Yup. It's on the Tonight Show site.
Damnit, it doesn't work in Canada.
Yup. It's on the Tonight Show site.
Right, so my previous request. Can anyone please do it?
The Superman mythos presents its own logic system. The original Kryptonians were super-advanced humans who were stronger and smarter than any current human. Under a yellow sun those attributes are multiplied.This is complete bullshit. Explanations for how things work are vital to making a coherent story. In the case of Superman, there isn't really a good explanation for how his physiology works, so it's better to spend time on other things instead of futilely trying to do the impossible, but that doesn't mean that if there was a reasonable explanation, it should be ignored or rejected, and more mundane things like the Batmobile's tires are easily explained (he has Alfred do it, or he does it himself, or he has a computer do it). "It's a story" isn't a reason to not do it.
I agree with that, but that is not what Morrison does. I'll go into this more when I reread All Star and write a review on it, but Morrison likes to throw the most absurd shit at the reader and just expects them to go with it without any kind of explanation. I really hate that kind of storytelling.
Here ya go.
You can write a decent explanation of who pumps Batman's tires, but he apparently considers that as inexplicable as Superman's flight.
But I agree that sometimes, mining for detail discrepancies is missing the point of why the story is even being told in the first place, and I think that's more what he's getting at.
The Superman mythos presents its own logic system. The original Kryptonians were super-advanced humans who were stronger and smarter than any current human. Under a yellow sun those attributes are multiplied.
Indestructibility is a metaphor for Supes's convictions. X-ray vision is a metaphor for him "seeing the truth". They aren't meant to be interpreted scientifically.
It becomes an issue when later stories contradict them without reason. The general logic stands though; the longer Superman lives on Earth, the more powerful he gets. He can even fly into the sun to supercharge his powers (a "sundip").
And you can't provide one, then just leave it a mystery. A good example is how Clark repeatedly wondered how his powers make no sense (he can hear soundwaves before they reach his ears) in Secret Identity. But to say it doesn't matter or 'it's just a story' is idiotic.
I most likely would mind, unless it's handled properly.
You could, yeah - but who would want to read it? Not that many people. And how many people would like it if you stopped down in the middle of say, The Long Halloween, or The Dark Knight, to give a 1-page or 2-minute sidebar explaining how the Batmobile's tires got filled.
That's more what he's getting at. He's talking about people who leave a movie trying to figure out the myriad ways they can prove to others that they're smarter than the film. And with a lot of films - there are indeed myriad ways to show others that the movie is lacking some intelligence.
But is that really the point of having stories told to you? To essentially DEFEAT them in a battle of wits?
Morrison seems to be arguing more that there are some questions that probably just aren't worth asking in the face of what the story is really trying to do, the direction it's trying to head.
Yeah, Morrison is a fucking weirdo. I didn't like Final Crisis at all. Sometimes he crawls way up his own technicolor sphincter and the pages that come flying out might as well be tabs of psylocibin. But I agree that sometimes, mining for detail discrepancies is missing the point of why the story is even being told in the first place, and I think that's more what he's getting at.
But what you just described is essentially two sides of the same coin. Busiek couldn't come up with a reason why his powers made no real world sense - so he didn't. He, as a storyteller, is basically telling you, as a reader "it doesn't matter." Because if it did - he'd have come up with some pseudo-science to explain it.
Busiek & Morrison are essentially on the same page so far as that goes. Busiek in Secret Identity merely went to the extra step of having the character ASK the question on the behalf of the reader, only to arrive at the same answer, which is "Shrug. Dunno. Moving on."
Morrison just never asks the question in the text, and figures you'll just shrug & move on because you recognize the question you're asking doesn't really matter so far as the story's importance goes.
Wasn't he the one who wrote Superman coming up with a superman serum and giving it to Lois Lane so she could feel like superman for one day?
I agree with this too. Batman's tires would fit. His powers really don't though.
No, the difference is that one says "There is an explanation, but I can't figure it out" and the other just says "Shut the fuck up". Morrison just revels in being incomprehensible while Busiek atleast considers it an interesting point to think on.
Spoiler thread is up.I do think that Supermanbut in the case of the context of Man of Steel, I don't see Zodnot killing is a large part of his character, much like Batman,being realistically contained. He's way too powerful to be locked up in most places and he already escaped from the Phantom Zone. And even if he could be put back there, I would argue that the Phantom Zone is a harsher punishment than death. Eternally being able to observe the universe but never interact with it is basically sensory deprivation for the skin. Anyone would go insane in a matter of hours, let alone years that he must have spent in there. It isn't humane and I would easily take death over that.
Superman really should be thoughtful about when. It should weigh heavily on him, even if it's justified.he chooses to kill though
I agree, definitely. I think great that they're taking time to reinforce Superman's science fiction background, so we don't have to refer to the "It's comic books!" explanation everytime. We can have easy-to-follow adventures rather than situations leaving us to ask what happened. It might be likened to the Star Trek's jump from pure scifi to scifi military dramas.It doesn't necessitate a scientific explanation, but it does require an inuniverse explanation. And you can't provide one, then just leave it a mystery. A good example is how Clark repeatedly wondered how his powers make no sense (he can hear soundwaves before they reach his ears) in Secret Identity. But to say it doesn't matter or 'it's just a story' is idiotic. It matters and especially so when its not dealing with inexplicable things. And besides, like you said, other stories have contradicted even the logic that you present, so it's a void explanation regardless.
I feel the difference between those two takes is razor-thin, though. Either way, the writer doesn't believe the question is important enough to devote time to it in that story, for that story's purposes. There are differences in how they handle it, yeah, but ultimately - the detail you're asking about is irrelevant to what they're trying to do, storywise. So the detail is waved off. Busiek does it differently than Morrison, but they're both handwaving that detail away. Or rather, Morrison asks the audience to handwave it away on their own, Busiek tells the audience "fuck it, it's not that important. C'mere, lets look at this instead."
Again - Morrison's talking about smaller details like "who pumps Batman's tires" in the text of a story that is about way more than just "Who pumps Batman's tires." He's not talking about stories where we fully focus on the guy who pumps Batman's tires. That would be a completely different example. That's some Rosencrantz & Guildenstern shit right there, and that isn't what Morrison's quote is getting at.
Yours? :O
I wish, not yet, but it will be mine.
A non-spoiler Youtube review:Has there been any other reviews than that longer pro/con one poster earlier?
No CD booklet with the limited edition?
First they came for DVD inserts, then video game manuals...now CD booklets too?
Any non-spoilery way of saying what exactly is bugging people?
I want to know this too.
If its something like the underwear gone then is just silly.
What is Superman for you, a character or a symbol? Your answer will define how much pissed off you'll be
Good to know, cause if it doesn't bother you I know it won't bother me at all.
This is complete bullshit. Explanations for how things work are vital to making a coherent story. In the case of Superman, there isn't really a good explanation for how his physiology works, so it's better to spend time on other things instead of futilely trying to do the impossible, but that doesn't mean that if there was a reasonable explanation, it should be ignored or rejected, and more mundane things like the Batmobile's tires are easily explained (he has Alfred do it, or he does it himself, or he has a computer do it). "It's a story" isn't a reason to not do it.
I don't know what's to complain about, as they grow older people tend to disassociate from children's fantasy metaphors (as it being all they seek). As our knowledge of the real world grows, we start relating to different themes, and start asking different questions. Details start mattering more and more, because details start mattering more and more in our own life.
Plausibility becomes one of the main ingredients. Essentially Grant Morrison is wrong, because adults don't look at fantasy elements and think they are ridiculous. That's more than proven in the countless movies that deal with those elements, and how big they are. It does become a constant though, to ask why Davy Jones looks like a squid and how can he live without a heart.
If it's so hard to explain why Superman can fly, and why he can shoot laser beams out of his eyes just because the Sun is different, then it's just a poorly constructed character in terms of his abilities.
So fuck Grant Morrison. Go write Sunday morning cartoons if you prefer.
A non-spoiler Youtube review:
I think we can forgive the lack of a genuine reason why Superman can do the things that he can do simply because he was created by two teenagers in the 1930's.
Why can superman shoot lasers out of his eyes? Why can he fly? Because it's fucking awesome, that's why.
Mostly ShannonHas there been any criticism of Cavill's acting in the spoiler thread?
And look how big its gotten despite that. its got people sniping at each other over one thing, someone calling another a fake superman fan...It's really only two people who have actually watched it over there, basically.
Mostly Shannon
It's really only two people who have actually watched it over there, basically.
And look how big its gotten despite that. its got people sniping at each other over one thing, someone calling another a fake superman fan...
it's fun!
indeed.Yeah, its definitely a nice taster plate for the smorgasbord of fighting that is guaranteed to go down in a week
1hr more before the movie start. I hope the 3D is good
It's a vast conspiracy between him and Jim Lee.Can't wait for people who don't enjoy the film to take it out on Nolan.
These guys:6 more days of torture. So hyped. Anyone else get really nervous while sitting in a theater waiting for a movie they are really excited about?
And look how big its gotten despite that. its got people sniping at each other over one thing, someone calling another a fake superman fan...
it's fun!