod throwing Clark through 3 or 4 buildings is probably THE ONLY PART of his entire Metropolis fight that you can definitively point to as saying "he probably hurt some people there." But it's not like he FLEW through those buildings.

Also, Superman being punched and or punching people into buildings isn't exactly a new thing. Multiple people have posted multiple examples from across multiple forms of media, most of which don't feature a Superman who has been wearing the suit for all of four hours while in the middle of the second fight of his entire life.
Superman being hit and exploding through three or four buildings in the distance? Supes himself throwing tankers and shit. C'mon son.

Zod threw the tanker man lol. Superman hit through 5-8 buildings, none of them were shown collapsing, are we assuming people were in the buildings 20 minutes after world
Engine ??!!!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Spacey turned in a better performance than almost everyone in MoS.

Krrrrrrrrrrrryptonite! He was hamming it up, but he was doing it brilliantly.



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
well he really did. I mean, Frank Langella as Perry White was almost Zombie like.

In Returns he was the best actor clearly, that's obvious. Sculli was comparing Spacey to basically everyone in MOS.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Maybe we can get John Noble as Luthor in the next one.

Get him as anyone in the movie, more Noble! Fucking god like actor.

And throw in Torv as Lana lol
People are acting like Spacey's performance was bad because it was a hammy performance in a hammy movie. It's like saying JK Simmons or Willem Dafoe were bad in Raimi's Spider-flicks because they didn't play it straight.
Spacey nailed that shit in Returns.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
No, all Snyder and co have to do is show that Superman is worried -
whether he can stop Zod fighting him or not. Just show that he's worried about all the destruction they're causing. It's 9/11 x 100 going on around them and Superman doesn't bat an eye. It's very distressing. We understand that Zod isn't exactly going to agree to stop fighting and follow Superman somewhere else. But show me that Superman recognizes that leveling many city blocks is life-threatening to the humans he apparently cares so much about.

Superman wasn't around during most of that destruction. He was flying to the other side of the world in order to stop the machine doing most of the destruction. The destruction during the actual fighting is nowhere near as bad. I think most people are confounding the two
spacey's intro in returns was pretty great. and as hammy as he was (for stylistic reasons) there was something very sinister about him too.

i think he played it like the animated version (in the justice league cartoons) tbh. fans should be eating that up. but because he's in returns where superman "doesn't throw a punch" they hate him too.
spacey's intro in returns was pretty great. and as hammy as he was (for stylistic reasons) there was something very sinister about him too.

i think he played it like the animated version (in the justice league cartoons) tbh. fans should be eating that up. but because he's in returns where superman "doesn't throw a punch" they hate him too.

Spot on. And that scene where Luthor shanks Supes is still brutal.
"Now fly."


People are acting like Spacey's performance was bad because it was a hammy performance in a hammy movie. It's like saying JK Simmons or Willem Dafoe were bad in Raimi's Spider-flicks because they didn't play it straight.
Spacey nailed that shit in Returns.

JK and Goblin were very good, Spacey as Luthor was really bad.

Anyone else think Lois should have went out the window when the FBI came?

what if I told you there was a typo


Fuck, where to start?

I warned you bro, should have watched The Internship instead :p

the sad part is that it's still the best Superman film, IMO, wich is just sad. Returns is prettier and better paced tho, but it does even less justice to the character.

also rofl at people saying MoS is better than John Carter


I just hope Clark is more of an adventurous reporter in the sequel, heading to developing countries and doing manly shit but without relying too much on his powers until he has to be Superman. I don't need dorky Kent. I have Christopher Reeves for that and I love him for it. But let this new Cavill Kent be a bit adventurous and actually use his position to cover interesting events that lead to an interesting villain who results in an interesting plot.

This is kind of the route the Lois and Clark went with Clark's background. I recall one episode that dealt with one particular thing he had done as a young adventuring reporter. Huge filler episode but I definitely would have liked more like it.
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