I still dont get how theywere able to find Pa Kent's body when he was blown away by the tornado. They still showed a fucking grave. I simply couldnt bear it and had to walk out of the theatre.

I still dont get how theywere able to find Pa Kent's body when he was blown away by the tornado. They still showed a fucking grave. I simply couldnt bear it and had to walk out of the theatre.
Because the screenplay required Lois to put the thingamajig in the ship and upload Maximus into KryptOS.
Oh man, probably already posted but OMG hahaha
Spoilers of course
Young Clark: Okay, you are literally going to die. Im coming to get you.
Pa Kent: Youll do no such thing! Ive told you, you must not use your powers to save peoples lives!
Young Clark: Then when in the holy fuck should I use them?
Pa Kent: I dont know! Later sometime.
I have to pick, nitpick and tear apart this movie. Tear apart!You do know that people are often buried with empty caskets, right? It gives the family a central place to go and spend time with their loved one, even if there's nothing there.
I have to pick, nitpick and tear apart this movie. Tear apart!
These are pretty cheesy but this one has some good bits:
I hope Superman, after being told his secret purpose was to save humanity, facepalmed himself around the world.
I can't stand the first two Spider-Man movies and I'll probably never understand what people see in them. That Jesus train scene? Ugh, horrible cheesy garbage. "Go get em, tiger!" Gag reflex engaged. At least the third is entertainingly insane, if about a million hours too long.
I can't stand the first two Spider-Man movies and I'll probably never understand what people see in them. That Jesus train scene? Ugh, horrible cheesy garbage. "Go get em, tiger!" Gag reflex engaged. At least the third is entertainingly insane, if about a million hours too long.
I can't stand the first two Spider-Man movies and I'll probably never understand what people see in them. That Jesus train scene? Ugh, horrible cheesy garbage. "Go get em, tiger!" Gag reflex engaged. At least the third is entertainingly insane, if about a million hours too long.
Nope. Lois potentially had info on Kal-El that could have been useful to Zod
I haven't seen Superman Returns, but if lip service is a reverse immaculate conception'd 33 year old bearded man wandering the earth helping people, being touched by stained glass Jesus, and floating in crucified poses, I can't even imagine what they did in Returns.
Bryan Singer said:]It celebrates that notion. These stories are told in so many different ways. From Sunday School to pop culture…
But if you’re going to have lines like Marlon Brando saying, “I send them you—my only son.” And they’re being spoken with absolute seriousness, then when you carry it forward and you have him return after five years, face an immeasurable conflict and then… I mean, if you’re going to tell that story, you’ve got to tell it all the way. You’ve got scourging at the pillar, the spear of destiny, death, resurrection—it’s all there.
But they read Kal-El's mind anyway. What info could Lois have on him that he wouldn't have himself?![]()
I'll take awesome action over awesome character developmet for a super hero movie every single time.
Spiderman 2....fuck, you guys basically want all the lame aspects of comics on screen 1:1.
I think you will enjoy this
Its nonstop action, punches and screams for as many hours as you want.
No lame stuff like levity, heart or characterization.
This reminds me of that blog explaining what the film Prometheus was actually about.
I finished reading it with the thought "this is the greatest movie of all time" before I remembered what the film, in contrast, was actually like. Man of Steel was a fantastic idea on paper, certainly something light years ahead of the scope of Returns. I think it becomes subjective in the second half but the first showcased arguably the best origin film.
Excellent post.
Never knew the priest was one of the bullies.
While you have a valid point regarding Clark being a nobody when he's handling luggage, the fact remains that there was no 'Superman' at that point, so there was no one to compare him to. Realistically speaking, if Clark's picture exists on any government database, his identity would be revealed to the military in all but half a second. Face match/recognition software is fairly common. Having said that, I don't think anyone in the Daily Planet would suspect him. It would just be too out-there of a thing to think about a work colleague.
How do we know the priest was one of the bullies? I'm curious about that one.
I think you will enjoy this
Its nonstop action, punches and screams for as many hours as you want.
No lame stuff like levity, heart or characterization.
I think you will enjoy this
Its nonstop action, punches and screams for as many hours as you want.
No lame stuff like levity, heart or characterization.
I actually cared 1000 times more for the wellbeing of.And then there's that REALLY fuckin' stupid scene where Pa Kent saves that dog we've never seen so the movie assumed we just give a fuck about why its so important, and Pa dies in a scene Clark could have prevented in a million ways without revealing his secret
I think you will enjoy this
Its nonstop action, punches and screams for as many hours as you want.
No lame stuff like levity, heart or characterization.
I kind of wish they hadn't made such a big deal that he had to keep his powers a secretI don't know, it just felt to me something was off there.because of how the world would react (to the point where papa Kent lousily gives his life to keep the secret). It made the reveal feel abrupt and the sacrifice seem more stupid and pointless.
Don't bring Injustice into this. Injustice is fun. >:[
Anyone else thought it was silly how Superman needed to launch himself into flight like a space shuttle every single time?
Yeah, I'm ok with him skiing instead of snowboarding. I've taken most of his punches away, skiing is not gonna hurt his image.I'd watch it artist. Though he should ski instead of snowboard. Let's give Richard Pryor and Superman 3 a nod for once.
You can't compare the speed of Spidey's teenage origin story to that have of Superman's if you're telling each one's origin from the start. Heck MOS could have taken even longer to introduce Cavill if they actually showed the ship crash and the Kent's finding him etc
Anyone else thought it was silly how Superman needed to launch himself into flight like a space shuttle every single time?
DerZuhälter;68151321 said:That would have been fine with me, instead we get some scenes that be considered action climaxes in smaller movies, circling around an item called "Codex" we know nothing about until half of the movie.
Anyone else thought it was silly how Superman needed to launch himself into flight like a space shuttle every single time?
I'm so relieved I wasn't the only one who noticed. It annoyed the fuck out of me. It doesn't allow the audience to actually soak in the beauty of flight. It follows this theme of everything being extremely and extremely fast in this film.
One thing that annoys me about this movie that I just thought is something that actually annoys me about the Superman mythos in general and that how almost inconsequential Clark's mothers are. Lara, of course, is always just "the one who holds the baby," which I'm willing to let slide since the El's are mostly just their to die. But with Martha it always feels so weird that she doesn't play a bigger role in some these stories. It's always Jonathan that's talking to Clark and instilling values and helping and Martha is just off baking pies.
Man of Steel tries to give her a role - the scene in the school, the moment when Clark returns home - but there were still so many missed opportunities, and usual, they were missed because the writers were so obsessed with this father/son story. Two big ones stick out in my mind. One: "Why isn't she there when Jonathan reveals the spaceship?" That's a huge moment in her adoptive son's life and she's just missing from it. The second, and the bigger, one is"Why does no say in whether or not Jonathan kills himself?" Now, with the second one I get that they obviously didn't have a big family discussion during a freaking tornado. However, there's so much focus on Jonathan's decision on what that means for Clark that almost forget, "Hey, Martha a widow now...even though her husband really didn't have to die." And there's no closure for her in that simply because the movie doesn't really give a fuck about her.
I'm reminded of "Birthright." That story also had Pa Kent being very apprehensive about Clark revealing (for different reasons, mind you), but managed to counterbalance that by having Martha be really supportive and encouraging. She helps make and design the suit, and Clark confides in her as he's learning more about his heritage (which, granted, MoS has a small moment like that). She even gets in UFO's and alien conspiracy stuff because she wants to see if she can unlock some clues about his origins (and it becomes fun for her; I think Pa mentions something about them trying to break into Area 51). It really fleshed out Martha and actually helped add some weight to what Jonathan was going through.
Now I'm thinking about all that and I'm wondering why MoS didn't try any of this. People keep complaining that the Kents didn't provide Clark's moral fiber and and saying the Kents pushed him into hiding and I'm just like, "Uh. Jonathan did all that. Martha didn't do much of anything." Which is such a missed opportunity; they could have had Martha being the one whose proud of Clark for saving people and encourages him. She could have been the optimistic one who thought it wouldn't be so bad for him to reveal himself. When Jonathan is suggesting maybe Clark should let kids die, she could have been there to smack him upside the head and say no. She could have been the parent who gave him hope (again, the school scene was great; "Listen to my voice, pretend it's an island" in other words, focus on your mother, someone who loves and cares about you, and overcome this pain that way. good stuff), and maybe supported and helped Jonathan come to grips with the fact that Clark can't hide forever.
I'm just spitballing as usual, but it just sucks that they didn't care to do anything with Martha.
Avengers had a huge action scene at the very start of the movie about this magic cube which, if you didn't watch Captain America (which many people didnt), you had no clue about only that it was important. Hell Avengers doesn't even get all of its actors together until 1 hour into the movie and working as a team till 40 minutes from the end of the movie.
That's just how it goes.
And in no way were Jor-El scenes action climaxes, not even in smaller movies.
I still dont get how theywere able to find Pa Kent's body when he was blown away by the tornado. They still showed a fucking grave. I simply couldnt bear it and had to walk out of the theatre.
Saw the movie today on Imax. Great movie overall. I feel bad for some of you who can't enjoy a movie without going to details.
When you whent there you already knew it was about a guy in a suit flying. Expecting realism or a very well thought story is you just being dumb.
Saw the movie today on Imax. Great movie overall. I feel bad for some of you who can't enjoy a movie without going to details.
When you whent there you already knew it was about a guy in a suit flying. Expecting realism or a very well thought story is you just being dumb.
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