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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


6 more days of torture. So hyped. Anyone else get really nervous while sitting in a theater waiting for a movie they are really excited about?

only until the film starts. as soon as the warner brothers logo will show up, i will be calm and just watch the film.


If you guys want to use a gimmick Singer-related title (the one that was "voted" on) there's still X-Men: Days of Future Past. Spend it wisely.

I stand by my callback to Action Comics, one of the longest ongoing comics today.


Part II should be up this weekend. I saw ReiGun and FatboyRoberts's plugs and will probably link them within it.[/QUOTE]
Fuck the haters. If you make the OT you get to pick the title


Went to see The Purge last night and thought it sucked half way though. I wanted to get a refund but instead they gave me a free ticket to any movie as long as it's not IMAX or 3D.

I'm using this ticket for MoS. I am so ready to follow Superman into the sun and I'm not even a fan of him.


Went to see The Purge last night and thought it sucked half way though. I wanted to get a refund but instead they gave me a free ticket to any movie as long as it's not IMAX or 3D.

I'm using this ticket for MoS. I am so ready to follow Superman into the sun and I'm not even a fan of him.
I saw what you did on that bus


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
6 more days of torture. So hyped. Anyone else get really nervous while sitting in a theater waiting for a movie they are really excited about?

Not really, though this movie might be different for me. I get more nervous about getting decent seats lol

Edit- actually the last times I got nervous were the Matrix sequels, Star Wars Episode 1 and Superman Returns... Ive since learned it's not worth it.
Went to see The Purge last night and thought it sucked half way though. I wanted to get a refund but instead they gave me a free ticket to any movie as long as it's not IMAX or 3D.

I'm using this ticket for MoS. I am so ready to follow Superman into the sun and I'm not even a fan of him.

You can get refunds if you dont like films?


I've seen it as I've said before. My reaction isn't negative if you thought it was, the movie is good it just doesn't top my list of CBM. It's a tiny bit under where I place Batman Begins and I liked it more than TDKR.

The action is amazing (Smallville battle was my favorite) just the plot pacing was too fast to me, plus other minor things. I wanted it to instantly be my #1 CBM but it didn't quite make it.

It's a movie everyone here will want to see again as soon as it's over since there is so much to process. It's like waking up and turning on the lights directly into your eyeballs.


Hey Gaf! Just got back from an advance screening. Here is my initial reaction. I'll try to stay away from plot spoilers but still. Don't click if you don't want trouble. I'll delete this post if I shouldn't be posting this.

The first ten minutes of the movie may be a bit of a herring for the rest of the movie. Its rushed, it doesn't make sense even though they tried explaining it, and it felt a bit like a straight to DVD scene; acting dialog, choreography and plot made little sense. And yes I know they ripped a bunch from Supes Earth One. Productions values were spot on throughout though.

With that said I'll give a quick rundown of pros and cons

+Amazing 3D. Probably the best I've EVER SEEN. The 3D alone is worth the price of admission. Now I know some theaters are different than others - I saw hobbit 3 times and the 3D was different for each - but this was literally the best 3D I've seen. For the umpteenth time it shows me that 3D is actually useful and is here to stay.

+ Special Effects. I'd say it rivals any recent movie. I was constantly amazed by the visual fidelity. They really dotted their I's and crossed their T's. Again, 3D with the effects are worth it.

+ Cinematography and Visual Aesthetic. These were mostly good. Very Dark Knight-esque maybe even a bit more darker in tone. I enjoyed the feel of the movie very much.

+Destruction. OMG ITS GLORIOUS. So much fighting and killing and destruction. Again. Worth it for this. Supes going through tons of buildings and all sorts of stuff.

+ Fighting is Brutal

- Story. Sometimes the plot made absolutely no sense. I don't want to ruin it for you guys but there are some very huge hiccups. Three.notable ones are at the beginning of the movie, somewhere in the middle (with Mr. Kent) and at the end. A lot of nonsensical decisions were made and really took me out of the movie.

- Tone. The tone was too serious, overdramatic, and a bit whiny at times. It was like a drama at all points. The melodramatic piano was a staple throughout the entire film along with very slow moving scenes. A lot of it felt insincere and simply used to tug at our heartstrings. I don't mind a serious tone at all, it just didnt feel genuine or well executed.

- Dialog. Probably the worst part about the movie. Very cartoony. Unrealistic. Robotic at times and just plain awful. Mostly everyone was OK. Again there were scenes where REALLY ODD things were said just to fill space. Sometimes it's OK NOT to speak! Im looking at a ton of scenes but you'll laugh at the bank vault army scene. Hilariously bad. THE WORST OFFENDER AND I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH IS ZOD (MICHAEL SHANNON). His delivery is so bad you wont want to finish the movie. He is clearly acting, and acting bad. Think of a theater play. But a bad theater play. The first scene in the movie is only an appetizer for whats to come.

- Pace. The pace is terrible and this matches in with the story. Pace is terrible. There is very little rhythm to the movie. They build up so much momentum for superman to become superman and when he finally dons the suit they don't even show it. And there is no proper focus when he puts it on. It's supposed to mean something but its such a small part that they ignored. UGH! It amazes me how they spent so much time over-dramatizing certain scenes and pointless events and completely DROP the ball when it comes to the important things. So to recap: Important things in the story are rushed and barely explained but useless chaff is constantly being centered on to drive home manufactured emotion.

- Fighting Movements. Combat was weird. Was cool to see trucks being thrown and buildings literally flattened but the movements were really video-gamey. For some reason they think at all times superman and his enemies need to move lightning fast. It looked jarring and out of place for how good everything else in the film looked.

- Ending is controversial. I didnt mind but I can see it as a negative. That's all I'll say. If you want more PM me.

In all I give it a 6. It was fun to watch. Eye porn definitely but if you're expecting this to be like Begins you need to adjust your expectations. I'll prolly write some more and answer questions if anyone wants in the coming days. I'm glad I saw it and I may watch it again but seriously guys. Keep expectations low so you wont be disappointed. Think about how polarizing The Amazing Spiderman and that might be close to what you should expect. I will say if Micheal Shannon werent in this the movie would have gotten at least a 7 maybe an 8. :/

lol, i don't know what to think about this movie, some early reviews are like black and white. Several have said how amazing Michael Shannon was (most have said this) and here's one review claiming he was abysmal. Then some early reviews claiming story is good, tightly told and emotional and this review claiming it's somewhat nonsensical, loose, with holes. LOL... Unbelievably polarizing early reviews... The good thing is that this review above, so far, seems to be the odd one out amongst mostly very positive reviews... We'll see... can't wait for official critics reviews to really get the real story on this movie.


Why are you in any way basing your opinion on anything GAF has to say about it?

GAF are random people. I'm sure some of them are people you would have no relation to in the real world. I'm betting some in this very thread are bronies or worse.

Just see it and make your own opinion.


Sup, I will probably throw up when there is like 5 minutes left to see it at t he theater.

Pure excitement nothing more, been waiting 50 years for this movie :p


The first half of Begins really stands out in the trilogy. I couldn't believe how good it was especially the first time watching it in the theatre. But it really does fall off after that, to the point that the movie as a whole stands behind both sequels imo. The monorail action piece is pretty bland.

For all the hate Rises gets here, its 3rd act is better than Begins and TDK's.

Best part of the while DK trilogoy is the first half of begins - Bruce's journey to become batman, the league of shadows story etc.. The second half is mediocre with Raz showing up; that hallucinogenic gas everywhere turning people crazy and Raz facing batman.. I never liked the DK, seemed messy, all over the place and i didn't like Rachel or Harvey's character. Ledger's joker was probably the best but the rest kinda boring... TDKR i give a 6/10... I'm hoping MOS > DK & DKR which, for me, isn't such high expectations but i know for others it may be cause many loved DK.


Why are you in any way basing your opinion on anything GAF has to say about it?

GAF are random people. I'm sure some of them are people you would have no relation to in the real world. I'm betting some in this very thread are bronies or worse.

Just see it and make your own opinion.

OF COURSE! I just find that early reviews are all over the place with some claiming
'amazing, unbelievable, you'll be blown away' and then some like this one above, which rates it 6/10. I will watch it no matter what because superman for me is more compelling than batman or any other superhero (alien story, super powers > billionaire human using high tech gadgets) and i think i'm gonna like it regardless of reviews.


So some early reviews (the less frequent ones by far) are not so good but i gotta say i will be pissed if the movie sucks. The trailers are amazing; you got Goyer, Snyder, Nolan; high powered actors as a great supporting cast and a semmingly perfect superman - Cavill, worked his ass off. I can't imagine they could mess this up...


I hope some of you don't go see this movie based on what some random gaffer says.

That's the most stupid thing you could do.


Is any of that above directed at me?. The movie doesn't suck. All I'm saying is it isn't perfect or "the best movie I've ever seen everrr" or anything like that (as much as I wanted it to be). It's a good movie, and everyone here will be happy.
Like every movie that comes out that I'm excited for, I'm waiting for the tomatometer. I am definitely seeing Man of Steel in theaters, but I really hate crowded movie theaters. So I let the Tomatometer decide whether or not I go on opening weekend or wait until the crowds die down.
Huge Gif Incoming


We're so close to the sun


New review is up, might have too many spoilers for those very sensitive, but its not too bad or overly specific. The best part though,

Zach Snyder's Man of Steel not only manages to successfully reboot the Superman series, but it manages to make The Avengers and Avatar look like a child's play toy in comparison.Now that we've seen what big, modern Superman action looks like, hopefully the second film will spend more time fleshing out its characters, particularly Clark, and less with suits punching each other. Just like Batman Begins and The Dark Knight before it, Man of Steel is a great introduction that understands the appeal of its titular character and is headed towards becoming legendary.

Get hype!


Is any of that above directed at me?. The movie doesn't suck. All I'm saying is it isn't perfect or "the best movie I've ever seen everrr" or anything like that (as much as I wanted it to be). It's a good movie, and everyone here will be happy.

what i take from your impressions is that you think it was a decent movie but you were letdown cause you had very high expectations..
I'll try to keep this short.
Man of Steel is definitely the most passionate superhero movie to date. It deals with an alien character, and yet it has one of the most human of stories. It's got heart, emotion, beautiful action sequences that seem almost back to back, and yet flows seemlessly throughout the movie, seeing Superman at 100%.
If I had to rank it with recent superhero films, it would be under The Avengers and a tiny, tiny notch under The Dark Knight, but in my opinion it was superior to Batman Begins and TDKR. (I personally enjoyed The Avengers more for the fun factor but I do recognize The Dark Knight is the better film).
Definitely the best Superman movie to date, and I'm excited to see what David S. Goyer/Christopher Nolan comes up with next in the superhero realm.
Only qualm I have was that the music got repetitive (that piano bit from the beginning of the trailers was in every emotional scene, and it kind of took you out of the film), but it was still incredible and Hans Zimmer made an excellent score.
All in all though, fantastic writing, breathtaking action, all-star character.
I believe a man can fly.
PROTIP: Steer clear of any more clips they show, any more TV Spots, anything. I know you're excited for the movie, but the blinder you go into the movie, the better the experience. Trust me.

from r/movies


what i take from your impressions is that you think it was a decent movie but you were letdown cause you had very high expectations..

Yeah I would say that. I won't lie, my hype was through the fucking roof. The last thing I saw was the Nokia trailer. The song in that trailer alone is amazing.


I thought I'd never seen a review where the main complain was too much action

it would be under The Avengers and a tiny, tiny notch under The Dark Knight, but in my opinion it was superior to Batman Begins and TDKR
The avengers is barely above Spy Kids 4 so no
They should have a trailer or commercial set to 'My God is the Sun' by Queens of the Stone Age. It would be this decade's Nickelback's "Hero"/Spider-Man 2 moment.
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