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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


Looking forward to this!
I've never really been that into Superman (most of my experience with the character comes from tv/movies) but I have always recognised the potential for an awesome Superman movie if done in the right way - and this looks like that!

Silly question - Superman gains a lot of his power from our Sun? Do they ever explain why he's so white/pasty? Do his alien race not really tan from our sun like we do? I'd expect him to at least be a bit tan.
Looking forward to this!
I've never really been that into Superman (most of my experience with the character comes from tv/movies) but I have always recognised the potential for an awesome Superman movie if done in the right way - and this looks like that!

Silly question - Superman gains a lot of his power from our Sun? Do they ever explain why he's so white/pasty? Do his alien race not really tan from our sun like we do? I'd expect him to at least be a bit tan.
I guess they just absorb the light into their systems, and the white skin is supposed to make them more"absorbant" to light.

You have to keep in mind that all of the explanations for Supes' powers were made years after the fact, so a lot of it is a stretch at best and complete horse manure at worst


Super Member
Silly question - Superman gains a lot of his power from our Sun? Do they ever explain why he's so white/pasty? Do his alien race not really tan from our sun like we do? I'd expect him to at least be a bit tan.
From what I understand tanning is meant to protect the skin from overexposure. [YELLOW] Sun exposure has zero negative effects on Superman, so he doesn't need to tan.

He was tan in The Animated Series, however.

I guess they just absorb the light into their systems, and the white skin is supposed to make them more"absorbant" to light.

You have to keep in mind that all of the explanations for Supes' powers were made years after the fact, so a lot of it is a stretch at best and complete horse manure at worst
but it's really this
This looks so good, definitely going to go see it, I really hope it delivers.

I'll have to peek into this thread to see if it's worth the IMAX 3D too. :)


Yeah, that's a good point. Tanning is actually a mechanism to protect skin from further sun damage. Since sunlight isn't causing him any harm at all it makes sense that he wouldn't need to tan.


Looking at IMAX tickets in my cart for the midnight show. Not sure if should pull the trigger for a work night, but I am getting so hyped for this.


Looking at IMAX tickets in my cart for the midnight show. Not sure if should pull the trigger for a work night, but I am getting so hyped for this.

Do it. Even if it's IMAX 3D the 3D is decent and not distracting but seeing on a bigger screen with balls to the wall awesome sound? Totally worth it.

Just read the Deb Snyder interview on Collider. Seems they're already working on the Blu-Ray stuff including deleted scenes (original assembly cut was over 3 hours) and it looks like Zack will be another Maximum Movie Mode except he won't be alone...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Just read the Deb Snyder interview on Collider. Seems they're already working on the Blu-Ray stuff including deleted scenes (original assembly cut was over 3 hours) and it looks like Zack will be another Maximum Movie Mode except he won't be alone...

Awesome :D



“Do the DC characters exist in the universe I created? The answer is yes,” Snyder said. “In my mind, we have this fantastic character of Superman. It’s not madness that there would be others.”

“Now, that being said, does a ‘Justice League’ movie exist now? No,” he continued. “Whether or not I ever get to make that movie, I don’t know.”

For his part, Nolan declined to address any involvement in “Justice League” or even look down the turnpike toward future Superman installments beyond his role as “Man of Steel’s” producer and credited “story by” screenwriter.

“What I’ve been hoping for is to be able to take my kids to see a version of this story that is going to fry their imaginations the way the 1978 [‘Superman’] that Dick Donner did for me when I was an 8-year old boy,” Nolan said. “That’s what I’ve been focused on and that’s my role in things. So anything beyond that, I can’t comment.”
So, people that have watched it really are being down on this movie? :/

No. Both people in the spoiler thread who have watched it are mostly positive, with reservations. What's happening is that people are incredulous at the idea there could even BE reservations, which is silly, of course.


So, people that have watched it really are being down on this movie? :/

It seems there is one single thing that people are fighting about, and that is leading everyone else to think that it's a bad movie or something.

I have an idea of what it is, but don't want to know for spoiler reasons. If it is though, I couldn't give a flying fuck lol. Sounds like a dumb thing to get mad about.


Matrix, your truck is ready.



ugh, that damn guy keeps smacking his lips or has too much saliva in his mouth! I hate when people do that, trying to be all pseudo-intelligent and thoughtful.

That was the worst review ever.

"It was really good! It was well-directed! The writer was good! It was really good! I was invited to a special screening. And the performances were good! This is not fake. Thanks!"


Is it weird that even though I've seen the movie I've been re-watching the Nokia trailer in anticipation for next Thursday?

Also looks like Hot Toys will be producing more figures than just Superman and Jor-El teased and hopefully their full reveal will be next week.

EDIT: What do we have here...


No. Both people in the spoiler thread who have watched it are mostly positive, with reservations. What's happening is that people are incredulous at the idea there could even BE reservations, which is silly, of course.

Problems with the story and the pacing seem to be abundant.

I'm gonna keep my hype in check, less chances of being disappointed. So far it seems people like it because of the style, the action, the actors and how great it all looks.


Is it weird that even though I've seen the movie I've been re-watching the Nokia trailer in anticipation for next Thursday?

Also looks like Hot Toys will be producing more figures than just Superman and Jor-El teased and hopefully their full reveal will be next week.

EDIT: What do we have here...




What are those from?
Problems with the story and the pacing seem to be abundant.

I'm gonna keep my hype in check, less chances of being disappointed. So far it seems people like it because of the style, the action, the actors and how great it all looks.

Abundant is kinda overstating it. PRESENT is probably a little more accurate. If problems were ABUDNANT, the opinion on the movie would actually be a negative.

Again - keep in mind, we're talking about TWO PEOPLE so far.

But either way - yes: Keep your hype in check. As I've mentioned before - the problem with hype is how it transforms EXCITEMENT into EXPECTATION, and that's when you end up biting yourself in the ass, regardless of what the movie itself actually is.

Hell, to be honest, for me?

I'm in it for the soundtrack.
It seems there is one single thing that people are fighting about, and that is leading everyone else to think that it's a bad movie or something.

I have an idea of what it is, but don't want to know for spoiler reasons. If it is though, I couldn't give a flying fuck lol. Sounds like a dumb thing to get mad about.
That's not it at all. There's one scene in the film that could be controversial to some superman fans, so surprise some superman fans are fighting about it.

Meanwhile over in this thread, someone skims over the other thread and relays that impressions are negative, so people here are aghast that someone could possibly not like this film. Which is crazy, but thats MoSGaf for you.

The only reason the tone of the other thread is negative is because superman fans are sniping with other superman fans. That's it.

The reviews in the spoiler thread (2!) are positive about the look, and the action in the movie. Everything else, the pacing, the story, the acting is what bummed them out.


I just popped over there and I saw the controversy. (I care about spoilers less and less nowadays. lol)

Honestly...I kinda expected it and I'm not bothered at all. *shrug*


Just finished watching Superman Returns to catch up on all Superman movies before Man of Steel.

And I somehow came out disliking this movie even more.. even after watching 3, 4 and Supergirl!


So is there word if there is a post credit scene in MOS then? Spoiler tag yes or no if people really care about that stuff.


Personally, I'd prefer a sequel hook like the one at the end of Batman Begins.

We know that the movie ends with
Superman taking on the Clark Kent persona and presumably getting a job at the Daily Planet. The perfect last lines to the movie would be something like "Well, Kent, you want a real chance to save the world? Here it is. We have suggestions that not everything at LexCorp is all that it seems. Lex Luthor seems a bit too good to be true and we need you to investigate..." and roll credits.

There is nothing like setting up an arch enemy for the next movie and doing it this way is better than just a post credits clip

Edit: For added hilarity, include a line in MoS2 that where someone refers to this
investigation with "You came the closer than anyone sticking something to him, Kent, and all you managed to prove is that he once he stole some cakes. Which were actually pies! That's terrible, Kent!"


Lex could be DC's Thanos. Thread him throughout the universe, have him as a looming threat in the background for a long time before being directly confronted. I'd rather watch him disassemble the Justice League than just watch him be setup to be knocked down by Superman.

I hope they give us rich mad scientist Lex and not merely corrupt businessman Lex.
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