Superman's powers actually makes no goddamn sense. He draws his energy from the sun? The average human body has about 1500 square inches of skin. The sun provides about 1400 watts of energy per square meter. A meter is 39.2 inches, so a meter squared is 1536 square inches, roughly equivalent to the human body. So every hour, Superman can get about 1400 watts, and that's if he walks around naked.
Even if Kryptonian cells are the most efficient energy storage devices ever, there's no way he'd be able to sustain his high-level feats for more than a few seconds.
I got my values from wiki answers, so they might be off by a bit, but the point is the same.
yeah, but this is how superman was created and even though there have been deviations on the story, comics have tried to honor the original story.
The whole yellow sun and gravity don't make for a believable explaination for heat vision, x-ray vision. You could perhaps use it to explain strength but not the strength to do the godly stuff superman can do, it's ridiculous. Flight also cannot be explained by just earth having less gravity than Krypton; everyone that understands the science of flight cannot make sense of this. If you go to the moon, you can jump high, carry heavier things but you cannot fly and control your flight. On the moon, your skin, bones and muscles aren't different and are as vulnerable as they are on earth, even though you appear stronger cause things weigh less. So, superman creators didn't really come up with things which can be plausibly explained scientifically but hey, this is a comic!
but IF anyone would ask me to make a scientifically plausible or more realistic superman movie i would change things qite a bit: On Krypton, i would use an asteroid story to explain it's demise; simple no? Also, i would actually make Kryptonians humans, that's right. How else can we explain the fact that Kyptonian's look excatly the same as humans??? I would basically create a story whereby humans initially existed in Krypton and at some point found earth and some settled there. Superman powers? I would make it a combination of gravity (not yellow sun BS) and genetic engineering.. perhaps Kryptonians, through really advanced science, figured out a way to genetically engineer a superhuman - Kal-El, something forbidden. This would mainly explain his superpowers and why he's sent to Earth, ontop of Asteroid doomsday. Again, still difficult to buy but more plausible... but again, it's just a comic and nothing has to make sense, really